
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

//   extensions/common/api/networking_private.idl
// by tools/json_schema_compiler.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/values.h"
#include <string_view>

namespace extensions {
namespace api {
namespace networking_private {

// Types

enum class ActivationStateType {};

const char* ToString(ActivationStateType as_enum);
ActivationStateType ParseActivationStateType(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetActivationStateTypeParseError(std::string_view as_string);

enum class CaptivePortalStatus {};

const char* ToString(CaptivePortalStatus as_enum);
CaptivePortalStatus ParseCaptivePortalStatus(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetCaptivePortalStatusParseError(std::string_view as_string);

enum class ConnectionStateType {};

const char* ToString(ConnectionStateType as_enum);
ConnectionStateType ParseConnectionStateType(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetConnectionStateTypeParseError(std::string_view as_string);

enum class DeviceStateType {};

const char* ToString(DeviceStateType as_enum);
DeviceStateType ParseDeviceStateType(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetDeviceStateTypeParseError(std::string_view as_string);

enum class IPConfigType {};

const char* ToString(IPConfigType as_enum);
IPConfigType ParseIPConfigType(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetIPConfigTypeParseError(std::string_view as_string);

enum class NetworkType {};

const char* ToString(NetworkType as_enum);
NetworkType ParseNetworkType(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetNetworkTypeParseError(std::string_view as_string);

enum class ProxySettingsType {};

const char* ToString(ProxySettingsType as_enum);
ProxySettingsType ParseProxySettingsType(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetProxySettingsTypeParseError(std::string_view as_string);

enum class ApnType {};

const char* ToString(ApnType as_enum);
ApnType ParseApnType(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetApnTypeParseError(std::string_view as_string);

enum class ApnSource {};

const char* ToString(ApnSource as_enum);
ApnSource ParseApnSource(std::string_view as_string);
std::u16string GetApnSourceParseError(std::string_view as_string);

struct ManagedBoolean {};

struct ManagedLong {};

struct ManagedDOMString {};

struct ManagedDOMStringList {};

struct ManagedIPConfigType {};

struct ManagedProxySettingsType {};

struct APNProperties {};

struct ManagedAPNProperties {};

struct ManagedAPNList {};

struct CellularProviderProperties {};

struct CellularSimState {};

struct IssuerSubjectPattern {};

struct ManagedIssuerSubjectPattern {};

struct CertificatePattern {};

struct ManagedCertificatePattern {};

struct EAPProperties {};

struct ManagedEAPProperties {};

struct FoundNetworkProperties {};

struct IPConfigProperties {};

struct ManagedIPConfigProperties {};

struct XAUTHProperties {};

struct ManagedXAUTHProperties {};

struct IPSecProperties {};

struct ManagedIPSecProperties {};

struct L2TPProperties {};

struct ManagedL2TPProperties {};

struct PaymentPortal {};

struct ProxyLocation {};

struct ManagedProxyLocation {};

struct ManualProxySettings {};

struct ManagedManualProxySettings {};

struct ProxySettings {};

struct ManagedProxySettings {};

struct VerifyX509 {};

struct ManagedVerifyX509 {};

struct OpenVPNProperties {};

struct ManagedOpenVPNProperties {};

struct SIMLockStatus {};

struct ThirdPartyVPNProperties {};

struct ManagedThirdPartyVPNProperties {};

struct CellularProperties {};

struct ManagedCellularProperties {};

struct CellularStateProperties {};

struct EAPStateProperties {};

struct EthernetProperties {};

struct ManagedEthernetProperties {};

struct EthernetStateProperties {};

struct TetherProperties {};

struct VPNProperties {};

struct ManagedVPNProperties {};

struct VPNStateProperties {};

struct WiFiProperties {};

struct ManagedWiFiProperties {};

struct WiFiStateProperties {};

struct NetworkConfigProperties {};

struct NetworkProperties {};

struct ManagedProperties {};

struct NetworkStateProperties {};

struct DeviceStateProperties {};

struct NetworkFilter {};

struct GlobalPolicy {};

struct Certificate {};

struct CertificateLists {};

// Functions

namespace GetProperties {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const NetworkProperties& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetProperties

namespace GetManagedProperties {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const ManagedProperties& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetManagedProperties

namespace GetState {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const NetworkStateProperties& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetState

namespace SetProperties {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace SetProperties

namespace CreateNetwork {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const std::string& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace CreateNetwork

namespace ForgetNetwork {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace ForgetNetwork

namespace GetNetworks {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const std::vector<NetworkStateProperties>& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetNetworks

namespace GetVisibleNetworks {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const std::vector<NetworkStateProperties>& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetVisibleNetworks

namespace GetEnabledNetworkTypes {

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const std::vector<NetworkType>& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetEnabledNetworkTypes

namespace GetDeviceStates {

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const std::vector<DeviceStateProperties>& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetDeviceStates

namespace EnableNetworkType {

struct Params {};

}  // namespace EnableNetworkType

namespace DisableNetworkType {

struct Params {};

}  // namespace DisableNetworkType

namespace RequestNetworkScan {

struct Params {};

}  // namespace RequestNetworkScan

namespace StartConnect {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace StartConnect

namespace StartDisconnect {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace StartDisconnect

namespace StartActivate {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace StartActivate

namespace GetCaptivePortalStatus {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const CaptivePortalStatus& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetCaptivePortalStatus

namespace UnlockCellularSim {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace UnlockCellularSim

namespace SetCellularSimState {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace SetCellularSimState

namespace SelectCellularMobileNetwork {

struct Params {};

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace SelectCellularMobileNetwork

namespace GetGlobalPolicy {

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const GlobalPolicy& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetGlobalPolicy

namespace GetCertificateLists {

namespace Results {

base::Value::List Create(const CertificateLists& result);
}  // namespace Results

}  // namespace GetCertificateLists

// Events

namespace OnNetworksChanged {

extern const char kEventName[];  // "networkingPrivate.onNetworksChanged"

base::Value::List Create(const std::vector<std::string>& changes);
}  // namespace OnNetworksChanged

namespace OnNetworkListChanged {

extern const char kEventName[];  // "networkingPrivate.onNetworkListChanged"

base::Value::List Create(const std::vector<std::string>& changes);
}  // namespace OnNetworkListChanged

namespace OnDeviceStateListChanged {

extern const char kEventName[];  // "networkingPrivate.onDeviceStateListChanged"

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace OnDeviceStateListChanged

namespace OnPortalDetectionCompleted {

extern const char kEventName[];  // "networkingPrivate.onPortalDetectionCompleted"

base::Value::List Create(const std::string& network_guid, const CaptivePortalStatus& status);
}  // namespace OnPortalDetectionCompleted

namespace OnCertificateListsChanged {

extern const char kEventName[];  // "networkingPrivate.onCertificateListsChanged"

base::Value::List Create();
}  // namespace OnCertificateListsChanged

}  // namespace networking_private
}  // namespace api
}  // namespace extensions