// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.browser_ui.site_settings;
import static org.chromium.components.browser_ui.site_settings.WebsiteAddress.ANY_SUBDOMAIN_PATTERN;
import static org.chromium.components.browser_ui.site_settings.WebsitePreferenceBridge.SITE_WILDCARD;
import android.util.Pair;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.CommandLine;
import org.chromium.components.browsing_data.content.BrowsingDataInfo;
import org.chromium.components.content_settings.ContentSettingValues;
import org.chromium.components.content_settings.ContentSettingsType;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.BrowserContextHandle;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ContentFeatureList;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ContentFeatureMap;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.HostZoomMap;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.ContentSwitches;
import org.chromium.url.Origin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Utility class that asynchronously fetches any Websites and the permissions that the user has set
* for them.
public class WebsitePermissionsFetcher {
/** An enum describing the types of permissions that exist in website settings. */
public enum WebsitePermissionsType {
private final SiteSettingsDelegate mSiteSettingsDelegate;
private final BrowserContextHandle mBrowserContextHandle;
private WebsitePreferenceBridge mWebsitePreferenceBridge;
private SiteSettingsCategory mSiteSettingsCategory;
private static final String SCHEME_SUFFIX = "://";
// This regex check comes from google3/java/com/google/net/bns/HostPortName.java which checks
// for valid DNS name patterns
private static final String VALID_HOST_NAME_REGEX = "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*";
* A callback to pass to WebsitePermissionsFetcher. This is run when the website permissions
* have been fetched.
public interface WebsitePermissionsCallback {
void onWebsitePermissionsAvailable(Collection<Website> sites);
* A helper function to get the associated WebsitePermissionsType of a particular
* ContentSettingsType
* @param contentSettingsType The ContentSettingsType int of the permission.
public static WebsitePermissionsType getPermissionsType(
@ContentSettingsType.EnumType int contentSettingsType) {
switch (contentSettingsType) {
case ContentSettingsType.ADS:
case ContentSettingsType.ANTI_ABUSE:
case ContentSettingsType.AUTO_DARK_WEB_CONTENT:
case ContentSettingsType.AUTOMATIC_DOWNLOADS:
case ContentSettingsType.BACKGROUND_SYNC:
case ContentSettingsType.BLUETOOTH_SCANNING:
case ContentSettingsType.COOKIES:
case ContentSettingsType.FEDERATED_IDENTITY_API:
case ContentSettingsType.JAVASCRIPT:
case ContentSettingsType.JAVASCRIPT_JIT:
case ContentSettingsType.JAVASCRIPT_OPTIMIZER:
case ContentSettingsType.POPUPS:
case ContentSettingsType.REQUEST_DESKTOP_SITE:
case ContentSettingsType.SOUND:
return WebsitePermissionsType.CONTENT_SETTING_EXCEPTION;
case ContentSettingsType.AR:
case ContentSettingsType.CLIPBOARD_READ_WRITE:
case ContentSettingsType.GEOLOCATION:
case ContentSettingsType.HAND_TRACKING:
case ContentSettingsType.IDLE_DETECTION:
case ContentSettingsType.MEDIASTREAM_CAMERA:
case ContentSettingsType.MEDIASTREAM_MIC:
case ContentSettingsType.MIDI_SYSEX:
case ContentSettingsType.NFC:
case ContentSettingsType.NOTIFICATIONS:
case ContentSettingsType.SENSORS:
case ContentSettingsType.VR:
return WebsitePermissionsType.PERMISSION_INFO;
case ContentSettingsType.STORAGE_ACCESS:
return WebsitePermissionsType.EMBEDDED_PERMISSION;
case ContentSettingsType.BLUETOOTH_GUARD:
case ContentSettingsType.USB_GUARD:
return WebsitePermissionsType.CHOSEN_OBJECT_INFO;
return null;
* A specialization of Pair to hold an (origin, embedder) tuple. This overrides
* android.util.Pair#hashCode, which simply XORs the hashCodes of the pair of values together.
