// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace ash {
class AppListViewProvider;
// Common code that implements keyboard traversal logic in
// `AppListBubbleAppsPage` and `AppsContainerView`.
class ASH_EXPORT AppListKeyboardController {
explicit AppListKeyboardController(AppListViewProvider* view_provider);
AppListKeyboardController(const AppListKeyboardController&) = delete;
AppListKeyboardController& operator=(const AppListKeyboardController&) =
~AppListKeyboardController() = default;
// Moves focus down/up and out (usually to the apps grid / continue tasks).
// `column` is the column of the items that was focused in the recent apps
// list.
void MoveFocusDownFromRecents(int column);
void MoveFocusUpFromRecents();
// Attempts to move focus down/up and out (usually to the apps grid / recent
// apps).
// `column` is the column of the item that was focused before moving
// focus on this toast container.
bool MoveFocusDownFromToast(int column);
bool MoveFocusUpFromToast(int column);
// Attempts to move focus up and out (usually to the recent apps list).
// `column` is the column of the item that was focused in the grid.
bool MoveFocusUpFromAppsGrid(int column);
// Helper functions to move the focus to RecentAppsView/AppsGridView.
bool HandleMovingFocusToAppsGrid(int column);
bool HandleMovingFocusToRecents(int column);
const raw_ptr<AppListViewProvider> view_provider_;
} // namespace ash