
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "components/lookalikes/core/safety_tips.pb.h"
#include "components/pref_registry/pref_registry_syncable.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/url_formatter.h"
#include "components/version_info/channel.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

namespace lookalikes {

// Name of the histogram recorded by the interstitial for lookalike match types.
extern const char kInterstitialHistogramName[];

// Register applicable preferences with the provided registry.
void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);

// Returns the console message to be shown in devtools when a URL is flagged by
// a lookalike heuristic. If is_new_heuristic is true, the message is for a new
// heuristic that's not fully launched and it has an extra line about future
// behavior of Chrome.
std::string GetConsoleMessage(const GURL& lookalike_url, bool is_new_heuristic);

// Used for |GetTargetEmbeddingType| return value. It shows if the target
// embedding triggers on the input domain, and if it does, what type of warning
// should be shown to the user.
enum class TargetEmbeddingType {};

// Used for |GetComboSquattingType| return value.
// It shows if the brand name in the flagged domain
// comes from the hard-coded brand names or from site engagements.
enum class ComboSquattingType {};

// Used for UKM. There is only a single LookalikeUrlMatchType per navigation.
enum class LookalikeUrlMatchType {};

// Used for UKM. There is only a single LookalikeUrlBlockingPageUserAction per
// navigation.
enum class LookalikeUrlBlockingPageUserAction {};

// Used for metrics. Multiple events can occur per navigation.
enum class NavigationSuggestionEvent {};

struct TopBucketDomainsParams {};

struct ComboSquattingParams {};

struct DomainInfo {};

// Returns a DomainInfo instance computed from |hostname|. Will return empty
// fields for non-unique hostnames (e.g. site.test), localhost or sites whose
// eTLD+1 is empty.
DomainInfo GetDomainInfo(const std::string& hostname);

// Convenience function for returning GetDomainInfo(
DomainInfo GetDomainInfo(const GURL& url);

// Returns true if the Levenshtein distance between |str1| and |str2| is at most
// one. This has O(max(n,m)) complexity as opposed to O(n*m) of the usual edit
// distance computation.
bool IsEditDistanceAtMostOne(const std::u16string& str1,
                             const std::u16string& str2);

// Returns whether |navigated_domain| and |matched_domain| are likely to be edit
// distance false positives, and thus the user should *not* be warned.
// Assumes |navigated_domain| and |matched_domain| are edit distance of 1 apart.
bool IsLikelyEditDistanceFalsePositive(const DomainInfo& navigated_domain,
                                       const DomainInfo& matched_domain);

// Returns whether |navigated_domain| and |matched_domain| are likely to be
// character swap false positives, and thus the user should *not* be warned.
// Assumes |navigated_domain| and |matched_domain| are within 1 character swap.
bool IsLikelyCharacterSwapFalsePositive(const DomainInfo& navigated_domain,
                                        const DomainInfo& matched_domain);

// Returns true if the domain given by |domain_info| is a top domain.
bool IsTopDomain(const DomainInfo& domain_info);

// Returns eTLD+1 of |hostname|. This excludes private registries, and returns
// "" for "" ( is listed as a private
// registry). We do this to be consistent with url_formatter's top domain list
// which doesn't have a notion of private registries.
std::string GetETLDPlusOne(const std::string& hostname);

// Records an interstitial histogram entry for the given match type.
void RecordUMAFromMatchType(LookalikeUrlMatchType match_type);


// Returns true if a domain is visually similar to the hostname of |url|. The
// matching domain can be a top domain or an engaged site. Similarity
// check is made using both visual skeleton and edit distance comparison.  If
// this returns true, match details will be written into |matched_domain|.
// Pointer arguments can't be nullptr.
bool GetMatchingDomain(
    const DomainInfo& navigated_domain,
    const std::vector<DomainInfo>& engaged_sites,
    const LookalikeTargetAllowlistChecker& in_target_allowlist,
    const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* config_proto,
    std::string* matched_domain,
    LookalikeUrlMatchType* match_type);

// Checks to see if a URL is a target embedding lookalike. This function sets
// |safe_hostname| to the url of the embedded target domain. See the unit tests
// for what qualifies as target embedding.
TargetEmbeddingType GetTargetEmbeddingType(
    const std::string& hostname,
    const std::vector<DomainInfo>& engaged_sites,
    const LookalikeTargetAllowlistChecker& in_target_allowlist,
    const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* config_proto,
    std::string* safe_hostname);

// Same as GetTargetEmbeddingType, but explicitly state whether or not a safety
// tip is permitted via |safety_tips_allowed|. Safety tips are presently only
// used for tail embedding (e.g. ""). This function may return
// kSafetyTip preferentially to kInterstitial -- call with !safety_tips_allowed
// if you're interested in determining if there's *also* an interstitial.
TargetEmbeddingType SearchForEmbeddings(
    const std::string& hostname,
    const std::vector<DomainInfo>& engaged_sites,
    const LookalikeTargetAllowlistChecker& in_target_allowlist,
    const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* config_proto,
    bool safety_tips_allowed,
    std::string* safe_hostname);

// Returns true if a navigation to an IDN should be blocked.
bool ShouldBlockBySpoofCheckResult(const DomainInfo& navigated_domain);

// Checks whether the given url is allowlisted by enterprise policy, and
// thus no warnings should be shown on that host.
bool IsAllowedByEnterprisePolicy(const PrefService* pref_service,
                                 const GURL& url);

// Add the given hosts to the allowlist policy setting.
void SetEnterpriseAllowlistForTesting(PrefService* pref_service,
                                      const std::vector<std::string>& hosts);

// Returns true if |str1| and |str2| are identical except that two adjacent
// characters are swapped. E.g. vs
bool HasOneCharacterSwap(const std::u16string& str1,
                         const std::u16string& str2);

// Sets information about top bucket domains for testing.
void SetTopBucketDomainsParamsForTesting(const TopBucketDomainsParams& params);
// Resets information about top bucket domains for testing.
void ResetTopBucketDomainsParamsForTesting();

// Returns true if the launch configuration provided by the component updater
// enables `heuristic` for the given `etld_plus_one`.
bool IsHeuristicEnabledForHostname(
    const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* config_proto,
    reputation::HeuristicLaunchConfig::Heuristic heuristic,
    const std::string& lookalike_etld_plus_one,
    version_info::Channel channel);

// Set brand names and keywords for testing Combo Squatting heuristic.
void SetComboSquattingParamsForTesting(const ComboSquattingParams& params);

// Reset brand names and keywords after testing Combo Squatting heuristic.
void ResetComboSquattingParamsForTesting();

// Check if |navigated_domain| is Combo Squatting lookalike.
// It gets |engaged_sites| to use its brand names in addition to hard coded
// brand names. The function sets |matched_domain| to suggest to the user
// instead of the Combo Squatting domain.
ComboSquattingType GetComboSquattingType(
    const DomainInfo& navigated_domain,
    const std::vector<DomainInfo>& engaged_sites,
    std::string* matched_domain);

// Returns true if `etld_plus_one` has a TLD that's considered safe for
// lookalike checks, such as government sites.
bool IsSafeTLD(const std::string& hostname);

// The action to take for a given lookalike match.
enum class LookalikeActionType {};

// Returns the action to take for the given `etld_plus_one` and lookalike
// `match_type`. Uses `config` to check whether the heuristic UI is enabled
// via gradual rollout.
LookalikeActionType GetActionForMatchType(
    const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* config,
    version_info::Channel channel,
    const std::string& etld_plus_one,
    LookalikeUrlMatchType match_type);

// Returns the suggested URL for the given parameters. Returns an https URL for
// top domain matches because it's more likely for top sites to support https.
GURL GetSuggestedURL(LookalikeUrlMatchType match_type,
                     const GURL& navigated_url,
                     const std::string& matched_hostname);

}  // namespace lookalikes