
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
 *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
 *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
 *   the specific copyright holders.
 *   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 *   modification, are permitted provided that the following
 *   conditions are met:
 *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
 *     copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
 *     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
 *     with the distribution.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * preproc.c   macro preprocessor for the Netwide Assembler

/* Typical flow of text through preproc
 * pp_getline gets tokenized lines, either
 *   from a macro expansion
 * or
 *   {
 *   read_line  gets raw text from stdmacpos, or predef, or current input file
 *   tokenize   converts to tokens
 *   }
 * expand_mmac_params is used to expand %1 etc., unless a macro is being
 * defined or a false conditional is being processed
 * (%0, %1, %+1, %-1, %%foo
 * do_directive checks for directives
 * expand_smacro is used to expand single line macros
 * expand_mmacro is used to expand multi-line macros
 * detoken is used to convert the line back to text

#include "compiler.h"

#include "nctype.h"

#include "nasm.h"
#include "nasmlib.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "preproc.h"
#include "hashtbl.h"
#include "quote.h"
#include "stdscan.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "tokens.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "listing.h"

 * Preprocessor execution options that can be controlled by %pragma or
 * other directives.  This structure is initialized to zero on each
 * pass; this *must* reflect the default initial state.
static struct pp_opts {} ppopt;


 * This is the internal form which we break input lines up into.
 * Typically stored in linked lists.
 * Note that `type' serves a double meaning: TOK_SMAC_START_PARAMS is
 * not necessarily used as-is, but is also used to encode the number
 * and expansion type of substituted parameter. So in the definition
 *     %define a(x,=y) ( (x) & ~(y) )
 * the token representing `x' will have its type changed to
 * tok_smac_param(0) but the one representing `y' will be
 * tok_smac_param(1); see the accessor functions below.
 * TOK_INTERNAL_STRING is a string which has been unquoted, but should
 * be treated as if it was a quoted string. The code is free to change
 * one into the other at will. TOK_NAKED_STRING is a text token which
 * should be treated as a string, but which MUST NOT be turned into a
 * quoted string. TOK_INTERNAL_STRINGs can contain any character,
 * including NUL, but TOK_NAKED_STRING must be a valid C string.
enum pp_token_type {};

static inline enum pp_token_type tok_smac_param(int param)
static int smac_nparam(enum pp_token_type toktype)
static bool is_smac_param(enum pp_token_type toktype)

#define PP_CONCAT_MASK(x)

struct tokseq_match {};

 * This is tuned so struct Token should be 64 bytes on 64-bit
 * systems and 32 bytes on 32-bit systems. It enables them
 * to be nicely cache aligned, and the text to still be kept
 * inline for nearly all tokens.
 * We prohibit tokens of length > MAX_TEXT even though
 * length here is an unsigned int; this avoids problems
 * if the length is passed through an interface with type "int",
 * and is absurdly large anyway.
 * For the text mode, in pointer mode the pointer is stored at the end
 * of the union and the pad field is cleared. This allows short tokens
 * to be unconditionally tested for by only looking at the first text
 * bytes and not examining the type or len fields.
#define MAX_TEXT

struct Token {};

 * Note on the storage of both SMacro and MMacros: the hash table
 * indexes them case-insensitively, and we then have to go through a
 * linked list of potential case aliases (and, for MMacros, parameter
 * ranges); this is to preserve the matching semantics of the earlier
 * code.  If the number of case aliases for a specific macro is a
 * performance issue, you may want to reconsider your coding style.

 * Function call tp obtain the expansion of an smacro

 * Store the definition of a single-line macro.
enum sparmflags {};

struct smac_param {};

struct SMacro {};

 * "No listing" flags. Inside a loop (%rep..%endrep) we may have
 * macro listing suppressed with .nolist, but we still need to
 * update line numbers for error messages and debug information...
 * unless we are nested inside an actual .nolist macro.
enum nolist_flags {};

 * Store the definition of a multi-line macro. This is also used to
 * store the interiors of `%rep...%endrep' blocks, which are
 * effectively self-re-invoking multi-line macros which simply
 * don't have a name or bother to appear in the hash tables. %rep
 * blocks are signified by having a NULL `name' field.
 * In a MMacro describing a `%rep' block, the `in_progress' field
 * isn't merely boolean, but gives the number of repeats left to
 * run.
 * The `next' field is used for storing MMacros in hash tables; the
 * `next_active' field is for stacking them on istk entries.
 * When a MMacro is being expanded, `params', `iline', `nparam',
 * `paramlen', `rotate' and `unique' are local to the invocation.

 * Expansion stack. Note that .mmac can point back to the macro itself,
 * whereas .mstk cannot.
struct mstk {};

struct MMacro {};

/* Store the definition of a multi-line macro, as defined in a
 * previous recursive macro expansion.
#if 0

struct MMacroInvocation {
    MMacroInvocation *prev;     /* previous invocation */
    Token **params;             /* actual parameters */
    Token *iline;               /* invocation line */
    unsigned int nparam, rotate;
    int *paramlen;
    uint64_t unique;
    uint64_t condcnt;


 * The context stack is composed of a linked list of these.
struct Context {};

static inline const char *tok_text(const struct Token *t)

 * Returns a mutable pointer to the text buffer. The text can be changed,
 * but the length MUST NOT CHANGE, in either direction; nor is it permitted
 * to pad with null characters to create an artificially shorter string.
static inline char *tok_text_buf(struct Token *t)

static inline unsigned int tok_check_len(size_t len)

static inline bool tok_text_match(const struct Token *a, const struct Token *b)

static inline unused_func bool
tok_match(const struct Token *a, const struct Token *b)

/* strlen() variant useful for set_text() and its variants */
static size_t tok_strlen(const char *str)

 * Set the text field to a copy of the given string; the length if
 * not given should be obtained with tok_strlen().
static Token *set_text(struct Token *t, const char *text, size_t len)

 * Set the text field to the existing pre-allocated string, either
 * taking over or freeing the allocation in the process.
static Token *set_text_free(struct Token *t, char *text, unsigned int len)

 * Allocate a new buffer containing a copy of the text field
 * of the token.
static char *dup_text(const struct Token *t)

 * Multi-line macro definitions are stored as a linked list of
 * these, which is essentially a container to allow several linked
 * lists of Tokens.
 * Note that in this module, linked lists are treated as stacks
 * wherever possible. For this reason, Lines are _pushed_ on to the
 * `expansion' field in MMacro structures, so that the linked list,
 * if walked, would give the macro lines in reverse order; this
 * means that we can walk the list when expanding a macro, and thus
 * push the lines on to the `expansion' field in _istk_ in reverse
 * order (so that when popped back off they are in the right
 * order). It may seem cockeyed, and it relies on my design having
 * an even number of steps in, but it works...
 * Some of these structures, rather than being actual lines, are
 * markers delimiting the end of the expansion of a given macro.
 * This is for use in the cycle-tracking and %rep-handling code.
 * Such structures have `finishes' non-NULL, and `first' NULL. All
 * others have `finishes' NULL, but `first' may still be NULL if
 * the line is blank.
struct Line {};

 * To handle an arbitrary level of file inclusion, we maintain a
 * stack (ie linked list) of these things.
 * Note: when we issue a message for a continuation line, we want to
 * issue it for the actual *start* of the continuation line. This means
 * we need to remember how many lines to skip over for the next one.
struct Include {};

 * File real name hash, so we don't have to re-search the include
 * path for every pass (and potentially more than that if a file
 * is used more than once.)
struct hash_table FileHash;

 * Counters to trap on insane macro recursion or processing.
 * Note: for smacros these count *down*, for mmacros they count *up*.
struct deadman {};

static struct deadman smacro_deadman, mmacro_deadman;

 * Conditional assembly: we maintain a separate stack of these for
 * each level of file inclusion. (The only reason we keep the
 * stacks separate is to ensure that a stray `%endif' in a file
 * included from within the true branch of a `%if' won't terminate
 * it and cause confusion: instead, rightly, it'll cause an error.)
enum cond_state {};
struct Cond {};
#define emitting(x)

 * These defines are used as the possible return values for do_directive

 * Condition codes. Note that we use c_ prefix not C_ because C_ is
 * used in nasm.h for the "real" condition codes. At _this_ level,
 * we treat CXZ and ECXZ as condition codes, albeit non-invertible
 * ones, so we need a different enum...
static const char * const conditions[] =;
enum pp_conds {};
static const enum pp_conds inverse_ccs[] =;

 * Directive names.
/* If this is a an IF, ELIF, ELSE or ENDIF keyword */
static int is_condition(enum preproc_token arg)