* Having origin == embedder (a fix for a crash in crbug.com/636330) results in pathological
* performance and causes Site Settings/All Sites to lag significantly on opening. See
* crbug.com/732907.
public static class OriginAndEmbedder extends Pair<WebsiteAddress, WebsiteAddress> {
public OriginAndEmbedder(WebsiteAddress origin, WebsiteAddress embedder) {
super(origin, embedder);
public static OriginAndEmbedder create(WebsiteAddress origin, WebsiteAddress embedder) {
return new OriginAndEmbedder(origin, embedder);
public int hashCode() {
// This is the calculation used by Arrays#hashCode().
int result = 31 + (first == null ? 0 : first.hashCode());
return 31 * result + (second == null ? 0 : second.hashCode());
private final boolean mFetchSiteImportantInfo;
* @param siteSettingsDelegate to help fetching websites information.
public WebsitePermissionsFetcher(SiteSettingsDelegate siteSettingsDelegate) {
this(siteSettingsDelegate, false);
* @param siteSettingsDelegate to help fetching websites information.
* @param fetchSiteImportantInfo if the fetcher should query whether each site is 'important'.
public WebsitePermissionsFetcher(
SiteSettingsDelegate siteSettingsDelegate, boolean fetchSiteImportantInfo) {
mSiteSettingsDelegate = siteSettingsDelegate;
mBrowserContextHandle = siteSettingsDelegate.getBrowserContextHandle();
mFetchSiteImportantInfo = fetchSiteImportantInfo;
mWebsitePreferenceBridge = new WebsitePreferenceBridge();
* Fetches preferences for all sites that have them. TODO(mvanouwerkerk): Add an argument |url|
* to only fetch permissions for sites from the same origin as that of |url| -
* https://crbug.com/459222.
* @param callback The callback to run when the fetch is complete.
public void fetchAllPreferences(@NonNull WebsitePermissionsCallback callback) {
var fetcherInternal = new WebsitePermissionFetcherInternal();
* Fetches all preferences within a specific category.
* @param category A category to fetch.
* @param callback The callback to run when the fetch is complete.
public void fetchPreferencesForCategory(
SiteSettingsCategory category, @NonNull WebsitePermissionsCallback callback) {
var fetcherInternal = new WebsitePermissionFetcherInternal();
fetcherInternal.fetchPreferencesForCategory(category, callback);
* Fetches all preferences within a specific category and populates them with First Party Sets
* info.
* @param category A category to fetch.
* @param callback The callback to run when the fetch is complete.
public void fetchPreferencesForCategoryAndPopulateRwsInfo(
SiteSettingsCategory category, @NonNull WebsitePermissionsCallback callback) {
var fetcherInternal = new WebsitePermissionFetcherInternal();
fetcherInternal.fetchPreferencesForCategoryAndPopulateRwsInfo(category, callback);
* Internal class that actually performs the fetches, asynchronously fetching any Websites and
* the permissions that the user has set for them.
private class WebsitePermissionFetcherInternal {
// This map looks up Websites by their origin and embedder and content setting (e.g. allow,
// block).
private final Map<Pair<OriginAndEmbedder, Integer>, Website> mSites = new HashMap<>();
* Fetches preferences for all sites that have them. TODO(mvanouwerkerk): Add an argument
* |url| to only fetch permissions for sites from the same origin as that of |url| -
* https://crbug.com/459222.
* @param callback The callback to run when the fetch is complete.
public void fetchAllPreferences(@NonNull WebsitePermissionsCallback callback) {
TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue();
queue.add(new PermissionsAvailableCallbackRunner(callback));
private void addAllFetchers(TaskQueue queue) {
if (!mSiteSettingsDelegate.isBrowsingDataModelFeatureEnabled()) {
queue.add(new CookiesInfoFetcher());
for (@ContentSettingsType.EnumType int type = 0;
type <= ContentSettingsType.MAX_VALUE;
type++) {
addFetcherForContentSettingsType(queue, type);
* Fetches all preferences within a specific category.
* @param category A category to fetch.
* @param callback The callback to run when the fetch is complete.
public void fetchPreferencesForCategory(
SiteSettingsCategory category, @NonNull WebsitePermissionsCallback callback) {
TaskQueue queue = createFetchersForCategory(category);
queue.add(new PermissionsAvailableCallbackRunner(callback));
private TaskQueue createFetchersForCategory(SiteSettingsCategory category) {
TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue();
mSiteSettingsCategory = category;
if (mSiteSettingsCategory.getType() == SiteSettingsCategory.Type.ALL_SITES) {
} else if (mSiteSettingsCategory.getType() == SiteSettingsCategory.Type.ZOOM) {
} else if (mSiteSettingsCategory.getType() == SiteSettingsCategory.Type.USE_STORAGE) {
} else {
assert getPermissionsType(mSiteSettingsCategory.getContentSettingsType()) != null;
queue, mSiteSettingsCategory.getContentSettingsType());
return queue;
* Fetches all preferences within a specific category and populates them with First Party
* Sets info.
