
// © 2020 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "cmemory.h"
#include "measunit_impl.h"
#include "unicode/errorcode.h"
#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "units_converter.h"
#include "units_data.h"

namespace units {

/* Internal Structure */

// Constants corresponding to unitConstants in CLDR's units.xml.
enum Constants {};

// These values are a hard-coded subset of unitConstants in the units
// resources file. A unit test checks that all constants in the resource
// file are at least recognised by the code. Derived constants' values or
// hard-coded derivations are not checked.
// In ICU4J, these constants live in UnitConverter.Factor.getConversionRate().
static const double constantsValues[CONSTANTS_COUNT] =;


/* Represents a conversion factor */
struct U_I18N_API Factor {};

struct U_I18N_API ConversionInfo {};

 * Adds a single factor element to the `Factor`. e.g "ft3m", "2.333" or "cup2m3". But not "cup2m3^3".
void U_I18N_API addSingleFactorConstant(StringPiece baseStr, int32_t power, Signum sigNum,
                                        Factor &factor, UErrorCode &status);

 * Represents the conversion rate between `source` and `target`.
struct U_I18N_API ConversionRate : public UMemory {};

enum Convertibility {};

MeasureUnitImpl U_I18N_API extractCompoundBaseUnit(const MeasureUnitImpl &source,
                                                   const ConversionRates &conversionRates,
                                                   UErrorCode &status);

 * Check if the convertibility between `source` and `target`.
 * For example:
 *    `meter` and `foot` are `CONVERTIBLE`.
 *    `meter-per-second` and `second-per-meter` are `RECIPROCAL`.
 *    `meter` and `pound` are `UNCONVERTIBLE`.
 * NOTE:
 *    Only works with SINGLE and COMPOUND units. If one of the units is a
 *    MIXED unit, an error will occur. For more information, see UMeasureUnitComplexity.
Convertibility U_I18N_API extractConvertibility(const MeasureUnitImpl &source,
                                                const MeasureUnitImpl &target,
                                                const ConversionRates &conversionRates,
                                                UErrorCode &status);

 * Converts from a source `MeasureUnit` to a target `MeasureUnit`.
 * NOTE:
 *    Only works with SINGLE and COMPOUND units. If one of the units is a
 *    MIXED unit, an error will occur. For more information, see UMeasureUnitComplexity.
class U_I18N_API UnitsConverter : public UMemory {};

} // namespace units

#endif //__UNITS_CONVERTER_H__

#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */