// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.bytecode;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Utility methods for accessing {@link Type}s Strings.
* Useful definitions to keep in mind when using this class:
* Internal name - The fully qualified name for a type with dots replaced by slashes. Not really
* relevant for primitive types.
* Type descriptor - Single letters for primitive types, "L" + internal name + ";" for class types.
* The methods in this class accept internal names or primitive type descriptors.
class TypeUtils {
static final String ASSERTION_ERROR = "java/lang/AssertionError";
static final String ASSET_MANAGER = "android/content/res/AssetManager";
static final String BUILD_HOOKS = "org/chromium/build/BuildHooks";
static final String BUILD_HOOKS_ANDROID = "org/chromium/build/BuildHooksAndroid";
static final String CONFIGURATION = "android/content/res/Configuration";
static final String CONTEXT = "android/content/Context";
static final String CONTEXT_WRAPPER = "android/content/ContextWrapper";
static final String RESOURCES = "android/content/res/Resources";
static final String STRING = "java/lang/String";
static final String THEME = "android/content/res/Resources$Theme";
static final String BOOLEAN = "Z";
static final String INT = "I";
static final String VOID = "V";
private static final Map<String, Type> PRIMITIVE_DESCRIPTORS;
static {
* Returns the full method signature with internal names.
* @param methodName Name of the method (ex. "getResources").
* @param returnType Internal name for the return type.
* @param argumentTypes List of internal names for argument types.
* @return String representation of the method signature.
static String getMethodSignature(
String methodName, String returnType, String... argumentTypes) {
return methodName + getMethodDescriptor(returnType, argumentTypes);
* Builds a method descriptor suitable for use with {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor}.
* @param returnType Internal name for the return type of the method (primitive or class).
* @param argumentTypes Internal names for the argument types (primitive or class).
* @return The generated method descriptor.
static String getMethodDescriptor(String returnType, String... argumentTypes) {
Type[] typedArguments = new Type[argumentTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypes.length; ++i) {
// Argument list should be empty in this case, not V (void).
assert !Type.VOID_TYPE.toString().equals(argumentTypes[i]);
typedArguments[i] = convert(argumentTypes[i]);
return Type.getMethodDescriptor(convert(returnType), typedArguments);
* Converts an internal name for a type to a {@link Type}.
* @param type Internal name for a type (primitive or class).
* @return The resulting Type.
private static Type convert(String type) {
if (PRIMITIVE_DESCRIPTORS.containsKey(type)) {
return Type.getObjectType(type);