
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_tokenizer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_idioms.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/html_parser_idioms.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/character_names.h"

#ifdef __SSE2__
#include <immintrin.h>
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON__)
#include <arm_neon.h>

namespace blink {
namespace {

// To avoid resizing we err on the side of reserving too much space.
// Most strings we tokenize have about 3.5 to 5 characters per token.
constexpr wtf_size_t kEstimatedCharactersPerToken =;

}  // namespace

CSSTokenizer::CSSTokenizer(const String& string, wtf_size_t offset)

CSSTokenizer::CSSTokenizer(StringView string, wtf_size_t offset)

Vector<CSSParserToken, 32> CSSTokenizer::TokenizeToEOF() {}

std::pair<Vector<CSSParserToken, 32>, Vector<wtf_size_t, 32>>
CSSTokenizer::TokenizeToEOFWithOffsets() {
  wtf_size_t estimated_tokens =
      (input_.length() - Offset()) / kEstimatedCharactersPerToken;
  Vector<CSSParserToken, 32> tokens;
  Vector<wtf_size_t, 32> offsets;
  offsets.ReserveInitialCapacity(estimated_tokens + 1);

  while (true) {
    const CSSParserToken token =
        NextToken</*SkipComments=*/true, /*StoreOffset=*/false>();
    if (token.GetType() == kEOFToken) {
      return {tokens, offsets};
    } else {

StringView CSSTokenizer::StringRangeFrom(wtf_size_t start) const {}

StringView CSSTokenizer::StringRangeAt(wtf_size_t start,
                                       wtf_size_t length) const {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::TokenizeSingle() {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::TokenizeSingleWithComments() {}

wtf_size_t CSSTokenizer::TokenCount() {}

void CSSTokenizer::Reconsume(UChar c) {}

UChar CSSTokenizer::Consume() {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::BlockStart(CSSParserTokenType type) {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::BlockStart(CSSParserTokenType block_type,
                                        CSSParserTokenType type,
                                        StringView name) {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::BlockEnd(CSSParserTokenType type,
                                      CSSParserTokenType start_type) {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::HyphenMinus(UChar cc) {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::Hash(UChar cc) {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::LetterU(UChar cc) {}

template <bool SkipComments, bool StoreOffset>
CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::NextToken() {}

// This method merges the following spec sections for efficiency
CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::ConsumeNumber() {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::ConsumeNumericToken() {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::ConsumeIdentLikeToken() {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::ConsumeStringTokenUntil(UChar ending_code_point) {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::ConsumeUnicodeRange() {}

static bool IsNonPrintableCodePoint(UChar cc) {}

CSSParserToken CSSTokenizer::ConsumeUrlToken() {}

void CSSTokenizer::ConsumeBadUrlRemnants() {}

void CSSTokenizer::ConsumeSingleWhitespaceIfNext() {}

void CSSTokenizer::ConsumeUntilCommentEndFound() {}

bool CSSTokenizer::ConsumeIfNext(UChar character) {}

// Consumes a name, which is defined as a contiguous sequence of name code
// points (see IsNameCodePoint()), possibly with escapes. We stop at the first
// thing that is _not_ a name code point (or the end of a string); if that is a
// backslash, we hand over to the more complete and slower blink::ConsumeName().
// If not, we can send back the relevant substring of the input, without any
// allocations.
// If SIMD is available (we support only SSE2 and NEON), we do this 16 and 16
// bytes at a time, generally giving a speed boost except for very short names.
// (We don't get short-circuiting, and we need some extra setup to load
// constants, but we also don't get a lot of branches per byte that we
// consider.)
// The checking for \0 is a bit odd; \0 is sometimes used as an EOF marker
// internal to this code, so we need to call into blink::ConsumeName()
// to escape it (into a Unicode replacement character) if we should see it.
StringView CSSTokenizer::ConsumeName() {}

UChar32 CSSTokenizer::ConsumeEscape() {}

bool CSSTokenizer::NextTwoCharsAreValidEscape() {}

bool CSSTokenizer::NextCharsAreNumber(UChar first) {}

bool CSSTokenizer::NextCharsAreNumber() {}

bool CSSTokenizer::NextCharsAreIdentifier(UChar first) {}

bool CSSTokenizer::NextCharsAreIdentifier() {}

StringView CSSTokenizer::RegisterString(const String& string) {}

}  // namespace blink