
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Note: this is a subset of the first party input interface which is
// located in
// //ash/system/diagnostics/mojom/input.mojom.
// This interface serves as PII filtering and data post-processing service
// between the source (first party diag tool) and the clients
// (third-party telemetry extensions).

module crosapi.mojom;

import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/nullable_primitives.mojom";

[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryKeyboardConnectionType {
  // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
  [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
  // Includes devices connected over USB that are on fully internal busses, as
  // well as the keyboards/touchpads for detachables.
  kInternal = 1,
  kUsb = 2,
  kBluetooth = 3,
  kUnknown = 4,

[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryKeyboardPhysicalLayout {
  // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
  [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
  kUnknown = 1,
  // A typical Chrome OS keyboard with action keys on the top row, reduced
  // navigation keys, etc.
  kChromeOS = 2,

// The international standard that the layout follows.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryKeyboardMechanicalLayout {
  // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
  [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
  kUnknown = 1,
  kAnsi = 2,
  kIso = 3,
  kJis = 4,

[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryKeyboardNumberPadPresence {
  // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
  [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
  // Unknown indicates there is no reliable evidence whether a numberpad is
  // present. This is common for external keyboards.
  kUnknown = 1,
  kPresent = 2,
  kNotPresent = 3,

// Note that this enumeration will need to be extended if new keys are added.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryKeyboardTopRowKey {
  // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
  [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
  // Either no key at all, or no special action key at this position.
  kNone = 1,
  // Marker for keys which cannot be decoded, but have some action.
  kUnknown = 2,
  kBack = 3,
  kForward = 4,
  kRefresh = 5,
  kFullscreen = 6,
  kOverview = 7,
  kScreenshot = 8,
  kScreenBrightnessDown = 9,
  kScreenBrightnessUp = 10,
  kPrivacyScreenToggle = 11,
  kMicrophoneMute = 12,
  kVolumeMute = 13,
  kVolumeDown = 14,
  kVolumeUp = 15,
  kKeyboardBacklightToggle = 16,
  kKeyboardBacklightDown = 17,
  kKeyboardBacklightUp = 18,
  kNextTrack = 19,
  kPreviousTrack = 20,
  kPlayPause = 21,
  kScreenMirror = 22,
  kDelete = 23,

[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryKeyboardTopRightKey {
  // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
  [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
  kUnknown = 1,
  kPower = 2,
  kLock = 3,
  kControlPanel = 4,

// Describes a connected keyboard.
struct TelemetryKeyboardInfo {
  // The number of the keyboard's /dev/input/event* node.
  UInt32Value? id@0;
  TelemetryKeyboardConnectionType connection_type@1;
  string? name@2;
  TelemetryKeyboardPhysicalLayout physical_layout@3;
  TelemetryKeyboardMechanicalLayout mechanical_layout@4;
  // For internal keyboards, the region code of the device (from which the
  // visual layout can be determined).
  string? region_code@5;
  TelemetryKeyboardNumberPadPresence number_pad_present@6;
  // List of ChromeOS specific action keys in the top row. This list excludes
  // the left-most Escape key, and right-most key (usually Power/Lock).
  // If a keyboard has F11-F15 keys beyond the rightmost action key, they may
  // not be included in this list (even as kNone).
  array<TelemetryKeyboardTopRowKey>? top_row_keys@7;
  // For CrOS keyboards, the glyph shown on the key at the far right end of the
  // top row.
  TelemetryKeyboardTopRightKey top_right_key@8;
  // Only applicable to CrOS keyboards.
  BoolValue? has_assistant_key@9;

// Keyboard diagnostics event info. It is fired when users completed a keyboard
// diagnostic in the Diagnostics App.
struct TelemetryKeyboardDiagnosticEventInfo {
  // The keyboard which has been tested.
  TelemetryKeyboardInfo keyboard_info@0;
  // Keys which have been tested. It is an array of the evdev key code.
  array<uint32>? tested_keys@1;
  // Top row keys which have been tested. They are positions of the key on the
  // top row after escape (0 is leftmost, 1 is next to the right, etc.).
  // Generally, 0 is F1, in some fashion.
  // NOTE: This position may exceed the length of keyboard_info->top_row_keys,
  // for external keyboards with keys in the F11-F15 range.
  array<uint32>? tested_top_row_keys@2;