// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
namespace chromeos {
struct MahiOutline;
enum class MahiResponseStatus;
} // namespace chromeos
namespace ash {
enum class VisibilityState {
// The state that shows the view displaying errors from user actions.
// NOTE: Not all errors should be displayed in this state.
// The state that shows the view displaying questions and answers.
// The state that shows the view displaying summary and outlines.
enum class MahiUiUpdateType {
// An answer is loaded successfully.
// A request to refresh the panel contents is initiated.
// An error is received.
// Outlines are loaded successfully.
// The question and answer view is requested to show.
// A question is posted by user.
// A question is re-asked by user.
// The content refresh availability changes.
// The summary and outlines section is requested to show.
// A summary is loaded with a success.
// The summary and outlines are requested to reload.
// Contains the params required to send a question to the Mahi backend.
struct MahiQuestionParams {
MahiQuestionParams(const std::u16string& question,
bool current_panel_content);
MahiQuestionParams(const MahiQuestionParams&) = delete;
MahiQuestionParams& operator=(const MahiQuestionParams&) = delete;
const std::u16string question;
// Determines if the `question` is regarding the current content displayed on
// the panel.
const bool current_panel_content;
// Describes a Mahi UI error, including its origin and status.
struct MahiUiError {
MahiUiError(chromeos::MahiResponseStatus status,
VisibilityState origin_state);
MahiUiError(const MahiUiError&) = delete;
MahiUiError& operator=(const MahiUiError&) = delete;
// The error status. NOTE: `status` should not be
// `chromeos::MahiResponseStatus::kSuccess` or
// `chromeos::MahiResponseStatus::kLowQuota`.
const chromeos::MahiResponseStatus status;
// Indicates the `VisibilityState` where `status` comes from.
const VisibilityState origin_state;
// Indicates a change that triggers a visible update on the Mahi UI.
class ASH_EXPORT MahiUiUpdate {
explicit MahiUiUpdate(MahiUiUpdateType type);
MahiUiUpdate(MahiUiUpdateType type, bool payload);
// NOTE: `MahiUiUpdate` caches the const reference to `payload`, not a copy.
// The class user has the duty to ensure the original `payload` object
// outlives the `MahiUiUpdate` instance.
MahiUiUpdate(MahiUiUpdateType type, const MahiUiError& payload);
MahiUiUpdate(MahiUiUpdateType type, const MahiQuestionParams& payload);
MahiUiUpdate(MahiUiUpdateType type, const std::u16string& payload);
MahiUiUpdate(MahiUiUpdateType type,
const std::vector<chromeos::MahiOutline>& payload);
MahiUiUpdate(const MahiUiUpdate&) = delete;
MahiUiUpdate& operator=(const MahiUiUpdate&) = delete;
// Returns the answer from `payload`.
// NOTE: This function should be called only if `type` is `kAnswerLoaded`.
const std::u16string& GetAnswer() const;
// Returns the error from `payload`.
// NOTE: This function should be called only if `type` is `kErrorReceived`.
const MahiUiError& GetError() const;
// Returns the outlines from `payload`.
// NOTE: This function should be called only if `type` is `kOutlinesLoaded`.
const std::vector<chromeos::MahiOutline>& GetOutlines() const;
// Returns the question from `payload`.
// NOTE: This function should be called only if `type` is `kQuestionPosted`.
const std::u16string& GetQuestion() const;
// Returns the params required to re-ask a question.
// NOTE: This function should be called only if `type` is `kQuestionReAsked`.
const MahiQuestionParams& GetReAskQuestionParams() const;
// Returns the refresh availability from `payload`.
// NOTE: This function should be called only if `type` is
// `kRefreshAvailabilityUpdated`.
bool GetRefreshAvailability() const;
// Returns the summary from `payload`.
// NOTE: This function should be called only if `type` is `kSummaryLoaded`.
const std::u16string& GetSummary() const;
MahiUiUpdateType type() const { return type_; }
// Check that `type_` matches the actual type of `payload_`.
void CheckTypeMatchesPayload();
const MahiUiUpdateType type_;
// Provides more details on the update. Its actual data depends on `type`:
// For `kAnswerLoaded`, `payload` is an answer;
// For `kContentsRefreshInitiated`, `payload` is `std::nullopt`;
// For `kErrorReceived`, `payload` is an error;
// For `kOutlinesLoaded`, `payload` is an array of outlines;
// For `kQuestionAndAnswerViewNavigated`, `payload` is `std::nullopt`;
// For `kQuestionPosted`, `payload` is a question;
// For `kQuestionReAsked`, `payload` is a question params struct;
// For `kRefreshAvailabilityUpdated`, `payload` is a boolean;
// For `kSummaryAndOutlinesSectionNavigated`, `payload` is `std::nullopt`;
// For `kSummaryLoaded`, `payload` is a summary;
// For `kSummaryAndOutlinesReloaded`, `payload` is `std::nullopt`.
using PayloadType = std::variant<
std::reference_wrapper<const std::u16string>,
std::reference_wrapper<const MahiQuestionParams>,
std::reference_wrapper<const MahiUiError>,
std::reference_wrapper<const std::vector<chromeos::MahiOutline>>,
const std::optional<PayloadType> payload_;
} // namespace ash