
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


component("core") {
  output_name = "keyed_service_core"
  sources = [


  public_deps = [

  deps = [

buildflag_header("features") {
  # If this flag is set to `true`, then the `DependencyManager` will assert
  # that no factories are registered after the creation of the first context
  # object and the `KeyedServiceTemplatedFactory` will be allowed to depend
  # on that assumption.
  # TODO( remove this flag when set to `true` for all
  # embedders. This will requires fixing the registration of all factories
  # to happen before the creation of the first context (i.e. by listing all
  # factories in the `Ensure.*KeyedServiceFactoriesBuilt` free functions).
  has_tight_factory_registration = !use_blink

  # If this flag is set to `true`, then `KeyedServiceTemplatedFactory` will
  # be allowed to rely on the fact that the lifetime of the context and the
  # service will follow the order described by `MappingStage`. In addition,
  # it will enforce that no instance of a service is created before the call
  # to `CreateContextServices` (i.e. when the context is marked as fully
  # initialized).
  # TODO( remove this flag when set to `true` for all
  # embedders. This will requires correctly calling the method `MarkContextLive`,
  # `CreateContextServices`, but also `ContextShutdown` and `ContextDestroyed`
  # in the correct order. Additionally, this requires changing the factories of
  # services created before CreateContextServices to override the method
  # `ServiceIsRequiredForContextInitializatio`n to return true.
  has_tight_context_initialization = !use_blink

  # If this flag is set to `true`, then `KeyedServiceTemplatedFactory` will
  # expose the deprecated `Associate`/`Disassociate`API. Those API can break
  # the invariants of `KeyedServiceTemplatedFactory` as they allow to ignore
  # the lifetime cycle, also allow to destroy a service instance without going
  # through the two phase shutdown and allow to destroy a service that is still
  # in use.
  # TODO( remove this flag when set to `false` for all
  # embedders. This will requires remove all explicit calls to `Associate`
  # and `Disassociate` methods.
  has_deprecated_associate_api = use_blink

  # has_tight_context_initialization requires has_tight_factory_registration
  # to be true and has_deprecated_associate_api to be false. Assert this.
      !has_tight_context_initialization ||
          (has_tight_factory_registration && !has_deprecated_associate_api),
      "has_tight_context_initialization only supported if " +
          "has_tight_factory_registration and not has_deprecated_associate_api")

  header = "features_buildflags.h"
  flags = [

source_set("unit_tests") {
  testonly = true
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = [