// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for autofill.
// If you change or add any fields in this file, update proto_visitors.h and
// potentially proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sync_pb;
// Properties of autofill sync objects.
// An AutofillProfile.
message AutofillProfileSpecifics {
// Represents the validation status of value stored in the AutofillProfile.
enum VerificationStatus {
// No verification status assigned.
// The value token was parsed from a parent token.
// For example, the first name was derived by splitting a full name into
// its components.
// Value was built from its subcomponents.
// For example, the full name was built from the first, middle and last
// name.
// The value was observed in a form transmission.
// For example, the user filled a form that contained at NAME_FULL field.
// The value of NAME_FULL will be stored as OBSERVED.
// The user used the autofill settings to verify and store this token.
// This is currently only applicable to the full name, since users cannot
// edit individual components of their name.
// The token was parsed remotely.
optional string guid = 15;
// Starting from M115, Autofill ignores the origin and doesn't distinguish
// between verified (meaning `deprecated_origin == kSettingsOrigin`) and
// unverified profiles anymore. However, clients prior to this milestone only
// accept updates to verified profiles through Sync if the remote profile is
// verified as well. For this reason, M115 clients and above always set the
// origin to kSettingsOrigin.
// TODO(crbug.com/40266694): Remove in a few milestones.
optional string deprecated_origin = 16;
optional int64 use_count = 22;
// The time_t value of the last time this profile was used. This
// value makes sense wrt base::Time::To/FromTimeT, which measures
// from the Windows epoch.
optional int64 use_date = 23;
// A label intended to be chosen by the user. This was however never
// implemented and is currently unused.
optional string profile_label = 62;
// Contact info name fields.
repeated string name_first = 2;
repeated string name_middle = 3;
repeated string name_last = 4;
// Sometimes the last name is composed of two names as it is common for
// Hispanic/Latinx names. In the unstructured representation of the last name,
// there may be even a conjunction between the first and the second last
// name. For example, the more-complete version of Pablo Picasso's surname is
// "Ruiz y Picasso" containing a first last name, a conjunction (the y) and a
// second last name.
repeated string name_last_first = 27;
repeated string name_last_conjunction = 28;
repeated string name_last_second = 29;
repeated string name_full = 21;
reserved 60;
reserved "name_full_with_honorific";
// Validation status records for name fields.
reserved 30;
reserved "name_honorific_status";
repeated VerificationStatus name_first_status = 31;
repeated VerificationStatus name_middle_status = 32;
repeated VerificationStatus name_last_status = 33;
repeated VerificationStatus name_last_first_status = 34;
repeated VerificationStatus name_last_conjunction_status = 35;
repeated VerificationStatus name_last_second_status = 36;
repeated VerificationStatus name_full_status = 37;
reserved 61;
reserved "name_full_with_honorific_status";
// Contact info additional fields.
repeated string email_address = 5;
optional string company_name = 6;
// Address field.
// The address_home_line1/2 fields are deprecated and
// address_home_street_address should be used instead by
// joining address_home_line1/2 with a newline ("\n").
// Full deprecation can not be achieved before all sync profiles have been
// updated with a M86+ client.
// TODO(crbug.com/40142711): Remove usages of address_home_line1/2 and mark
// field as deprecated.
optional string address_home_line1 = 7;
optional string address_home_line2 = 8;
optional string address_home_city = 9;
optional string address_home_state = 10;
optional string address_home_zip = 11;
optional string address_home_country = 12;
optional string address_home_admin_level_2 = 71;
// Additional address fields for i18n.
optional string address_home_street_address = 17;
optional string address_home_sorting_code = 18;
optional string address_home_dependent_locality = 19;
optional string address_home_language_code = 20;
optional string address_home_thoroughfare_name = 38;
optional string address_home_thoroughfare_number = 39;
optional string address_home_street_location = 73;
optional string address_home_subpremise_name = 42;
// All the information related to the apartment. Normally a combination of the
// apartment type (address_home_apt_type) and number (address_home_apt_num).
// E.g. "Apt 5".
optional string address_home_apt = 85;
// The raw number (or identifier) of an apartment (e.g. "5") but without a
// prefix. The value "apt 5" would correspond to the address_home_apt.
optional string address_home_apt_num = 56;
// Information describing the type of apartment (e.g. Apt, Apartamento, Sala,
// Departamento).
optional string address_home_apt_type = 87;
optional string address_home_floor = 57;
optional string address_home_landmark = 67;
// The type indicates that the address is at the intersection between two
// streets. This is a common way of writing addresses in Mexico.
optional string address_home_between_streets = 69;
// The meaning of the field is similar to address_home_between_streets. The
// type should be used for "Entre calle 1" in MX addresses which also
// contain the "Entre calle 2" field.
optional string address_home_between_streets_1 = 77;
// The meaning of the field is similar to address_home_between_streets. The
// type should be used for "Entre calle 2" in MX addresses which also
// contain the "Entre calle 1" field.
optional string address_home_between_streets_2 = 79;
optional string address_home_overflow = 75;
// Combination of types address_home_between_streets or address_home_landmark.
// Note that some address forms require the combination of both in a single
// field as opposed to each one separately.
optional string address_home_between_streets_or_landmark = 81;
// Combination of types address_home_overflow and address_home_landmark.
// Note that some address forms require the combination of both in a single
// field as opposed to each one separately.
optional string address_home_overflow_and_landmark = 83;
// Combination of types address_home_street_location and
// address_home_dependent_locality. Note that some address forms require the
// combination of both in a single field as opposed to each one separately.
optional string address_home_street_location_and_locality = 89;
// Combination of types address_home_thoroughfare_number and
// address_home_apt. Note that some address forms require the combination of
// both in a single field as opposed to each one separately.
optional string address_home_thoroughfare_number_and_apt = 91;
// Validation status records for address fields.
optional VerificationStatus address_home_city_status = 43;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_state_status = 44;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_zip_status = 45;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_country_status = 46;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_landmark_status = 68;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_between_streets_status = 70;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_between_streets_1_status = 78;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_between_streets_2_status = 80;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_admin_level_2_status = 72;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_overflow_status = 76;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_between_streets_or_landmark_status =
optional VerificationStatus address_home_overflow_and_landmark_status = 84;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_street_location_and_locality_status =
optional VerificationStatus address_home_thoroughfare_number_and_apt_status =
optional VerificationStatus address_home_street_address_status = 47;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_sorting_code_status = 48;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_dependent_locality_status = 49;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_language_code_status = 50;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_thoroughfare_name_status = 51;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_thoroughfare_number_status = 52;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_street_location_status = 74;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_subpremise_name_status = 55;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_apt_status = 86;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_apt_num_status = 58;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_apt_type_status = 88;
optional VerificationStatus address_home_floor_status = 59;
// Phone.
repeated string phone_home_whole_number = 13;
reserved 63;
reserved "disallow_settings_visible_updates";
// Removed in M123.
reserved 64;
reserved "birthdate_day";
reserved 65;
reserved "birthdate_month";
reserved 66;
reserved "birthdate_year";
// Deprecated.
optional string deprecated_label = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional string phone_fax_whole_number = 14 [deprecated = true];
// The following validity-related fields have only been used in combination
// with an experimental features that are disabled for all clients and have
// been removed in M100.
optional int64 validity_state_bitfield = 24 [deprecated = true];
optional bool is_client_validity_states_updated = 25 [deprecated = true];
// Removed in M118.
reserved 40;
reserved "address_home_dependent_thoroughfare_name";
reserved 41;
reserved "address_home_premise_name";
reserved 53;
reserved "address_home_dependent_thoroughfare_name_status";
reserved 54;
reserved "address_home_premise_name_status";
// Removed in M122.
reserved 26;
reserved "name_honorific";
message AutofillSpecifics {
// If any of these 3 fields are present, then all 3 should be, and it implies
// that this entity represents a classic autofill object. In this case,
// none of the autofill++ objects below should be present.
