// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/android_autofill/browser/android_autofill_provider_bridge.h"
#include "components/android_autofill/browser/autofill_provider.h"
#include "components/android_autofill/browser/form_data_android.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/unique_ids.h"
#include "components/webauthn/android/webauthn_cred_man_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace password_manager {
struct PasswordForm;
} // namespace password_manager
namespace autofill {
class TouchToFillKeyboardSuppressor;
// Android implementation of AutofillProvider, it has one instance per
// WebContents, this class is native peer of AutofillProvider.java.
// This class is always instantialized by AutofillProvider Java object.
class AndroidAutofillProvider : public AutofillProvider,
public AndroidAutofillProviderBridge::Delegate,
public content::WebContentsObserver {
// Used as a metric that describes the state of a prefill requests. It is
// emitted for every form deemed suitable for prefill requests prefill
// requests are supported on this Android version (U+).
enum class PrefillRequestState {
// A prefill request was sent, a view structure was requested and provided
// and a bottom sheet was shown.
kRequestSentStructureProvidedBottomSheetShown = 0,
// A prefill request was sent and a view structure was requested and
// provided, but no bottom sheet was shown. The reason for not showing the
// bottom sheet is opaque to WebView (e.g., no suggestions available by
// providers, keyboard suppression not working correctly, etc.)
kRequestSentStructureProvidedBottomSheetNotShown = 1,
// A prefill request was sent, but no view structure was requested by the
// framework.
kRequestSentStructureNotProvided = 2,
// A prefill request was sent, but the form changed substantially between
// sending the cache request and the focus event on the form.
kRequestSentFormChanged = 3,
// A prefill request was not sent because the maximum number of prefill
// requests (currently 1 per session) had already been reached.
kRequestNotSentMaxNumberReached = 4,
// A prefill request was not sent because there was no time - the form was
// only analyzed to be cacheable when a session had already been started.
kRequestNotSentNoTime = 5,
kMaxValue = kRequestNotSentNoTime
static constexpr char kPrefillRequestStateUma[] =
// The name of the UMA that is emitted when a form similarity check between a
// cached form and the interacted form fails.
static constexpr char kPrefillRequestBottomsheetNoViewStructureDelayUma[] =
static void CreateForWebContents(content::WebContents* web_contents);
static AndroidAutofillProvider* FromWebContents(
content::WebContents* web_contents);
AndroidAutofillProvider(const AndroidAutofillProvider&) = delete;
AndroidAutofillProvider& operator=(const AndroidAutofillProvider&) = delete;
~AndroidAutofillProvider() override;
// Attach this detached object to `jcaller`.
void AttachToJavaAutofillProvider(
JNIEnv* env,
const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& jcaller);
// AutofillProvider:
void OnAskForValuesToFill(
AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field,
AutofillSuggestionTriggerSource /*unused_trigger_source*/) override;
void OnTextFieldDidChange(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field,
const base::TimeTicks timestamp) override;
void OnTextFieldDidScroll(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field) override;
void OnSelectControlDidChange(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field) override;
void OnFormSubmitted(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
bool known_success,
mojom::SubmissionSource source) override;
void OnFocusOnNonFormField(AndroidAutofillManager* manager) override;
void OnFocusOnFormField(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field) override;
void OnDidFillAutofillFormData(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
base::TimeTicks timestamp) override;
void OnHidePopup(AndroidAutofillManager* manager) override;
void OnServerPredictionsAvailable(AndroidAutofillManager& manager,
FormGlobalId form_id) override;
void OnManagerResetOrDestroyed(AndroidAutofillManager* manager) override;
bool GetCachedIsAutofilled(const FormFieldData& field) const override;
void MaybeInitKeyboardSuppressor() override;
friend class AndroidAutofillProviderTestApi;
explicit AndroidAutofillProvider(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// AndroidAutofillProviderBridge::Delegate:
void OnAutofillAvailable() override;
void OnAcceptDatalistSuggestion(const std::u16string& value) override;
void SetAnchorViewRect(const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& anchor,
const gfx::RectF& bounds) override;
void OnShowBottomSheetResult(bool is_shown,
bool provided_autofill_structure) override;
// content::WebContentsObserver:
void RenderFrameDeleted(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) override;
void DidFinishNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void OnVisibilityChanged(content::Visibility visibility) override;
// Returns true the first time it is called after a bottom sheet was shown.