* @param category A category to fetch.
* @param callback The callback to run when the fetch is complete.
public void fetchPreferencesForCategoryAndPopulateRwsInfo(
SiteSettingsCategory category, @NonNull WebsitePermissionsCallback callback) {
TaskQueue queue = createFetchersForCategory(category);
queue.add(new RelatedWebsiteSetsInfoFetcher());
queue.add(new PermissionsAvailableCallbackRunner(callback));
private void addFetcherForStorage(TaskQueue queue) {
if (mSiteSettingsDelegate.isBrowsingDataModelFeatureEnabled()) {
queue.add(new BrowsingDataModelFetcher());
} else {
// Local storage info is per-origin.
queue.add(new LocalStorageInfoFetcher());
// Website storage is per-host.
queue.add(new WebStorageInfoFetcher());
// Shared Dictionary info is per {origin, top level site}.
queue.add(new SharedDictionaryInfoFetcher());
private void addFetcherForZoom(TaskQueue queue) {
queue.add(new ZoomInfoFetcher());
private void addFetcherForContentSettingsType(
TaskQueue queue, @ContentSettingsType.EnumType int contentSettingsType) {
WebsitePermissionsType websitePermissionsType = getPermissionsType(contentSettingsType);
if (websitePermissionsType == null) {
// Remove this check after the flag is removed.
// The Bluetooth Scanning permission controls access to the Web Bluetooth
// Scanning API, which enables sites to scan for and receive events for
// advertisement packets received from nearby Bluetooth devices.
if (contentSettingsType == ContentSettingsType.BLUETOOTH_SCANNING) {
CommandLine commandLine = CommandLine.getInstance();
if (!commandLine.hasSwitch(
// Remove this check after the flag is removed.
if (contentSettingsType == ContentSettingsType.NFC
&& !ContentFeatureMap.isEnabled(ContentFeatureList.WEB_NFC)) {
// The Bluetooth guard permission controls access to the Web Bluetooth
// API, which enables sites to request access to connect to specific
// Bluetooth devices. Users are presented with a chooser prompt in which
// they must select the Bluetooth device that they would like to allow
// the site to connect to. Therefore, this permission also displays a
// list of permitted Bluetooth devices that each site can connect to.
// Remove this check after the flag is removed.
if (contentSettingsType == ContentSettingsType.BLUETOOTH_GUARD
&& !ContentFeatureMap.isEnabled(
switch (websitePermissionsType) {
queue.add(new ExceptionInfoFetcher(contentSettingsType));
queue.add(new PermissionInfoFetcher(contentSettingsType));
queue.add(new ExceptionInfoFetcher(contentSettingsType));
queue.add(new ChooserExceptionInfoFetcher(contentSettingsType));
private Website findOrCreateSite(String origin, String embedder) {
return findOrCreateSite(origin, embedder, null);
private Website findOrCreateSite(
String origin,
String embedder,
@ContentSettingValues @Nullable Integer contentSetting) {
// Ensure that the origin parameter is actually an origin or a wildcard.
// The purpose of the check is to prevent duplicate entries in the list when getting a
// mix of origins and hosts. Except, in the case of the Zoom category, where we want to
// allow any valid hostname to be displayed.
if (mSiteSettingsCategory != null
&& mSiteSettingsCategory.getType() == SiteSettingsCategory.Type.ZOOM) {
assert origin.matches(VALID_HOST_NAME_REGEX);
} else {
assert containsPatternWildcards(origin) || origin.contains(SCHEME_SUFFIX);
// This allows us to show multiple entries in "All sites" for the same origin, based on
// the (origin, embedder) combination. For example, "cnn.com", "cnn.com all cookies on
// this site only", and "cnn.com embedded on example.com" are all possible. In the
// future, this should be collapsed into "cnn.com" and you can see the different options
// after clicking.
