// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for bookmarks.
// If you change or add any fields in this file, update proto_visitors.h and
// potentially proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sync_pb;
import "components/sync/protocol/unique_position.proto";
// Corresponds to a single meta info key/value pair for a bookmark node.
message MetaInfo {
optional string key = 1;
optional string value = 2;
// Properties of bookmark sync objects.
message BookmarkSpecifics {
// URL of the bookmarked page (unset for folders).
optional string url = 1;
// PNG-encoded content of the favicon image (in practice 16x16, as determined
// by |kFaviconSize|). Empty if the bookmark has no favicon (which includes
// bookmark folders).
optional bytes favicon = 2;
// Contains legacy title which is truncated and may contain escaped symbols.
optional string legacy_canonicalized_title = 3;
// Corresponds to BookmarkNode::date_added() represented as microseconds since
// the Windows epoch.
optional int64 creation_time_us = 4;
// The URL of the favicon image encoded in field |favicon|. Note that there
// are various cases where this URL may be missing (field unset or empty) even
// if the |favicon| field (image content) is populated:
// 1. WebUI pages such as "chrome://bookmarks/" are missing a favicon URL but
// they have a favicon.
// 2. Data generated by ancient clients (prior to M25) may not contain the
// favicon URL.
// 3. If the favicon URL is too large (determined by |kMaxFaviconUrlSize|) it
// may be omitted by clients to avoid running into the max-entity-size
// limit. Most notably, this includes URLs prefixed with the data: scheme
// that may encode the image content itself in the URL.
optional string icon_url = 5;
repeated MetaInfo meta_info = 6;
reserved 7;
reserved 8;
reserved 9;
// Introduced in M81, it represents a globally unique and immutable ID.
// If present, it must be the same as originator_client_item_id in lowercase,
// unless originator client item ID is not a valid GUID. In such cases (which
// is the case for bookmarks created before 2015), this GUID must match the
// value inferred from the combination of originator cache GUID and
// originator client item ID, see InferGuidForLegacyBookmark().
// If not present, the value can be safely inferred using the very same
// methods listed above.
optional string guid = 10;
// Contains full title as is. |legacy_canonicalized_title| is a prefix of
// |full_title| with escaped symbols.
optional string full_title = 11;
reserved 12;
reserved 13;
// Introduced in M94, represents the GUID (field |guid|) of the parent.
optional string parent_guid = 14;
// Introduced in M94, determines whether this entity represents a bookmark
// folder. This field is redundant to the similar field in SyncEntity. If this
// field in specifics is set, it takes precedence over the one in SyncEntity.
enum Type {
// |UNSPECIFIED| is relevant only for the case where the field is not set.
// M94 and above should not use this value.
URL = 1;
optional Type type = 15;
// Introduced in M94, determines ordering among siblings. This field is
// redundant to the similar field in SyncEntity. If this field in specifics is
// set, it takes precedence over the one in SyncEntity.
optional UniquePosition unique_position = 16;
// Introduced in M106, corresponds to BookmarkNode::date_last_used()
// represented as microseconds since the Windows epoch.
optional int64 last_used_time_us = 17;