// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package cart_db;
// Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
// Next id: 4
message MoneyProto {
// Three-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217.
string currency_code = 1;
// The whole units of amount.
// e.g. for "USD", 1 unit is one US dollar.
// This should be a int64_t, use string because base::Value does not support
// int64_t.
string units = 2;
// Number of nano (10^-9) units of amount.
// The value must be between -999,999,999 and +999,999,999 inclusive.
// If `units` is positive, `nanos` must be positive or zero.
// If `units` is zero, `nanos` can be positive, zero, or negative.
// If `units` is negative, `nanos` must be negative or zero.
// For example $-1.75 is represented as `units`=-1 and `nanos`=-750,000,000.
int32 nanos = 3;
// Used storing discount for a specific rule.
// Next id: 6
message RuleDiscountInfoProto {
// This should be a int64_t, use string because base::Value does not support
// int64_t.
string rule_id = 1;
oneof discount {
int32 percent_off = 2;
MoneyProto amount_off = 3;
string merchant_rule_id = 4;
string raw_merchant_offer_id = 5;
message CouponInfoProto {
string promo_id = 1;
// Used for storing the discount information of this cart.
// Next id: 8
message ChromeCartDiscountProto {
// String indicating the content of the discount on this cart (e.g. 15% off).
string discount_text = 1;
// Timestamp on the last time the discount is fetched.
double last_fetched_timestamp = 2;
// This should be a int64_t, use string because base::Value does not support
// int64_t.
string merchant_id = 3;
reserved 4;
repeated RuleDiscountInfoProto rule_discount_info = 5;
bool has_coupons = 6;
repeated CouponInfoProto coupon_info = 7;
// Used for storing information of products within the cart.
// Next id: 10
message ChromeCartProductProto {
// String indicating the ID of the product. The format of IDs may vary among
// different merchants.
string product_id = 1;
// Used for storing ChromeCart Content.
message ChromeCartContentProto {
// Original key for data.
string key = 1;
// Merchant name of the site that the cart belongs to.
string merchant = 2;
// URL that leads to the cart page.
string merchant_cart_url = 3;
// Timestamp that last time user interacts with this cart.
double timestamp = 4;
// Image URLs of products within the cart.
repeated string product_image_urls = 5;
// Whether the cart has been temporarily hidden. Hidden cart will be
// re-activated when cart content changes or user visits that cart page.
bool is_hidden = 6;
// Whether the cart has been permanently removed. Removed cart will be deleted
// from the database.
bool is_removed = 7;
// TODO(crbug.com/40181210): Rename this to cart_discount.
// Information about current discount on the cart.
ChromeCartDiscountProto discount_info = 8;
// Information of products within the cart.
repeated ChromeCartProductProto product_infos = 9;