// This is intended to be used only by the keyboard suppressor, which calls it
// once in OnAfterAskForValuesToFill to determine whether it should continue
// to suppress the keyboard. Ideally, this would return whether the bottom
// sheet is currently showing, but Android does not expose that information.
bool WasBottomSheetJustShown(AutofillManager& manager);
// Returns true if there's possibility for the bottom sheet to show, false
// otherwise.
bool IntendsToShowBottomSheet(AutofillManager& manager,
FormGlobalId form,
FieldGlobalId field,
const FormData& form_data) const;
void FireSuccessfulSubmission(mojom::SubmissionSource source);
// Calls `OnFormFieldDidChange` in the bridge if there is an ongoing Autofill
// session for this `form`.
void MaybeFireFormFieldDidChange(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field);
// Propagates visibility changes for fields in `form` and notifies the bridge
// in case any of the fields had a visibility change.
void MaybeFireFormFieldVisibilitiesDidChange(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form);
bool IsLinkedManager(AndroidAutofillManager* manager) const;
// Checks whether a `form_` is linked and whether it's the same form as
// `form`, having same identifier.
bool IsIdOfLinkedForm(FormGlobalId form_id) const;
// Same as `IsLinkedForm`, but also checks that `form` and `form_` are
// similar, using form similarity checks.
bool IsLinkedForm(const FormData& form);
gfx::RectF ToClientAreaBound(const gfx::RectF& bounding_box);
void StartNewSession(AndroidAutofillManager* manager,
const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field);
void Reset();
// Cancels the current Autofill session, resetting cached session data.
void CancelSession();
// Returns a new session id. Session ids are required when creating a
// `FormDataAndroid` object and used to generate virtual ids that identify
// form fields uniquely to the Android Autofill framework.
SessionId CreateSessionId();
// Returns whether prefill requests are supported. This depends on the
// Android version.
bool ArePrefillRequestsSupported() const;
// Sends a prefill request to the Autofill framework if all the below
// conditions are met:
// 1. Prefill requests are supported (correct SDK version & feature flag).
// 2. No prefill request has been sent so far, since the framework only
// supports caching a single form at a time.
// 3. There is no ongoing Autofill session. This is to ensure that the
// `onProvideAutofillStructure` callback from the framework does not
// confuse information requests for caching and for the current Autofill
// session.
// 4. The form is predicted to be a login form or a (assuming that
// `kAndroidAutofillPrefillRequestsForChangePassword` is enabled) a change
// password form.
void MaybeSendPrefillRequest(const AndroidAutofillManager& manager,
FormGlobalId form_id);
// Stores field ids for fields detected by `password_manager::FormDataParser`
// as username or password fields. Currently used only for prefill requests.
struct PasswordParserOverrides {
bool operator==(const PasswordParserOverrides&) const = default;
// Returns the `PasswordParserOverrides` obtained from matching the
// `FieldRendererId`s of username and password fields in `pw_form` to the
// `FieldGlobalId`s in `form_structure`. Returns `std::nullopt` if no unique
// matching could be found or if the matching is incomplete. A unique
// matching may not exist if the form is spread across multiple iframes. In
// practice, this should be extremely rare for password forms.
static std::optional<PasswordParserOverrides> FromPasswordForm(
const password_manager::PasswordForm& pw_form,
const FormStructure& form_structure);
// Creates a map as expected by `FormDataAndroid::UpdateFieldTypes`.
base::flat_map<FieldGlobalId, AutofillType> ToFieldTypeMap() const;
std::optional<FieldGlobalId> username_field_id;
std::optional<FieldGlobalId> password_field_id;
std::optional<FieldGlobalId> new_password_field_id;
// Checks whether `form` is similar to the cached form. `form_structure` must
// be the `form_structure` corresponding to `form` if it is available (i.e.
// cached by the AutofillManager already). The check works as follows:
// - If `form_structure` is not null and
// `kAndroidAutofillSignatureForPrefillRequestSimilarityCheck` is enabled,
// the form is parsed using `password_manager::FormDataParser`. The form
// is classified as similar if the fields classified as username and
// passwords match between the cached and the focused form.
