#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Contains helper class for processing javac output."""
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shlex
import sys
import traceback
from util import build_utils
from util import dep_utils
os.path.join(build_utils.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'colorama', 'src'))
import colorama
class JavacOutputProcessor:
def __init__(self, target_name):
self._target_name = self._RemoveSuffixesIfPresent(
["__compile_java", "__errorprone", "__header"], target_name)
self._suggested_targets_list = set()
# Example: ../../ui/android/java/src/org/chromium/ui/base/Clipboard.java:45:
fileline_prefix = (
self._warning_re = re.compile(
fileline_prefix + r'(?P<full_message> warning: (?P<message>.*))$')
self._error_re = re.compile(fileline_prefix +
r'(?P<full_message> (?P<message>.*))$')
self._marker_re = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<marker>\^)\s*$')
self._symbol_not_found_re_list = [
# Example:
# error: package org.chromium.components.url_formatter does not exist
re.compile(fileline_prefix +
r'( error: package [\w.]+ does not exist)$'),
# Example: error: cannot find symbol
re.compile(fileline_prefix + r'( error: cannot find symbol)$'),
# Example: error: symbol not found org.chromium.url.GURL
re.compile(fileline_prefix + r'( error: symbol not found [\w.]+)$'),
# Example: import org.chromium.url.GURL;
self._import_re = re.compile(r'\s*import (?P<imported_class>[\w\.]+);$')
self._warning_color = [
'full_message', colorama.Fore.YELLOW + colorama.Style.DIM
self._error_color = [
'full_message', colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + colorama.Style.BRIGHT
self._marker_color = ['marker', colorama.Fore.BLUE + colorama.Style.BRIGHT]
self._class_lookup_index = None
def Process(self, lines):
""" Processes javac output.
- Applies colors to output.
- Suggests GN dep to add for 'unresolved symbol in Java import' errors.
lines = self._ElaborateLinesForUnknownSymbol(iter(lines))
for line in lines:
yield self._ApplyColors(line)
if self._suggested_targets_list:
def yellow(text):
return colorama.Fore.YELLOW + text + colorama.Fore.RESET
# Show them in quotes so they can be copy/pasted into BUILD.gn files.
yield yellow('Hint:') + ' One or more errors due to missing GN deps.'
yield (yellow('Hint:') + ' Try adding the following to ' +
for targets in sorted(self._suggested_targets_list):
if len(targets) > 1:
suggested_targets_str = 'one of: ' + ', '.join(targets)
suggested_targets_str = targets[0]
yield ' "{}",'.format(suggested_targets_str)
yield ''
yield yellow('Hint:') + (' Run the following command to add the missing '
missing_targets = {targets[0] for targets in self._suggested_targets_list}
cmd = dep_utils.CreateAddDepsCommand(self._target_name,
yield f' {shlex.join(cmd)}\n ' # Extra space necessary for new line.
def _ElaborateLinesForUnknownSymbol(self, lines):
""" Elaborates passed-in javac output for unresolved symbols.
Looks for unresolved symbols in imports.
- Line with GN target which cannot compile.
- Mention of unresolved class if not present in error message.
- Line with suggestion of GN dep to add.
lines: Generator with javac input.
Generator with processed output.
previous_line = next(lines, None)
line = next(lines, None)
while previous_line != None:
self._LookForUnknownSymbol(previous_line, line)
except Exception:
elaborated_lines = ['Error in _LookForUnknownSymbol ---']
elaborated_lines += traceback.format_exc().splitlines()
elaborated_lines += ['--- end _LookForUnknownSymbol error']
for elaborated_line in elaborated_lines:
yield elaborated_line
yield previous_line
previous_line = line
line = next(lines, None)
def _ApplyColors(self, line):
"""Adds colors to passed-in line and returns processed line."""
if self._warning_re.match(line):
line = self._Colorize(line, self._warning_re, self._warning_color)
elif self._error_re.match(line):
line = self._Colorize(line, self._error_re, self._error_color)
elif self._marker_re.match(line):
line = self._Colorize(line, self._marker_re, self._marker_color)
return line
def _LookForUnknownSymbol(self, line, next_line):
if not next_line:
import_re_match = self._import_re.match(next_line)
if not import_re_match:
for regex in self._symbol_not_found_re_list:
if regex.match(line):
if self._class_lookup_index is None:
self._class_lookup_index = dep_utils.ClassLookupIndex(
class_to_lookup = import_re_match.group('imported_class')
suggested_deps = self._class_lookup_index.match(class_to_lookup)
if not suggested_deps:
print(f'No suggested deps for {class_to_lookup}')
suggested_deps = dep_utils.DisambiguateDeps(suggested_deps)
self._suggested_targets_list.add(tuple(d.target for d in suggested_deps))
def _RemoveSuffixesIfPresent(suffixes, text):
for suffix in suffixes:
if text.endswith(suffix):
return text[:-len(suffix)]
return text
def _Colorize(line, regex, color):
match = regex.match(line)
start = match.start(color[0])
end = match.end(color[0])
return (line[:start] + color[1] + line[start:end] + colorama.Fore.RESET +
colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + line[end:])