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
repeated int64 usage_timestamp = 3;
// An autofill++ profile object. If present, indicates this entity
// represents an AutofillProfile exclusively, and no other fields (such as
// name/value or credit_card) should be present.
optional AutofillProfileSpecifics profile = 4;
reserved 5;
reserved "encrypted_credit_card";
reserved 6;
reserved "credit_card";
// TODO(crbug.com/40105930): Deprecated, remove this once dependent change is
// done. Use WalletCreditCardCloudTokenData instead.
message CloudTokenData {
// Last 4-5 digits of the Cloud Primary Account Number (CPAN).
optional string suffix = 1;
// CPAN Month number 1-12.
optional int32 exp_month = 2;
// CPAN Four-digit year (e.g. 2017).
optional int32 exp_year = 3;
// URL of the card art to be displayed for CPAN.
optional string art_fife_url = 4;
// Opaque identifier for the cloud token associated with the payment
// instrument.
optional string instrument_token = 5;
// Next id: 8
message CardBenefit {
// The unique identifier of the benefit. Generated originally in Chrome Sync
// server.
optional string benefit_id = 7;
// The benefit description (Engligh only currently) to be shown in the UI.
optional string benefit_description = 1;
// When the benefit should be displayed, in UTC time.
optional int64 start_time_unix_epoch_milliseconds = 2;
optional int64 end_time_unix_epoch_milliseconds = 3;
// Proto containing data specific to a flat rate benefit. Empty as flat rate
// benefits don't have unique fields. The actual benefit (e.g. "2% cash back")
// is already included in the `benefit_description`.
message FlatRateBenefit {}
// For category benefits, represents the category of purchases that the
// benefit can be applied to.
enum CategoryBenefitType {
// Proto containing data specific to a category benefit.
message CategoryBenefit {
// The type of category purchases the benefit is eligible on.
optional CategoryBenefitType category_benefit_type = 1;
// Proto containing data specific to a merchant benefit.
message MerchantBenefit {
// The merchant domain that the benefit is eligible on.
// Example: https://www.acme.com
repeated string merchant_domain = 1;
// Proto data representing the actual data of the credit card benefit,
// depending on the benefit type.
oneof DomainSpecificBenefit {
FlatRateBenefit flat_rate_benefit = 4;
CategoryBenefit category_benefit = 5;
MerchantBenefit merchant_benefit = 6;
message CardIssuer {
enum Issuer {
// Card where the issuer is Google.
// Card where the issuer is external.
optional Issuer issuer = 1;
// Uniquely identifies the issuer of the card. This field is required when
// Example: capitalone, amex.
optional string issuer_id = 2;
message WalletMaskedCreditCard {
reserved 9, 14;
reserved "card_class";
enum WalletCardStatus {
VALID = 0;
enum WalletCardType {
AMEX = 1;
JCB = 3;
SOLO = 6;
VISA = 8;
ELO = 10;
VERVE = 11;
enum VirtualCardEnrollmentState {
UNENROLLED = 1 [deprecated = true];
enum VirtualCardEnrollmentType {
// Server-generated unique ID string. This is opaque to the client.
// This is the legacy version of |instrument_id|.
optional string id = 1;
// What the server thinks of this card.
optional WalletCardStatus status = 2;
optional string name_on_card = 3;
optional WalletCardType type = 4;
// Last 4 digits of the credit card number.
optional string last_four = 5;
// Month number 1-12.
optional int32 exp_month = 6;
// Four-digit year (e.g. 2017).
optional int32 exp_year = 7;
// The WalletPostalAddress.id of the billing address.
optional string billing_address_id = 8;
// Issuing Bank name which is internationalized (e.g. "Chase", "工商银行")
optional string bank_name = 10;
// TODO(crbug.com/40105930): Deprecated, remove this once dependent change is
// done.
// Use WalletCreditCardCloudTokenData instead. This field will be set if
// a cloud token is available for the instrument.
optional CloudTokenData cloud_token_data = 11;
// The card's nickname, if it exists.
optional string nickname = 12;
// Issuer of the card.
optional CardIssuer card_issuer = 13;
// Server-generated unique ID. This is opaque to the client.
// |id| is the legacy version of this.
optional int64 instrument_id = 15;
// The state of virtual card enrollment.
optional VirtualCardEnrollmentState virtual_card_enrollment_state = 16;
// The URL for the client to fetch the card art image.
optional string card_art_url = 17;
// The product description for the card. Used to be shown in the UI.
optional string product_description = 18;
// The type of virtual card enrollment. kTypeUnspecified indicates that the
// card is unenrolled.
optional VirtualCardEnrollmentType virtual_card_enrollment_type = 19;
// The benefits (e.g. points or discounts) associated with purchases made
// with the card.
repeated CardBenefit card_benefit = 20;
// Separate link from the card issuer which provides additional context or
// terms and conditions regarding the credit card product and its benefits.
optional string product_terms_url = 21;
// Unused by the client since M121.
// TODO(crbug.com/40273491): Some server-side code still relies on this message.
// To keep the protos in sync, it is kept until that code is cleaned up.
// Different than an AutofillProfile because this represents some known address
// on the server that is pulled down rather than synced between Chromes.
message WalletPostalAddress {
optional string id = 1;
optional string recipient_name = 12;
optional string company_name = 2;
// This is the street address, of which there may be multiple lines. This
// corresponds to "address_home_line[1|2] in the AutofillProfileSpecifics
// message above. In some locales there may be more than two lines.
repeated string street_address = 3;
// Also known as "administrative area". This is normally the state or
// province in most countries.
optional string address_1 = 4;
// Also known as "locality". In the US this is the city.
optional string address_2 = 5;
// A sub-classification beneath the city, e.g. an inner-city district or
// suburb. Also known as "dependent_locality"
optional string address_3 = 6;
// Used in certain countries. Also known as "sub_dependent_locality".
optional string address_4 = 7;
optional string postal_code = 8;
// Similar to the zipcode column, but used for businesses or organizations
// that might not be geographically contiguous. The canonical example is
// CEDEX in France.
optional string sorting_code = 9;
optional string country_code = 10;
optional string language_code = 11;
// Phone number. The format is unspecified and will be explicitly ignored.
optional string phone_number = 13;
// Contains information about a Payments Customer.
message PaymentsCustomerData {
// The billable customer ID associated with the account.
optional string id = 1;
// Contains information about the cloud token data of server credit cards.
message WalletCreditCardCloudTokenData {
// Server-generated ID string for the card this cloud token data is related
// to. This should match the id in WalletMaskedCreditCard for to fetch the
// corresponding actual card data. Note this is not unique across all cloud
// token data, which means one card can have multiple sets of cloud token data
// with the same masked_card_id.
optional string masked_card_id = 1;
// Last 4-5 digits of the Cloud Primary Account Number (CPAN).
optional string suffix = 2;
// CPAN Month number 1-12.
optional int32 exp_month = 3;
// CPAN Four-digit year (e.g. 2017).
optional int32 exp_year = 4;
// URL of the card art to be displayed for CPAN.
optional string art_fife_url = 5;
// Opaque identifier for the cloud token.
optional string instrument_token = 6;
// Contains information of payment instruments that can be used by the user.
message PaymentInstrument {
// Opaque identifier for the account stored in Payments Platform.
// This will be used to initiate the payment.
optional int64 instrument_id = 1;
// Supported payment infrastructures (rail) that allow users to send money
// between the payer and the payee. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payment_rail
enum SupportedRail {
// Payment rails for Brazil Open Banking.
PIX = 1;
// International Bank Account Numbers.
IBAN = 2;
// This rail can be used for making payments to push payment targets
// represented as payment hyperlinks that are supported by the instrument
// issuer. The hyperlink will be specified in the href attribute within a
// <link> tag in the DOM representing the payment page.
// More details on payment links can be found at
// https://github.com/aneeshali/paymentlink/blob/main/docs/explainer.md.
// The supported rails for which a payment can be made for the given account.
