// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/app_list/views/search_result_container_view.h"
#include "ash/app_list/views/search_result_view.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
class Label;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
namespace test {
class SearchResultListViewTest;
class AppListViewDelegate;
class SearchResultPageDialogController;
// SearchResultListView displays SearchResultList with a list of
// SearchResultView.
class ASH_EXPORT SearchResultListView : public SearchResultContainerView {
METADATA_HEADER(SearchResultListView, SearchResultContainerView)
enum class SearchResultListType {
// kAnswerCard list view contains a single result that has an extremely high
// chance of being exactly what the user is looking for.
// kBestMatch list view contains the results that are the best match for the
// current query. This category should be used when productivity launcher is
// enabled. All search results will show up under this category until search
// metadata is updated with the other category labels.
// kApps list view contains existing non-game ARC and PWA apps that are
// installed and are relevant to but not the best match for the current
// query.
// kAppShortcuts list view contains shortcuts to actions for existing apps.
// kWeb list view contains links to relevant websites.
// kFiles list view contains relevant local and Google Drive files.
// kSettings list view contains relevant system settings and personalization
// settings.
// kHelp list view contains help articles from Showoff and Keyboard
// Shortcuts.
// kPlayStore contains suggested apps from the playstore that are not
// currently installed.
// kSearchAndAssistant contains suggestions from Search and Google
// Assistant.
// kGames contains cloud game search results.
kMaxValue = kGames,
AppListViewDelegate* view_delegate,
SearchResultPageDialogController* dialog_controller,
SearchResultView::SearchResultViewType search_result_view_type,
std::optional<size_t> productivity_launcher_index);
SearchResultListView(const SearchResultListView&) = delete;
SearchResultListView& operator=(const SearchResultListView&) = delete;
~SearchResultListView() override;
// Updates the type of search results the list view shows.
void SetListType(SearchResultListType list_type);
void SearchResultActivated(SearchResultView* view,
int event_flags,
bool by_button_press);
void SearchResultActionActivated(SearchResultView* view,
SearchResultActionType action);
// Overridden from views::View:
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize(
const views::SizeBounds& available_size) const override;
// Overridden from SearchResultContainerView:
SearchResultView* GetResultViewAt(size_t index) override;
void AppendShownResultMetadata(
std::vector<SearchResultAimationMetadata>* result_metadata_) override;
// Gets all the SearchResultListTypes that should be used when categorical
// search is enabled.
static std::vector<SearchResultListType>
// This should not be called on a disabled list view as list_type_ will be
// reset.
const std::optional<SearchResultListType>& list_type_for_test() const {
return list_type_;
views::Label* title_label_for_test() { return title_label_; }
friend class test::SearchResultListViewTest;
// Overridden from SearchResultContainerView:
void OnSelectedResultChanged() override;
int DoUpdate() override;
void UpdateResultsVisibility(bool force_hide) override;
views::View* GetTitleLabel() override;
std::vector<views::View*> GetViewsToAnimate() override;
// Overridden from views::View:
void Layout(PassKey) override;
// Fetches the category of results this view should show.
SearchResult::Category GetSearchCategory();
// Returns search results for the class's current list_type_.
std::vector<SearchResult*> GetCategorizedSearchResults();
// Updates the set of results shown in this result list.
std::vector<SearchResult*> UpdateResultViews();
// A filter that returns whether a search result should be shown in the best
// matches container.
bool FilterBestMatches(const SearchResult& result) const;
// A filter that returns whether a search results should be shown in the
// categorized flavour of search result list.
bool FilterSearchResultsByCategory(const SearchResult::Category& category,
const SearchResult& result) const;
raw_ptr<views::View> results_container_;
std::vector<raw_ptr<SearchResultView, VectorExperimental>>
search_result_views_; // Not owned.
// The SearchResultListViewType dictates what kinds of results will be shown.
std::optional<SearchResultListType> list_type_ =
raw_ptr<views::Label> title_label_ = nullptr; // Owned by view hierarchy.
// The search result list view's location in the
// productivity_launcher_search_view_'s list of 'search_result_list_view_'.
// Not set if productivity_launcher is disabled or if the position of the
// category is const as for kBestMatch.
const std::optional<size_t> productivity_launcher_index_;
const SearchResultView::SearchResultViewType search_result_view_type_;
// Set of results that have been removed from the result list using remove
// search result actions. Used to filter those results out from the list of
// shown results until results in the search model get refreshed.
std::set<std::string> removed_results_;
} // namespace ash