/* For TASM compatibility we need to be able to recognise TASM compatible
 * conditional compilation directives. Using the NASM pre-processor does
 * not work, so we look for them specifically from the following list and
 * then jam in the equivalent NASM directive into the input stream.

enum {};

static const char * const tasm_directives[] =;

static int StackSize =;
static const char *StackPointer =;
static int ArgOffset =;
static int LocalOffset =;

static Context *cstk;
static Include *istk;
static const struct strlist *ipath_list;

static struct strlist *deplist;

static uint64_t unique;     /* unique identifier numbers */

static Line *predef =;
static bool do_predef;
static enum preproc_mode pp_mode;

 * The current set of multi-line macros we have defined.
static struct hash_table mmacros;

 * The current set of single-line macros we have defined.
static struct hash_table smacros;

 * The multi-line macro we are currently defining, or the %rep
 * block we are currently reading, if any.
static MMacro *defining;

static uint64_t nested_mac_count;
static uint64_t nested_rep_count;

 * The number of macro parameters to allocate space for at a time.

 * The standard macro set: defined in macros.c in a set of arrays.
 * This gives our position in any macro set, while we are processing it.
 * The stdmacset is an array of such macro sets.
static macros_t *stdmacpos;
static macros_t **stdmacnext;
static macros_t *stdmacros[8];
static macros_t *extrastdmac;

 * Map of which %use packages have been loaded
static bool *use_loaded;

 * Forward declarations.
static void pp_add_stdmac(macros_t *macros);
static Token *expand_mmac_params(Token * tline);
static Token *expand_smacro(Token * tline);
static Token *expand_id(Token * tline);
static Context *get_ctx(const char *name, const char **namep);
static Token *make_tok_num(Token *next, int64_t val);
static Token *make_tok_qstr(Token *next, const char *str);
static Token *make_tok_qstr_len(Token *next, const char *str, size_t len);
static Token *make_tok_char(Token *next, char op);
static Token *new_Token(Token * next, enum pp_token_type type,
                        const char *text, size_t txtlen);
static Token *new_Token_free(Token * next, enum pp_token_type type,
                             char *text, size_t txtlen);
static Token *dup_Token(Token *next, const Token *src);
static Token *new_White(Token *next);
static Token *delete_Token(Token *t);
static Token *steal_Token(Token *dst, Token *src);
static const struct use_package *
get_use_pkg(Token *t, const char *dname, const char **name);
static void mark_smac_params(Token *tline, const SMacro *tmpl,
                             enum pp_token_type type);

/* Safe test for token type, false on x == NULL */
static inline bool tok_type(const Token *x, enum pp_token_type t)

/* Whitespace token? */
static inline bool tok_white(const Token *x)

/* Skip past any whitespace */
static inline Token *skip_white(Token *x)

/* Delete any whitespace */
static Token *zap_white(Token *x)

 * Single special character tests. The use of & rather than && is intentional; it
 * tells the compiler that it is safe to access text.a[1] unconditionally; hopefully
 * a smart compiler should turn it into a 16-bit memory reference.
static inline bool tok_is(const Token *x, char c)

/* True if any other kind of token that "c", but not NULL */
static inline bool tok_isnt(const Token *x, char c)

 * Unquote a token if it is a string, and set its type to
static const char *unquote_token(Token *t)

 * Same as unquote_token(), but error out if the resulting string
 * contains unacceptable control characters.
static const char *unquote_token_cstr(Token *t)

 * Convert a TOK_INTERNAL_STRING token to a quoted
 * TOK_STRING tokens.
static Token *quote_any_token(Token *t);
static inline unused_func
Token *quote_token(Token *t)

 * Convert *any* kind of token to a quoted
 * TOK_STRING token.
static Token *quote_any_token(Token *t)

 * In-place reverse a list of tokens.
static Token *reverse_tokens(Token *t)

 * getenv() variant operating on an input token
static const char *pp_getenv(const Token *t, bool warn)

 * Handle TASM specific directives, which do not contain a % in
 * front of them. We do it here because I could not find any other
 * place to do it for the moment, and it is a hack (ideally it would
 * be nice to be able to use the NASM pre-processor to do it).
static char *check_tasm_directive(char *line)

 * The pre-preprocessing stage... This function translates line
 * number indications as they emerge from GNU cpp (`# lineno "file"
 * flags') into NASM preprocessor line number indications (`%line
 * lineno file').
static inline char *prepreproc(char *line)

 * Free a linked list of tokens.
static void free_tlist(Token * list)

 * Free a linked list of lines.
static void free_llist(Line * list)

 * Free an array of linked lists of tokens
static void free_tlist_array(Token **array, size_t nlists)

 * Duplicate a linked list of tokens.
static Token *dup_tlist(const Token *list, Token ***tailp)

 * Duplicate a linked list of tokens with a maximum count
static Token *dup_tlistn(const Token *list, size_t cnt, Token ***tailp)

 * Duplicate a linked list of tokens in reverse order
static Token *dup_tlist_reverse(const Token *list, Token *tail)

 * Free an MMacro
static void free_mmacro(MMacro * m)

 * Clear or free an SMacro
static void free_smacro_members(SMacro *s)

static void clear_smacro(SMacro *s)

 * Free an SMacro
static void free_smacro(SMacro *s)

 * Free all currently defined macros, and free the hash tables if empty
enum clear_what {};

static void clear_smacro_table(struct hash_table *smt, enum clear_what what)

static void free_smacro_table(struct hash_table *smt)

static void free_mmacro_table(struct hash_table *mmt)

static void free_macros(void)

 * Initialize the hash tables
static void init_macros(void)

 * Pop the context stack.
static void ctx_pop(void)

 * Search for a key in the hash index; adding it if necessary
 * (in which case we initialize the data pointer to NULL.)
static void **
hash_findi_add(struct hash_table *hash, const char *str)

 * Like hash_findi, but returns the data element rather than a pointer
 * to it.  Used only when not adding a new element, hence no third
 * argument.
static void *
hash_findix(struct hash_table *hash, const char *str)

 * read line from standart macros set,
 * if there no more left -- return NULL
static char *line_from_stdmac(void)

 * Read a line from a file. Return NULL on end of file.
static char *line_from_file(FILE *f)

 * Common read routine regardless of source
static char *read_line(void)

 * Tokenize a line of text. This is a very simple process since we
 * don't need to parse the value out of e.g. numeric tokens: we
 * simply split one string into many.
static Token *tokenize(const char *line)

 * Tokens are allocated in blocks to improve speed. Set the blocksize
 * to 0 to use regular nasm_malloc(); this is useful for debugging.
 * alloc_Token() returns a zero-initialized token structure.


static Token *freeTokens  =;
static Token *tokenblocks =;

static Token *alloc_Token(void)

static Token *delete_Token(Token *t)

static void delete_Blocks(void)


static inline Token *alloc_Token(void)
    Token *t;
    return t;

static Token *delete_Token(Token *t)
    Token *next = t->next;
    return next;

static inline void delete_Blocks(void)
    /* Nothing to do */


 *  this function creates a new Token and passes a pointer to it
 *  back to the caller.  It sets the type, text, and next pointer elements.
static Token *new_Token(Token * next, enum pp_token_type type,
                        const char *text, size_t txtlen)

 * Same as new_Token(), but text belongs to the new token and is
 * either taken over or freed.  This function MUST be called
 * with valid txt and txtlen, unlike new_Token().
static Token *new_Token_free(Token * next, enum pp_token_type type,
                             char *text, size_t txtlen)

static Token *dup_Token(Token *next, const Token *src)

static Token *new_White(Token *next)

 * This *transfers* the content from one token to another, leaving the
 * next pointer of the latter intact. Unlike dup_Token(), the old
 * token is destroyed, except for its next pointer, and the text
 * pointer allocation, if any, is simply transferred.
static Token *steal_Token(Token *dst, Token *src)

 * Convert a line of tokens back into text. This modifies the list
 * by expanding environment variables.
 * If expand_locals is not zero, identifiers of the form "%$*xxx"
 * are also transformed into [email protected]
static char *detoken(Token * tlist, bool expand_locals)

 * A scanner, suitable for use by the expression evaluator, which
 * operates on a line of Tokens. Expects a pointer to a pointer to
 * the first token in the line to be passed in as its private_data
 * field.
 * FIX: This really needs to be unified with stdscan.
struct ppscan {};

static int ppscan(void *private_data, struct tokenval *tokval)

 * 1. An expression (true if nonzero 0)
 * 2. The keywords true, on, yes for true
 * 3. The keywords false, off, no for false
 * 4. An empty line, for true
 * On error, return defval (usually the previous value)
static bool pp_get_boolean_option(Token *tline, bool defval)

 * Compare a string to the name of an existing macro; this is a
 * simple wrapper which calls either strcmp or nasm_stricmp
 * depending on the value of the `casesense' parameter.
static int mstrcmp(const char *p, const char *q, bool casesense)

 * Compare a string to the name of an existing macro; this is a
 * simple wrapper which calls either strcmp or nasm_stricmp
 * depending on the value of the `casesense' parameter.
static int mmemcmp(const char *p, const char *q, size_t l, bool casesense)

 * Return the Context structure associated with a %$ token. Return
 * NULL, having _already_ reported an error condition, if the
 * context stack isn't deep enough for the supplied number of $
 * signs.
 * If "namep" is non-NULL, set it to the pointer to the macro name
 * tail, i.e. the part beyond %$...
static Context *get_ctx(const char *name, const char **namep)

 * Open an include file. This routine must always return a valid
 * file pointer if it returns - it's responsible for throwing an
 * ERR_FATAL and bombing out completely if not. It should also try
 * the include path one by one until it finds the file or reaches
 * the end of the path.
 * Note: for INC_PROBE the function returns NULL at all times;
 * instead look for the
enum incopen_mode {};

/* This is conducts a full pathname search */
static FILE *inc_fopen_search(const char *file, char **slpath,
                              enum incopen_mode omode, enum file_flags fmode)

 * Open a file, or test for the presence of one (depending on omode),
 * considering the include path.
static FILE *inc_fopen(const char *file,
                       struct strlist *dhead,
                       const char **found_path,
                       enum incopen_mode omode,
                       enum file_flags fmode)

 * Opens an include or input file. Public version, for use by modules
 * that get a file:lineno pair and need to look at the file again
 * (e.g. the CodeView debug backend). Returns NULL on failure.
FILE *pp_input_fopen(const char *filename, enum file_flags mode)

 * Determine if we should warn on defining a single-line macro of
 * name `name', with `nparam' parameters. If nparam is 0 or -1, will
 * return true if _any_ single-line macro of that name is defined.
 * Otherwise, will return true if a single-line macro with either
 * `nparam' or no parameters is defined.
 * If a macro with precisely the right number of parameters is
 * defined, or nparam is -1, the address of the definition structure
 * will be returned in `defn'; otherwise NULL will be returned. If `defn'
 * is NULL, no action will be taken regarding its contents, and no
 * error will occur.
 * Note that this is also called with nparam zero to resolve
 * `ifdef'.
static bool
smacro_defined(Context *ctx, const char *name, int nparam, SMacro **defn,
               bool nocase, bool find_alias)

/* param should be a natural number [0; INT_MAX] */
static int read_param_count(const char *str)

 * Count and mark off the parameters in a multi-line macro call.
 * This is called both from within the multi-line macro expansion
 * code, and also to mark off the default parameters when provided
 * in a %macro definition line.
 * Note that we need space in the params array for parameter 0 being
 * a possible captured label as well as the final NULL.
 * Returns a pointer to the pointer to a terminal comma if present;
 * used to drop an empty terminal argument for legacy reasons.
static Token **count_mmac_params(Token *tline, int *nparamp, Token ***paramsp)

 * Determine whether one of the various `if' conditions is true or
 * not.
 * We must free the tline we get passed.
static enum cond_state if_condition(Token * tline, enum preproc_token ct)

 * Default smacro expansion routine: just returns a copy of the
 * expansion list.
static Token *
smacro_expand_default(const SMacro *s, Token **params, int nparams)

 * Emit a macro defintion or undef to the listing file, if
 * desired. This is similar to detoken(), but it handles the reverse
 * expansion list, does not expand %! or local variable tokens, and
 * does some special handling for macro parameters.
static void
list_smacro_def(enum preproc_token op, const Context *ctx, const SMacro *m)

 * Parse smacro arguments, return argument count. If the tmpl argument
 * is set, set the nparam, greedy and params field in the template.
 * *tpp is updated to point to the pointer to the first token after the
 * prototype.
 * The text values from any argument tokens are "stolen" and the
 * corresponding text fields set to NULL.
static int parse_smacro_template(Token ***tpp, SMacro *tmpl)

 * Common code for defining an smacro. The tmpl argument, if not NULL,
 * contains any macro parameters that aren't explicit arguments;
 * those are the more uncommon macro variants.
static SMacro *define_smacro(const char *mname, bool casesense,
                             Token *expansion, SMacro *tmpl)

 * Undefine an smacro
static void undef_smacro(const char *mname, bool undefalias)

 * Parse a mmacro specification.
static bool parse_mmacro_spec(Token *tline, MMacro *def, const char *directive)

 * Decode a size directive
static int parse_size(const char *str) {}

 * Process a preprocessor %pragma directive.  Currently there are none.
 * Gets passed the token list starting with the "preproc" token from
 * "%pragma preproc".
static void do_pragma_preproc(Token *tline)

static bool is_macro_id(const Token *t)

static const char *get_id(Token **tp, const char *dname)

/* Parse a %use package name and find the package. Set *err on syntax error. */
static const struct use_package *
get_use_pkg(Token *t, const char *dname, const char **name)

 * Mark parameter tokens in an smacro definition. If the type argument
 * is 0, create smac param tokens, otherwise use the type specified;
 * normally this is used for TOK_XDEF_PARAM, which is used to protect
 * parameter tokens during expansion during %xdefine.
 * tmpl may not be NULL here.
static void mark_smac_params(Token *tline, const SMacro *tmpl,
                             enum pp_token_type type)

 * %clear selected macro sets either globally or in contexts
static void do_clear(enum clear_what what, bool context)

 * find and process preprocessor directive in passed line
 * Find out if a line contains a preprocessor directive, and deal
 * with it if so.
 * If a directive _is_ found, it is the responsibility of this routine
 * (and not the caller) to free_tlist() the line.
 * @param tline a pointer to the current tokeninzed line linked list
 * @param output if this directive generated output
static int do_directive(Token *tline, Token **output)

 * Ensure that a macro parameter contains a condition code and
 * nothing else. Return the condition code index if so, or -1
 * otherwise.
static int find_cc(Token * t)

static inline bool pp_concat_match(const Token *t, unsigned int mask)

 * This routines walks over tokens strem and handles tokens
 * pasting, if @handle_explicit passed then explicit pasting
 * term is handled, otherwise -- implicit pastings only.
 * The @m array can contain a series of token types which are
 * executed as separate passes.
static bool paste_tokens(Token **head, const struct tokseq_match *m,
                         size_t mnum, bool handle_explicit)

 * Computes the proper rotation of mmacro parameters
static int mmac_rotate(const MMacro *mac, unsigned int n)

 * expands to a list of tokens from %{x:y}
static void expand_mmac_params_range(MMacro *mac, Token *tline, Token ***tail)

 * Expand MMacro-local things: parameter references (%0, %n, %+n,
 * %-n) and MMacro-local identifiers (%%foo) as well as
 * macro indirection (%[...]) and range (%{..:..}).
static Token *expand_mmac_params(Token * tline)

static Token *expand_smacro_noreset(Token * tline);

 * Expand *one* single-line macro instance. If the first token is not
 * a macro at all, it is simply copied to the output and the pointer
 * advanced.  tpp should be a pointer to a pointer (usually the next
 * pointer of the previous token) to the first token. **tpp is updated
 * to point to the first token of the expansion, and *tpp updated to
 * point to the next pointer of the last token of the expansion.
 * If the expansion is empty, *tpp will be unchanged but **tpp will
 * be advanced past the macro call.
 * Return the macro expanded, or NULL if no expansion took place.
static SMacro *expand_one_smacro(Token ***tpp)

 * Expand all single-line macro calls made in the given line.
 * Return the expanded version of the line. The original is deemed
 * to be destroyed in the process. (In reality we'll just move
 * Tokens from input to output a lot of the time, rather than
 * actually bothering to destroy and replicate.)
static Token *expand_smacro(Token *tline)

static Token *expand_smacro_noreset(Token *org_tline)

 * Similar to expand_smacro but used exclusively with macro identifiers
 * right before they are fetched in. The reason is that there can be
 * identifiers consisting of several subparts. We consider that if there
 * are more than one element forming the name, user wants a expansion,
 * otherwise it will be left as-is. Example:
 *      %define %$abc cde
 * the identifier %$abc will be left as-is so that the handler for %define
 * will suck it and define the corresponding value. Other case:
 *      %define _%$abc cde
 * In this case user wants name to be expanded *before* %define starts
 * working, so we'll expand %$abc into something (if it has a value;
 * otherwise it will be left as-is) then concatenate all successive
 * PP_IDs into one.
static Token *expand_id(Token * tline)

 * This is called from find_mmacro_in_list() after finding a suitable macro.
static MMacro *use_mmacro(MMacro *m, int *nparamp, Token ***paramsp)

 * Search a macro list and try to find a match. If matching, call
 * use_mmacro() to set up the macro call. m points to the list of
 * search, which is_mmacro() sets to the first *possible* match.
static MMacro *
find_mmacro_in_list(MMacro *m, const char *finding,
                    int *nparamp, Token ***paramsp)

 * Determine whether the given line constitutes a multi-line macro
 * call, and return the MMacro structure called if so. Doesn't have
 * to check for an initial label - that's taken care of in
 * expand_mmacro - but must check numbers of parameters. Guaranteed
 * to be called with tline->type == TOK_ID, so the putative macro
 * name is easy to find.
static MMacro *is_mmacro(Token * tline, int *nparamp, Token ***paramsp)

#if 0

 * Save MMacro invocation specific fields in
 * preparation for a recursive macro expansion
static void push_mmacro(MMacro *m)
    MMacroInvocation *i;

    i = nasm_malloc(sizeof(MMacroInvocation));
    i->prev = m->prev;
    i->params = m->params;
    i->iline = m->iline;
    i->nparam = m->nparam;
    i->rotate = m->rotate;
    i->paramlen = m->paramlen;
    i->unique = m->unique;
    i->condcnt = m->condcnt;
    m->prev = i;

 * Restore MMacro invocation specific fields that were
 * saved during a previous recursive macro expansion
static void pop_mmacro(MMacro *m)
    MMacroInvocation *i;

    if (m->prev) {
        i = m->prev;
        m->prev = i->prev;
        m->params = i->params;
        m->iline = i->iline;
        m->nparam = i->nparam;
        m->rotate = i->rotate;
        m->paramlen = i->paramlen;
        m->unique = i->unique;
        m->condcnt = i->condcnt;


 * List an mmacro call with arguments (-Lm option)
static void list_mmacro_call(const MMacro *m)

 * Expand the multi-line macro call made by the given line, if
 * there is one to be expanded. If there is, push the expansion on
 * istk->expansion and return 1. Otherwise return 0.
static int expand_mmacro(Token * tline)

 * This function decides if an error message should be suppressed.
 * It will never be called with a severity level of ERR_FATAL or
 * higher.
static bool pp_suppress_error(errflags severity)

static Token *
stdmac_file(const SMacro *s, Token **params, int nparams)

static Token *
stdmac_line(const SMacro *s, Token **params, int nparams)

static Token *
stdmac_bits(const SMacro *s, Token **params, int nparams)

static Token *
stdmac_ptr(const SMacro *s, Token **params, int nparams)

/* Add magic standard macros */
struct magic_macros {};
static const struct magic_macros magic_macros[] =;

static void pp_add_magic_stdmac(void)

static void
pp_reset(const char *file, enum preproc_mode mode, struct strlist *dep_list)

static void pp_init(void)

 * Get a line of tokens. If we popped the macro expansion/include stack,
 * we return a pointer to the dummy token tok_pop; at that point if
 * istk is NULL then we have reached end of input;
static Token tok_pop;           /* Dummy token placeholder */

static Token *pp_tokline(void)

static char *pp_getline(void)

static void pp_cleanup_pass(void)

static void pp_cleanup_session(void)

static void pp_include_path(struct strlist *list)

static void pp_pre_include(char *fname)

static void pp_pre_define(char *definition)

static void pp_pre_undefine(char *definition)

/* Insert an early preprocessor command that doesn't need special handling */
static void pp_pre_command(const char *what, char *string)

static void pp_add_stdmac(macros_t *macros)

static void pp_extra_stdmac(macros_t *macros)

/* Create a numeric token */
static Token *make_tok_num(Token *next, int64_t val)

/* Create a quoted string token */
static Token *make_tok_qstr_len(Token *next, const char *str, size_t len)
static Token *make_tok_qstr(Token *next, const char *str)

/* Create a single-character operator token */
static Token *make_tok_char(Token *next, char op)

 * Descent the macro hierarchy and display the expansion after
 * encountering an error message.
static void pp_error_list_macros(errflags severity)

const struct preproc_ops nasmpp =;