
 * ttgload.c
 *   TrueType Glyph Loader (body).
 * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 by
 * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
 * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
 * modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
 * license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
 * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
 * understand and accept it fully.

#include <ft2build.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftcalc.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftstream.h>
#include <freetype/internal/sfnt.h>
#include <freetype/tttags.h>
#include <freetype/ftoutln.h>
#include <freetype/ftdriver.h>
#include <freetype/ftlist.h>

#include "ttgload.h"
#include "ttpload.h"

#include "ttgxvar.h"

#include "tterrors.h"

   * The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit
   * parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log
   * messages during execution.

   * Simple glyph flags.
#define X_POSITIVE
#define SAME_X
#define Y_POSITIVE
#define SAME_Y

   * Composite glyph flags.
/* reserved                        0x0010 */
#define WE_HAVE_A_2X2

#define IS_DEFAULT_INSTANCE( _face )

   * Return the horizontal metrics in font units for a given glyph.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  TT_Get_HMetrics( TT_Face     face,
                   FT_UInt     idx,
                   FT_Short*   lsb,
                   FT_UShort*  aw )

   * Return the vertical metrics in font units for a given glyph.
   * See function `tt_loader_set_pp' below for explanations.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  TT_Get_VMetrics( TT_Face     face,
                   FT_UInt     idx,
                   FT_Pos      yMax,
                   FT_Short*   tsb,
                   FT_UShort*  ah )

  static FT_Error
  tt_get_metrics( TT_Loader  loader,
                  FT_UInt    glyph_index )


  static void
  tt_get_metrics_incremental( TT_Loader  loader,
                              FT_UInt    glyph_index )


   * The following functions are used by default with TrueType fonts.
   * However, they can be replaced by alternatives if we need to support
   * TrueType-compressed formats (like MicroType) in the future.

  TT_Access_Glyph_Frame( TT_Loader  loader,
                         FT_UInt    glyph_index,
                         FT_ULong   offset,
                         FT_UInt    byte_count )

  TT_Forget_Glyph_Frame( TT_Loader  loader )

  TT_Load_Glyph_Header( TT_Loader  loader )

  TT_Load_Simple_Glyph( TT_Loader  load )

  TT_Load_Composite_Glyph( TT_Loader  loader )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  TT_Init_Glyph_Loading( TT_Face  face )

  static void
  tt_prepare_zone( TT_GlyphZone  zone,
                   FT_GlyphLoad  load,
                   FT_UInt       start_point,
                   FT_UInt       start_contour )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Hint_Glyph
   * @Description:
   *   Hint the glyph using the zone prepared by the caller.  Note that
   *   the zone is supposed to include four phantom points.
  static FT_Error
  TT_Hint_Glyph( TT_Loader  loader,
                 FT_Bool    is_composite )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Process_Simple_Glyph
   * @Description:
   *   Once a simple glyph has been loaded, it needs to be processed.
   *   Usually, this means scaling and hinting through bytecode
   *   interpretation.
  static FT_Error
  TT_Process_Simple_Glyph( TT_Loader  loader )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Process_Composite_Component
   * @Description:
   *   Once a composite component has been loaded, it needs to be
   *   processed.  Usually, this means transforming and translating.
  static FT_Error
  TT_Process_Composite_Component( TT_Loader    loader,
                                  FT_SubGlyph  subglyph,
                                  FT_UInt      start_point,
                                  FT_UInt      num_base_points )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Process_Composite_Glyph
   * @Description:
   *   This is slightly different from TT_Process_Simple_Glyph, in that
   *   its sole purpose is to hint the glyph.  Thus this function is
   *   only available when bytecode interpreter is enabled.
  static FT_Error
  TT_Process_Composite_Glyph( TT_Loader  loader,
                              FT_UInt    start_point,
                              FT_UInt    start_contour )