// - Alternatively, it returns the result of `FormDataAndroid::SimilarFormAs`.
bool IsFormSimilarToCachedForm(const FormData& form,
const FormStructure* form_structure) const;
// In some cases we get two AskForValuesToFill events within short time frame
// so we set timer to set the `was_bottom_sheet_just_shown_` to false after it
// gets accessed.
// TODO(crbug.com/40284788): Remove once a fix is landed on the renderer side.
void SetBottomSheetShownOff();
// Stops the keyboard suppression. Called when the CredMan UI was closed. If
// the UI was dismissed without selecting a passkey, `success` will be false.
void OnCredManUiClosed(bool success);
// Returns true if CredMan *may* be shown for the given field. It only returns
// false if the sheet was already shown or prefetching concluded and indicated
// that no passkeys are available.
bool IntendsToShowCredMan(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh) const;
// Returns true if a passkey request is pending or succeeded for the given
// `rfh` and the CredMan UI should be shown when the given `field` is focused.
bool ShouldShowCredManForField(const FormFieldData& field,
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Triggers a prefetched passkey request which opens a bottom sheet.
void ShowCredManSheet(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
enum class CredManBottomSheetLifecycle {
kNotShown, // The sheet hasn't been shown. Does not indicate it will be.
kIsShowing, // The sheet was triggered. Does not guarantee it's visible.
kClosed, // The sheet was dismissed and shouldn't be shown again.
CredManBottomSheetLifecycle credman_sheet_status_ =
// This is used by the keyboard suppressor. We update it with the result of
// the platform method call `showAutofillDialog`. Since we are not notified
// when the bottom sheet is dismissed, we set a timer to set it to `false`
// shortly after `WasBottomSheetJustShown()` is called. The timer's function
// is to handle multiple calls related to the same user event correctly, which
// can currently happen (crbug.com/1490581).
bool was_bottom_sheet_just_shown_ = false;
// Sets `was_bottom_sheet_just_shown` to false after a timeout.
base::OneShotTimer was_shown_bottom_sheet_timer_;
// Helper struct that contains cache data used in prefill requests.
struct CachedData {
CachedData& operator=(CachedData&&);
std::unique_ptr<FormDataAndroid> cached_form;
PasswordParserOverrides password_parser_overrides;
// The time when the prefill request was sent - used for metrics only.
base::TimeTicks prefill_request_creation_time;
std::optional<CachedData> cached_data_;
// Indicates whether we have used the cached form to show a bottom sheet. This
// state is kept because a bottom sheet should only be shown once per cached
// form to allow the user to access the keyboard after focusing on the
// (cached) form a second time.
bool has_used_cached_form_ = false;
// The form of the current session (queried input or changed select box).
std::unique_ptr<FormDataAndroid> form_;
// Properties of the last-focused field of the current session for `form_`
// (queried input or changed select box).
struct {
FieldGlobalId id;
FieldTypeGroup group = {FieldTypeGroup::kNoGroup};
url::Origin origin;
} current_field_;
// The frame of the field for which the last OnAskForValuesToFill() happened.
// It is not necessarily the same frame as the current session's
// `last_focused_field_id_.host_frame` because the session may survive
// OnAskForValuesToFill().
// It's not necessarily the same frame as `manager_`'s for the same reason as
// `last_focused_field_id_`, and also because `manager_` may refer to an
// ancestor frame of the queried field.
content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId last_queried_field_rfh_id_;
base::WeakPtr<AndroidAutofillManager> manager_;
bool check_submission_ = false;
// Valid only if check_submission_ is true.
mojom::SubmissionSource pending_submission_source_;
static constexpr SessionId kMinimumSessionId = SessionId(1);
static constexpr SessionId kMaximumSessionId = SessionId(0xffff);
// The last assigned session id.
SessionId last_session_id_ = kMaximumSessionId;
// The bridge for C++ <-> Java communication.
std::unique_ptr<AndroidAutofillProviderBridge> bridge_;
// Used for handling keyboard suppression in case there's a bottom sheet.
std::unique_ptr<TouchToFillKeyboardSuppressor> keyboard_suppressor_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AndroidAutofillProvider> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace autofill