
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_types.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/actions/omnibox_action.h"

struct AutocompleteMatch;
class AutocompleteResult;

namespace gfx {
struct VectorIcon;

namespace history_clusters {

class HistoryClustersService;

// Helper for `TopRelevance()` to look at a subset of matches.
enum class TopRelevanceFilter : int {};

// Find the top relevance of either search or navigation matches. Returns 0 if
// there are no search or navigation matches.
int TopRelevance(std::vector<AutocompleteMatch>::const_iterator matches_begin,
                 std::vector<AutocompleteMatch>::const_iterator matches_end,
                 TopRelevanceFilter filter);

// Return if the history cluster action or suggestion should be excluded due to
// matches indicating a nav-intent input. Should only be called if nav-intent
// filtering is enabled to avoid extra computations.
bool IsNavigationIntent(int top_search_relevance,
                        int top_navigation_relevance,
                        int navigation_intent_score_threshold);

// Gets the Journeys WebUI URL for `query`, i.e. chrome://history/journeys?q=%s.
GURL GetFullJourneysUrlForQuery(const std::string& query);

// Made public for testing.
class HistoryClustersAction : public OmniboxAction {};

// If the feature is enabled, attaches any necessary History Clusters actions
// onto any relevant matches in `result`.
void AttachHistoryClustersActions(
    history_clusters::HistoryClustersService* service,
    AutocompleteResult& result);

}  // namespace history_clusters