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<title>animation-composition test</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-animations-2/#animation-composition">
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<script src="support/testcommon.js"></script>
@keyframes anim {
from {
filter: blur(10px);
width: 100px;
50% {
filter: blur(15px);
width: 228px;
to {
filter: blur(20px);
width: 1337px;
.anim-target {
animation: anim 1s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-timing-function: linear;
filter: blur(5px);
width: 50px;
.replace {
animation-composition: replace;
.add {
animation-composition: add;
.accumulate {
animation-composition: accumulate;
<div id="log"></div>
function run_test_case(element, property, composite_type, timing_value_map) {
const anim = element.getAnimations()[0];
for (const [time, value] of Object.entries(timing_value_map)) {
anim.currentTime = time;
const property_value = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(property);
assert_equals(property_value, value, "at time " + time);
const test_cases = [
["filter", {
"replace": {
0: "blur(10px)",
250: "blur(12.5px)",
500: "blur(15px)",
1000: "blur(20px)"
"add": {
0: "blur(5px) blur(10px)",
250: "blur(5px) blur(12.5px)",
500: "blur(5px) blur(15px)",
1000: "blur(5px) blur(20px)"
"accumulate": {
0: "blur(15px)",
250: "blur(17.5px)",
500: "blur(20px)",
1000: "blur(25px)"
["width", {
"replace": {
0: "100px",
250: "164px",
500: "228px",
1000: "1337px"
"add": {
0: "150px",
250: "214px",
500: "278px",
1000: "1387px"
"accumulate": {
0: "150px",
250: "214px",
500: "278px",
1000: "1387px"
for (const test_case of test_cases) {
const property = test_case[0];
const test_data = test_case[1];
for (const [composite_type, expected_values] of Object.entries(test_data)) {
test(t => {
let elem = addDiv(t, {"class": "anim-target"});
run_test_case(elem, property, composite_type, expected_values);
}, "animation-composition: " + composite_type + " of property " + property);