
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package sync_pb;

import "components/sync/protocol/data_type_state.proto";
import "components/sync/protocol/entity_metadata.proto";

// Corresponds to a single bookmark id/metadata pair.
message BookmarkMetadata {
  // Bookmark local id.
  optional int64 id = 1;

  // Bookmarks sync metadata.
  optional EntityMetadata metadata = 2;

// Sync proto to carry the sync metadata for the bookmarks model. It is used for
// persisting and loading sync metadata from disk.
message BookmarkModelMetadata {
  // Bookmark global metadata.
  optional DataTypeState data_type_state = 1;

  // A set of all bookmarks metadata.
  repeated BookmarkMetadata bookmarks_metadata = 2;

  reserved 3;

  reserved 4;

  reserved 5;

  // Indicates whether the reupload of bookmarks has been triggered such that
  // they include fields like |type|, |unique_position| and |parent_guid|, which
  // means that their sequence number has been increased (independently of
  // whether the commit has succeeded or even started).
  // TODO( remove this code when most of bookmarks are
  // reuploaded.
  optional bool bookmarks_hierarchy_fields_reuploaded = 6;

  // Number of remote updates that were ignored because the parent folder could
  // not be determined since sync (bookmark sync) started (since initial sync,
  // including initial sync itself). Note that this excludes updates
  // representing changes (moves) to existing/tracked bookmarks (i.e. the parent
  // folder used to be known, but the new one specified in the update isn't).
  // Only a minority of users should have a non-zero value, due to a) corrupt
  // data, reasons unknown; or b) permanent folders that were unsupported at the
  // time the update was received (either for the permanent folder itself or for
  // descendants). The absence of this field should be interpreted as 'unknown',
  // which roughly means the counter wasn't supported by the browser -M77 or
  // below- at the time sync was enabled (it also means, it will remain
  // 'unknown' until initial sync is exercised, e.g. sync disabled and
  // reenabled).
  optional int64 num_ignored_updates_due_to_missing_parent = 7;

  // See field above. Among such ignored updates, this field tracks which was
  // the highest server version. This may be useful -in the future- to get a
  // sense of "time" (or, since versions are opaque to the client, at least a
  // notion of ordering with respect to other updates). The absence of this
  // field should be interpreted as 'unknown' and does not distinguish the
  // case between a) no updates ignored; and b) field wasn't supported at the
  // time the last update was ignored. To distinguish between these two, the
  // field above can be used.
  optional int64 max_version_among_ignored_updates_due_to_missing_parent = 8;

  // Indicates whether the count of remote updates during the latest initial
  // merge exceeded the bookmark limit. This field is mutually exclusive to all
  // the other fields and is managed completely by the processor.
  optional bool last_initial_merge_remote_updates_exceeded_limit = 9;