if (embedder != null && (embedder.equals(origin) || embedder.equals(SITE_WILDCARD))) {
embedder = null;
WebsiteAddress permissionOrigin = WebsiteAddress.create(origin);
WebsiteAddress permissionEmbedder = WebsiteAddress.create(embedder);
Pair<OriginAndEmbedder, Integer> key =
new Pair<>(
OriginAndEmbedder.create(permissionOrigin, permissionEmbedder),
Website site = mSites.get(key);
if (site == null) {
site = new Website(permissionOrigin, permissionEmbedder);
mSites.put(key, site);
return site;
private void setException(int contentSettingsType) {
boolean isEmbeddedPermission =
== WebsitePermissionsType.EMBEDDED_PERMISSION;
for (ContentSettingException exception :
mBrowserContextHandle, contentSettingsType)) {
String address = exception.getPrimaryPattern();
String embedder = exception.getSecondaryPattern();
Integer contentSetting = null;
if (isEmbeddedPermission
&& embedder != null
&& !embedder.equals(SITE_WILDCARD)
&& mSiteSettingsCategory != null
&& mSiteSettingsCategory.getType() == SiteSettingsCategory.Type.ALL_SITES) {
// AllSites should group embedded permissions by embedder.
address = embedder;
embedder = SITE_WILDCARD;
} else if (isEmbeddedPermission
&& mSiteSettingsCategory != null
&& mSiteSettingsCategory.getType()
== SiteSettingsCategory.Type.STORAGE_ACCESS) {
embedder = SITE_WILDCARD;
contentSetting = exception.getContentSetting();
// If both patterns are the wildcard, dont display this rule.
if (address == null
|| (address.equals(embedder) && address.equals(SITE_WILDCARD))) {
// Convert the address to origin, if it's not one already (unless it's a wildcard).
String origin =
? address
: WebsiteAddress.create(address).getOrigin();
Website site = findOrCreateSite(origin, embedder, contentSetting);
if (isEmbeddedPermission) {
} else {
site.setContentSettingException(contentSettingsType, exception);
* A single task in the WebsitePermissionsFetcher task queue. We need fetching of features
* to be serialized, as we need to have all the origins in place prior to populating the
* hosts.
private abstract class Task {
/** Override this method to implement a synchronous task. */
void run() {}
* Override this method to implement an asynchronous task. Call queue.next() once
* execution is complete.
void runAsync(TaskQueue queue) {
* A queue used to store the sequence of tasks to run to fetch the website preferences. Each
* task is run sequentially, and some of the tasks may run asynchronously.
private class TaskQueue extends LinkedList<Task> {
void next() {
if (!isEmpty()) removeFirst().runAsync(this);
private class PermissionInfoFetcher extends Task {
final @ContentSettingsType.EnumType int mType;
private boolean mIsEmbeddedPermission;
public PermissionInfoFetcher(@ContentSettingsType.EnumType int type) {
mType = type;
public void run() {
for (PermissionInfo info :
mWebsitePreferenceBridge.getPermissionInfo(mBrowserContextHandle, mType)) {
String origin = info.getOrigin();
if (origin == null) continue;
String embedder =
mType == ContentSettingsType.SENSORS ? null : info.getEmbedder();
Website site = findOrCreateSite(origin, embedder);
private class ChooserExceptionInfoFetcher extends Task {
final @ContentSettingsType.EnumType int mChooserDataType;
public ChooserExceptionInfoFetcher(@ContentSettingsType.EnumType int type) {
mChooserDataType = SiteSettingsCategory.objectChooserDataTypeFromGuard(type);
public void run() {
if (mChooserDataType == -1) return;
for (ChosenObjectInfo info :
mBrowserContextHandle, mChooserDataType)) {
String origin = info.getOrigin();
if (origin == null) continue;
findOrCreateSite(origin, null).addChosenObjectInfo(info);
private class ExceptionInfoFetcher extends Task {
final int mContentSettingsType;
public ExceptionInfoFetcher(int contentSettingsType) {
mContentSettingsType = contentSettingsType;
public void run() {
private class LocalStorageInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void runAsync(final TaskQueue queue) {
new Callback<HashMap>() {
public void onResult(HashMap result) {
for (Object o : result.entrySet()) {
Map.Entry<String, LocalStorageInfo> entry =
(Map.Entry<String, LocalStorageInfo>) o;
String address = entry.getKey();
if (address == null) continue;
findOrCreateSite(address, null)
private class ZoomInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void run() {
Map<String, Double> result =
for (String host : result.keySet()) {
if (host == null) continue;
double zoomFactor = result.get(host);
findOrCreateSite(host, null).setZoomFactor(zoomFactor);
private class WebStorageInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void runAsync(final TaskQueue queue) {
new Callback<ArrayList>() {
public void onResult(ArrayList result) {
ArrayList<StorageInfo> infoArray = result;
for (StorageInfo info : infoArray) {
String address = info.getHost();
if (address == null) continue;
// Convert host to origin, in order to avoid duplication in the
// UI.