   * Calculate the phantom points
   * Defining the right side bearing (rsb) as
   *   rsb = aw - (lsb + xmax - xmin)
   * (with `aw' the advance width, `lsb' the left side bearing, and `xmin'
   * and `xmax' the glyph's minimum and maximum x value), the OpenType
   * specification defines the initial position of horizontal phantom points
   * as
   *   pp1 = (round(xmin - lsb), 0)      ,
   *   pp2 = (round(pp1 + aw), 0)        .
   * Note that the rounding to the grid (in the device space) is not
   * documented currently in the specification.
   * However, the specification lacks the precise definition of vertical
   * phantom points.  Greg Hitchcock provided the following explanation.
   * - a `vmtx' table is present
   *   For any glyph, the minimum and maximum y values (`ymin' and `ymax')
   *   are given in the `glyf' table, the top side bearing (tsb) and advance
   *   height (ah) are given in the `vmtx' table.  The bottom side bearing
   *   (bsb) is then calculated as
   *     bsb = ah - (tsb + ymax - ymin)       ,
   *   and the initial position of vertical phantom points is
   *     pp3 = (x, round(ymax + tsb))       ,
   *     pp4 = (x, round(pp3 - ah))         .
   *   See below for value `x'.
   * - no `vmtx' table in the font
   *   If there is an `OS/2' table, we set
   *     DefaultAscender = sTypoAscender       ,
   *     DefaultDescender = sTypoDescender     ,
   *   otherwise we use data from the `hhea' table:
   *     DefaultAscender = Ascender         ,
   *     DefaultDescender = Descender       .
   *   With these two variables we can now set
   *     ah = DefaultAscender - sDefaultDescender    ,
   *     tsb = DefaultAscender - yMax                ,
   *   and proceed as if a `vmtx' table was present.
   * Usually we have
   *   x = aw / 2      ,                                                (1)
   * but there is one compatibility case where it can be set to
   *   x = -DefaultDescender -
   *         ((DefaultAscender - DefaultDescender - aw) / 2)     .      (2)
   * and another one with
   *   x = 0     .                                                      (3)
   * In Windows, the history of those values is quite complicated,
   * depending on the hinting engine (that is, the graphics framework).
   *   framework        from                 to       formula
   *  ----------------------------------------------------------
   *    GDI       Windows 98               current      (1)
   *              (Windows 2000 for NT)
   *    GDI+      Windows XP               Windows 7    (2)
   *    GDI+      Windows 8                current      (3)
   *    DWrite    Windows 7                current      (3)
   * For simplicity, FreeType uses (1) for grayscale subpixel hinting and
   * (3) for everything else.
  static void
  tt_loader_set_pp( TT_Loader  loader )

  /* a utility function to retrieve i-th node from given FT_List */
  static FT_ListNode
  ft_list_get_node_at( FT_List  list,
                       FT_UInt  idx )

   * @Function:
   *   load_truetype_glyph
   * @Description:
   *   Loads a given truetype glyph.  Handles composites and uses a
   *   TT_Loader object.
  static FT_Error
  load_truetype_glyph( TT_Loader  loader,
                       FT_UInt    glyph_index,
                       FT_UInt    recurse_count,
                       FT_Bool    header_only )

  static FT_Error
  compute_glyph_metrics( TT_Loader  loader,
                         FT_UInt    glyph_index )


  static FT_Error
  load_sbit_image( TT_Size       size,
                   TT_GlyphSlot  glyph,
                   FT_UInt       glyph_index,
                   FT_Int32      load_flags )


  static FT_Error
  tt_loader_init( TT_Loader     loader,
                  TT_Size       size,
                  TT_GlyphSlot  glyph,
                  FT_Int32      load_flags,
                  FT_Bool       glyf_table_only )

  static void
  tt_loader_done( TT_Loader  loader )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Load_Glyph
   * @Description:
   *   A function used to load a single glyph within a given glyph slot,
   *   for a given size.
   * @InOut:
   *   glyph ::
   *     A handle to a target slot object where the glyph
   *     will be loaded.
   * @Input:
   *   size ::
   *     A handle to the source face size at which the glyph
   *     must be scaled/loaded.
   *   glyph_index ::
   *     The index of the glyph in the font file.
   *   load_flags ::
   *     A flag indicating what to load for this glyph.  The
   *     FT_LOAD_XXX constants can be used to control the
   *     glyph loading process (e.g., whether the outline
   *     should be scaled, whether to load bitmaps or not,
   *     whether to hint the outline, etc).
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Load_Glyph( TT_Size       size,
                 TT_GlyphSlot  glyph,
                 FT_UInt       glyph_index,
                 FT_Int32      load_flags )

/* END */