
 * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>

#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_view.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/basic_types.h"

namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
namespace compare {

// This file contains the de-facto impleemntation of all comparisions used by
// trace processor in every setting. All of this is centralised in one file to
// ensure both internal consistency with SQLite and consistency with SQLite.

// Compare a non-null numeric to a double; returns:
//  * <0 if i < d,
//  * >0 if i > d.
//  *  0 otherwise
// This code matches the behaviour of sqlite3IntFloatCompare.
inline int LongToDouble(int64_t i, double d) {}

// Compares two non-null numeric values; returns:
//  * <0 if a < b,
//  * >0 if a > b.
//  *  0 otherwise
// This code matches the behaviour of the inline code in the comparision path of
// sqlite3VdbeExec (for ints) and the behaviour of sqlite3MemCompare (for
// doubles).
template <typename T>
inline int Numeric(T a, T b) {}

// Compares two non-null bytes values; returns:
//  * <0 if a < b,
//  * >0 if a > b.
//  *  0 otherwise
// This code matches the behaviour of sqlite3BlobCompare.
inline int Bytes(const void* a, size_t a_n, const void* b, size_t b_n) {}

// Compares two non-null string values; returns:
//  * <0 if a < b,
//  * >0 if a > b.
//  *  0 otherwise
// This code matches the behaviour of sqlite3BlobCompare which is called when
// there is no collation sequence defined in sqlite3MemCompare.
inline int String(base::StringView a, base::StringView b) {}

// Compares two nullable numeric values; returns:
//  *  0 if both a and b are null
//  * <0 if a is null and b is non null
//  * >0 if a is non null and b is null
//  * <0 if a < b (a and b both non null)
//  * >0 if a > b (a and b both non null)
//  *  0 otherwise
// Should only be used for defining an ordering on value of type T. For filter
// functions, compare::Numeric should be used above after checking if the value
// is null.
// This method was defined from observing the behaviour of SQLite when sorting
// on columns containing nulls.
template <typename T>
inline int NullableNumeric(std::optional<T> a, std::optional<T> b) {}

// Compares two strings, either of which can be null; returns:
//  *  0 if both a and b are null
//  * <0 if a is null and b is non null
//  * >0 if a is non null and b is null
//  * <0 if a < b (a and b both non null)
//  * >0 if a > b (a and b both non null)
//  *  0 otherwise
// Should only be used for defining an ordering on value of type T. For filter
// functions, compare::String should be used above after checking if the value
// is null.
// This method was defined from observing the behaviour of SQLite when sorting
// on columns containing nulls.
inline int NullableString(base::StringView a, base::StringView b) {}

// Compares two SqlValue; returns:
//  * <0 if a.type < b.type and a and b are not both numeric
//  * >0 if a.type > b.type and a and b are not both numeric
//  * <0 if a < b (a and b both non null and either of same type or numeric)
//  * >0 if a > b (a and b both non null and either of same type or numeric)
//  *  0 otherwise
// This code roughly matches the behaviour of the code in the comparision path
// of sqlite3VdbeExec except we are intentionally more strict than SQLite when
// it comes to casting between strings and numerics - we disallow moving between
// the two. We do allow comparing between doubles and longs however as doubles
// can easily appear by using constants in SQL even when intending to use longs.
inline int SqlValue(const SqlValue& a, const SqlValue& b) {}

// Implements a comparator for SqlValues to use for std algorithms.
// See documentation of compare::SqlValue for details of how this function
// works.
inline int SqlValueComparator(const trace_processor::SqlValue& a,
                              const trace_processor::SqlValue& b) {}

}  // namespace compare
}  // namespace trace_processor
}  // namespace perfetto