// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_types.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
} // namespace gfx
namespace views {
class Widget;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
// Enum which contains the indicators that SplitViewDragIndicators can display.
// Converted to a bitmask to make testing easier.
enum class IndicatorType {
kLeftHighlight = 1,
kLeftText = 2,
kRightHighlight = 4,
kRightText = 8
// An overlay in which guides users while they are attempting to enter
// splitview. Displays text and highlights when dragging an overview window.
// Displays a highlight of where the window will end up when a window has
// entered a snap region. Shown when the user is dragging an overview window,
// dragging a floated window, or dragging a window from the shelf.
class ASH_EXPORT SplitViewDragIndicators {
// Enum for purposes of providing |SplitViewDragIndicators| with information
// about window dragging.
enum class WindowDraggingState {
// Not dragging, or split view is unsupported (see |ShouldAllowSplitView|).
// Dragging is in another display. Split view is supported.
// Note: The distinction between |kNoDrag| and |kOtherDisplay| affects
// animation when the previous state is |kToSnapLeft| or |kToSnapRight|.
// Started dragging from overview or from the shelf. Split view is
// supported. Not currently dragging in a snap area, or the dragged window
// is not eligible to be snapped in split view.
// Started dragging from the top. Split view is supported. Not currently
// dragging in a snap area, or the dragged window is not eligible to be
// snapped in split view.
// Started dragging from the shelf. Split view is supported. Not currently
// dragging in a snap area, or the dragged window is not eligible to be
// snapped in split view.
// Started dragging from the float window state via the caption. Split view
// is supported. If this is the state, the window will not be snapped when
// released; it will either not be in the snapping region, or in the
// snapping region but not snappable.
// Currently dragging in the |SnapPosition::kPrimary|
// snap area, and the dragged window is eligible to be snapped in split
// view.
// Currently dragging in the |SnapPosition::kSecondary|
// snap area, and the dragged window is eligible to be snapped in split
// view.
// |SnapPosition::kPrimary|, if |window_dragging_state|
// is |kToSnapLeft| |SnapPosition::kSecondary|, if
// |window_dragging_state| is |kToSnapRight|
// |SnapPosition::kNone| otherwise
static SnapPosition GetSnapPosition(
WindowDraggingState window_dragging_state);
// |kNoDrag| if |is_dragging| is false or split view is unsupported. If
// |is_dragging| is true and split view is supported, then:
// |non_snap_state|, if |snap_position| is
// |SnapPosition::kNone|
// |kToSnapLeft|, if |snap_position| is
// |SnapPosition::kPrimary|
// |kToSnapRight|, if |snap_position| is
// |SnapPosition::kSecondary|
static WindowDraggingState ComputeWindowDraggingState(
bool is_dragging,
WindowDraggingState non_snap_state,
SnapPosition snap_position);
explicit SplitViewDragIndicators(aura::Window* root_window);
SplitViewDragIndicators(const SplitViewDragIndicators&) = delete;
SplitViewDragIndicators& operator=(const SplitViewDragIndicators&) = delete;
WindowDraggingState current_window_dragging_state() const {
return current_window_dragging_state_;
void SetDraggedWindow(aura::Window* dragged_window);
void SetWindowDraggingState(WindowDraggingState window_dragging_state);
void OnDisplayBoundsChanged();
gfx::Rect GetLeftHighlightViewBounds() const;
gfx::Rect GetRightHighlightViewBoundsForTesting() const;
bool GetIndicatorTypeVisibilityForTesting(IndicatorType type) const;
class RotatedImageLabelView;
class SplitViewDragIndicatorsView;
// The root content view of |widget_|.
raw_ptr<SplitViewDragIndicatorsView, DanglingUntriaged> indicators_view_ =
WindowDraggingState current_window_dragging_state_ =
// The SplitViewDragIndicators widget. It covers the entire root window
// and displays regions and text indicating where users should drag windows
// enter split view.
std::unique_ptr<views::Widget> widget_;
} // namespace ash