// For example, Pix is the open-banking rail in Brazil, UPI is the
// open-banking rail in India.
repeated SupportedRail supported_rails = 2;
// The URL for the image to be displayed when showing the account to the
// user.
optional string display_icon_url = 3;
// Nickname for the instrument.
optional string nickname = 4;
// The backing source for the applicable rails.
oneof instrument_details {
BankAccountDetails bank_account = 5;
WalletMaskedIban iban = 6;
EwalletDetails ewallet_details = 7;
optional DeviceDetails device_details = 8;
// Contains information of server IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
message WalletMaskedIban {
// Opaque identifier for the account stored in Payments Platform.
optional string instrument_id = 1;
// Prefix of the full IBAN value, if available.
optional string prefix = 2;
// Suffix of the full IBAN value, if available.
optional string suffix = 3;
// Length of the full IBAN value, if available.
optional int32 length = 4;
// Nickname for the IBAN, if available.
optional string nickname = 5;
// Details of a bank account required to show it in the payment instrument
// selector.
message BankAccountDetails {
// The name of the bank where the user has an account.
optional string bank_name = 1;
// The last four digits of the account number to help the user identify their
// account.
optional string account_number_suffix = 2;
enum AccountType {
// The type of bank account.
optional AccountType account_type = 3;
// Details of an eWallet account required to show it in the payment instrument
// selector.
message EwalletDetails {
// Name of the ewallet provider.
optional string ewallet_name = 1;
// Display name of the ewallet account.
optional string account_display_name = 2;
// Payment hyperlinks will be embedded in payment web pages. Chrome will match
// the payment link against the list of payment link URI regexes below. If
// there is a match, the payment flow will be initiated via the Payments
// Server. The regex matching approach makes it possible to launch new payment
// methods without requiring any client side changes. More details on payment
// links can be found at
// https://github.com/aneeshali/paymentlink/blob/main/docs/explainer.md.
repeated string supported_payment_link_uris = 3;
// This field captures all of the information related to the instrument-device
// combo that is required for the payment flows.
message DeviceDetails {
// Whether the device is enrolled in FIDO for this instrument. Depending on
// the FIDO state, the Chrome client will show a different UI for the
// user. For an unbound device, there will be some user-education content and
// the user will be asked to complete FIDO binding. For an already-bound
// device, the user will see a more simplified UI.
optional bool is_fido_enrolled = 1;
message AutofillWalletSpecifics {
enum WalletInfoType {
// POSTAL_ADDRESS is unused by the client since M121.
MASKED_IBAN = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional WalletInfoType type = 1;
// This field exists if and only if the "type" field equals to
optional WalletMaskedCreditCard masked_card = 2;
// Unused by the client since M121.
// This field exists if and only if the `type` equals POSTAL_ADDRESS.
// TODO(crbug.com/40273491): Some server-side code still relies on this field.
// To keep the protos in sync, it is kept until that code is cleaned up.
optional WalletPostalAddress address = 3;
// This field exists if and only if the "type" field equals to CUSTOMER_DATA.
optional PaymentsCustomerData customer_data = 4;
// This field exists if and only if the "type" field equals to
optional WalletCreditCardCloudTokenData cloud_token_data = 5;
// This field exists if and only if the "type" field equals to
optional PaymentInstrument payment_instrument = 6;
// This field exists if and only if the `type` field equals to
optional WalletMaskedIban masked_iban = 7 [deprecated = true];
// Wallet card usage information that can be synced.
message WalletMetadataSpecifics {
enum Type {
CARD = 1;
// Unused by the client since M121.
// TODO(crbug.com/40273491): Some server-side code still relies on this.
// To keep the protos in sync, it is kept until that code is cleaned up.
IBAN = 3;
// The type of the Wallet metadata.
optional Type type = 1;
// Base64 encoding of the unique ID string of the corresponding
// AutofillMetadata.
// For Wallet cards, this value is WalletMaskedCreditCard::id.
// For Wallet IBANs, this value is WalletMaskedIban::instrument_id.
optional string id = 2;
// The number of times that this Wallet card or address was used.
optional int64 use_count = 3;
// The last use date of this Wallet card or address. Measured in microseconds
// since the Windows epoch (1601).
optional int64 use_date = 4;
// The id of the profile/address that represents the billing address of this
// Wallet card.
optional string card_billing_address_id = 5;
// Unused by the client since M121.
// TODO(crbug.com/40273491): Some server-side code still relies on this field.
// To keep the protos in sync, it is kept until that code is cleaned up.
optional bool address_has_converted = 6;