
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module crosapi.mojom;

import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/account_manager.mojom";
import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/synced_session_client.mojom";

// A mojo representation of syncer::Nigori. Should only be obtained by using
// Nigori::ExportKeys() or direct mapping from other Nigori representations,
// such as sync_pb::NigoriKey.
struct NigoriKey {
  array<uint8> encryption_key@0;
  array<uint8> mac_key@1;

// Allows lacros-chrome to observe the explicit-passphrase related state.
// Next version: 1
// Next ordinal value: 2
[Stable, Uuid="aeec552c-67c7-43dc-bbcf-d2fcc7c6a754"]
interface SyncExplicitPassphraseClientObserver {
  // Called when passphrase became required for observed client (e.g. explicit
  // passphrase Nigori update is received and correct passphrase is not yet
  // available).

  // Called when passphrase became available for observed client (e.g. user
  // entered the correct passphrase or passphrase obtained by other way, such
  // as SetDecryptionNigoriKey() IPC below).

// Defines a Sync API related to explicit passphrase sharing that lives in
// ash-chrome and is accessed from lacros-chrome.
// Next version: 1
// Next ordinal value: 3
[Stable, Uuid="4d13845c-a628-404b-8a88-c39a0aeea298"]
interface SyncExplicitPassphraseClient {
  // Adds a new observer. Immediately fires OnPassphraseRequired()
  // or OnPassphraseAvailable() if needed.
  AddObserver@0(pending_remote<SyncExplicitPassphraseClientObserver> observer);

  // Attempts to retrieve explicit passphrase key. |account_key| is used to
  // verify that the decryption key is requested for the primary profile syncing
  // account. Returns null if no key is available.
  GetDecryptionNigoriKey@1(AccountKey account_key) =>
    (NigoriKey? decryption_key);

  // Attempts to set explicit passphrase decryption key. It's safe to call this
  // method when passphrase is not required or with non-matching (outdated key
  // or key that is not yet needed for ash-chrome SyncService), because
  // SyncService will verify |decryption_key| against sync data. However,
  // |decryption_key| must belong to the account specified by |account_key| and
  // must be obtained by the user input or from Ash. |account_key| is used to
  // verify that the decryption key is passed for the primary profile syncing
  // account.
  SetDecryptionNigoriKey@2(AccountKey account_key,
                           NigoriKey decryption_key);

// Allows lacros-chrome to observe ash-chrome user settings changes.
[Stable, Uuid="925b02ff-cc06-44a1-a244-69e84259c1cf"]
interface SyncUserSettingsClientObserver {
  // Called when apps sync is enabled/disabled by the user.
  OnAppsSyncEnabledChanged@0(bool enabled);

// Defines a Sync API related to sync user settings that lives in ash-chrome
// and is accessed from lacros-chrome.
[Stable, Uuid="a3466eae-955f-492f-9bc7-b4bfb57b6dca"]
interface SyncUserSettingsClient {
  // Adds a new observer.
  AddObserver@0(pending_remote<SyncUserSettingsClientObserver> observer);

  // Returns whether apps sync is currently enabled by the user.
  IsAppsSyncEnabled@1() => (bool enabled);

// Defines a Sync API that lives in ash-chrome and is accessed from
// lacros-chrome. To be extended in the future.
// Next version: 3
// Next ordinal value: 3
[Stable, Uuid="4499c528-4578-466d-a97d-d66217323f48"]
interface SyncService {
  // Binds SyncExplicitPassphraseClient, that lives in ash-chrome.
    pending_receiver<SyncExplicitPassphraseClient> receiver);

  // Binds SyncUserSettings, that lives in ash-chrome.
  [MinVersion = 1]
  BindUserSettingsClient@1(pending_receiver<SyncUserSettingsClient> receiver);

  // Binds SyncedSessionClient, that lives in ash-chrome.
  [MinVersion = 2]
      pending_receiver<SyncedSessionClient> receiver);

  // Creates a SyncedSessionClient which lives in ash-chrome. With this
  // method Lacros can inspect the version info of the Ash implementation.
  [MinVersion = 3]
      => (pending_remote<SyncedSessionClient>? sync_session_client);