// TODO(crbug.com/40231223): Use BrowsingDataModel to avoid this
// conversion.
String origin = WebsiteAddress.create(address).getOrigin();
findOrCreateSite(origin, null).addStorageInfo(info);
private class SharedDictionaryInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void runAsync(final TaskQueue queue) {
new Callback<ArrayList>() {
public void onResult(ArrayList result) {
ArrayList<SharedDictionaryInfo> infoArray = result;
for (SharedDictionaryInfo info : infoArray) {
String origin = info.getOrigin();
if (origin == null) continue;
findOrCreateSite(origin, null).addSharedDictionaryInfo(info);
private class CookiesInfoFetcher extends Task {
public void runAsync(final TaskQueue queue) {
new Callback<Map<String, CookiesInfo>>() {
public void onResult(Map<String, CookiesInfo> result) {
for (Map.Entry<String, CookiesInfo> entry : result.entrySet()) {
String address = entry.getKey();
if (address == null) continue;
findOrCreateSite(address, null)
private class RelatedWebsiteSetsInfoFetcher extends Task {
private boolean canDealWithRelatedWebsiteSetsInfo() {
return mSiteSettingsDelegate != null
&& mSiteSettingsDelegate.isPrivacySandboxFirstPartySetsUIFeatureEnabled()
&& mSiteSettingsDelegate.isRelatedWebsiteSetsDataAccessEnabled();
public void run() {
if (canDealWithRelatedWebsiteSetsInfo()) {
Map<String, List<Website>> rwsOwnerToMembers =
// For each {@link Website} sets its RelatedWebsiteSet info: the RWS Owner and
// the
// number of members of that RWS.
for (Website site : mSites.values()) {
String rwsOwnerHostname =
if (rwsOwnerHostname == null
|| rwsOwnerToMembers.get(rwsOwnerHostname) == null) continue;
new RWSCookieInfo(
rwsOwnerHostname, rwsOwnerToMembers.get(rwsOwnerHostname)));
* Builds a {@link Map<String, List <Website>>} of RWS Owner - Set of RWS Members from
* the fetched websites.
private Map<String, List<Website>> buildOwnerToMembersMapFromFetchedSites() {
// set to avoid equals implementation for Website object
Set<String> domainAndRegistryToWebsite = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, List<Website>> rwsOwnerToMember = new HashMap<>();
for (Website site : mSites.values()) {
String rwsMemberHostname = site.getAddress().getDomainAndRegistry();
String rwsOwnerHostname =
if (rwsOwnerHostname == null) continue;
List<Website> members = rwsOwnerToMember.get(rwsOwnerHostname);
if (!domainAndRegistryToWebsite.contains(rwsMemberHostname)) {
if (members == null) {
members = new ArrayList<>();
rwsOwnerToMember.put(rwsOwnerHostname, members);
return rwsOwnerToMember;
private class BrowsingDataModelFetcher extends Task {
public void runAsync(final TaskQueue queue) {
(model) -> {
Map<Origin, BrowsingDataInfo> result =
mBrowserContextHandle, mFetchSiteImportantInfo);
for (var entry : result.entrySet()) {
Origin origin = entry.getKey();
if (origin == null) continue;
var website =
findOrCreateSite(origin.toString(), /* embedder= */ null);
var info = entry.getValue();
var cookieInfo = new CookiesInfo(info.getCookieCount());
new StorageInfo(
/* type= */ 0,
private class PermissionsAvailableCallbackRunner extends Task {
private final @NonNull WebsitePermissionsCallback mCallback;
private PermissionsAvailableCallbackRunner(
@NonNull WebsitePermissionsCallback callback) {
mCallback = callback;
public void run() {
public void setWebsitePreferenceBridgeForTesting(
WebsitePreferenceBridge websitePreferenceBridge) {
mWebsitePreferenceBridge = websitePreferenceBridge;
private static boolean containsPatternWildcards(String origin) {
return origin.equals(SITE_WILDCARD) || origin.startsWith(ANY_SUBDOMAIN_PATTERN);