
/* Copyright (c) 2019-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Valve Corporation
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2024 LunarG, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Google Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vulkan/utility/vk_small_containers.hpp>

namespace vku {
namespace sparse {
// range_map
// Implements an ordered map of non-overlapping, non-empty ranges
template <typename Index>
struct range {};

template <typename Range>
class range_view {};

template <typename Range>
std::string string_range(const Range &range) {}

template <typename Range>
std::string string_range_hex(const Range &range) {}

// Type parameters for the range_map(s)
struct insert_range_no_split_bounds {};

struct insert_range_split_bounds {};

struct split_op_keep_both {};

struct split_op_keep_lower {};

struct split_op_keep_upper {};

enum class value_precedence {};

template <typename Iterator, typename Map, typename Range>
Iterator split(Iterator in, Map &map, const Range &range);

// The range based sparse map implemented on the ImplMap
template <typename Key, typename T, typename RangeKey = range<Key>, typename ImplMap = std::map<RangeKey, T>>
class range_map {
    using MapKey = RangeKey;
    ImplMap impl_map_;
    using ImplIterator = typename ImplMap::iterator;
    using ImplConstIterator = typename ImplMap::const_iterator;

    using mapped_type = typename ImplMap::mapped_type;
    using value_type = typename ImplMap::value_type;
    using key_type = typename ImplMap::key_type;
    using index_type = typename key_type::index_type;
    using size_type = typename ImplMap::size_type;

    template <typename ThisType>
    using ConstCorrectImplIterator = decltype(std::declval<ThisType>().impl_begin());

    template <typename ThisType, typename WrappedIterator = ConstCorrectImplIterator<ThisType>>
    static WrappedIterator lower_bound_impl(ThisType &that, const key_type &key) {}

    ImplIterator lower_bound_impl(const key_type &key) {}

    ImplConstIterator lower_bound_impl(const key_type &key) const {}

    template <typename ThisType, typename WrappedIterator = ConstCorrectImplIterator<ThisType>>
    static WrappedIterator upper_bound_impl(ThisType &that, const key_type &key) {}

    ImplIterator upper_bound_impl(const key_type &key) {}

    ImplConstIterator upper_bound_impl(const key_type &key) const {}

    ImplIterator impl_find(const key_type &key) {}
    ImplConstIterator impl_find(const key_type &key) const {}
    bool impl_not_found(const key_type &key) const {}

    ImplIterator impl_end() {}
    ImplConstIterator impl_end() const {}

    ImplIterator impl_begin() {}
    ImplConstIterator impl_begin() const {}

    inline bool at_impl_end(const ImplIterator &pos) {}
    inline bool at_impl_end(const ImplConstIterator &pos) const {}

    inline bool at_impl_begin(const ImplIterator &pos) {}
    inline bool at_impl_begin(const ImplConstIterator &pos) const {}

    ImplIterator impl_erase(const ImplIterator &pos) {}

    template <typename Value>
    ImplIterator impl_insert(const ImplIterator &hint, Value &&value) {}
    ImplIterator impl_insert(const ImplIterator &hint, const key_type &key, const mapped_type &value) {}

    ImplIterator impl_insert(const ImplIterator &hint, const index_type &begin, const index_type &end, const mapped_type &value) {}

    template <typename SplitOp>
    ImplIterator split_impl(const ImplIterator &split_it, const index_type &index, const SplitOp &) {}

    // do an ranged insert that splits existing ranges at the boundaries, and writes value to any non-initialized sub-ranges
    range<ImplIterator> infill_and_split(const key_type &bounds, const mapped_type &value, ImplIterator lower, bool split_bounds) {}

    template <typename TouchOp>
    ImplIterator impl_erase_range(const key_type &bounds, ImplIterator lower, const TouchOp &touch_mapped_value) {}

    template <typename ValueType, typename WrappedIterator_>
    struct iterator_impl {
        friend class range_map;
        using WrappedIterator = WrappedIterator_;

        WrappedIterator pos_;

        // Create an iterator at a specific internal state -- only from the parent container
        iterator_impl(const WrappedIterator &pos) : pos_(pos) {}

        iterator_impl() : iterator_impl(WrappedIterator()) {}
        iterator_impl(const iterator_impl &other) : pos_(other.pos_) {}

        iterator_impl &operator=(const iterator_impl &rhs) {
            pos_ = rhs.pos_;
            return *this;

        inline bool operator==(const iterator_impl &rhs) const { return pos_ == rhs.pos_; }

        inline bool operator!=(const iterator_impl &rhs) const { return pos_ != rhs.pos_; }

        ValueType &operator*() const { return *pos_; }
        ValueType *operator->() const { return &*pos_; }

        iterator_impl &operator++() {
            return *this;

        iterator_impl &operator--() {
            return *this;

        // To allow for iterator -> const_iterator construction
        // NOTE: while it breaks strict encapsulation, it does so less than friend
        const WrappedIterator &get_pos() const { return pos_; }

    using iterator = iterator_impl<value_type, ImplIterator>;

    // The const iterator must be derived to allow the conversion from iterator, which iterator doesn't support
    class const_iterator : public iterator_impl<const value_type, ImplConstIterator> {
        using Base = iterator_impl<const value_type, ImplConstIterator>;
        friend range_map;

        const_iterator &operator=(const const_iterator &other) {
            return *this;
        const_iterator(const const_iterator &other) : Base(other) {}
        const_iterator(const iterator &it) : Base(ImplConstIterator(it.get_pos())) {}
        const_iterator() : Base() {}

        const_iterator(const ImplConstIterator &pos) : Base(pos) {}

    inline bool at_end(const iterator &it) {}
    inline bool at_end(const const_iterator &it) const {}
    inline bool at_begin(const iterator &it) {}

    template <typename That, typename Iterator>
    static bool is_contiguous_impl(That *const that, const key_type &range, const Iterator &lower) {}

    iterator end() {}                          //  policy and bounds don't matter for end
    const_iterator end() const {}        //  policy and bounds don't matter for end
    iterator begin() {}                      // with default policy, and thus no bounds
    const_iterator begin() const {}    // with default policy, and thus no bounds
    const_iterator cbegin() const {}  // with default policy, and thus no bounds
    const_iterator cend() const {}      // with default policy, and thus no bounds

    iterator erase(const iterator &pos) {}

    iterator erase(range<iterator> bounds) {}

    iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) {}

    // Before trying to erase a range, function touch_mapped_value is called on the mapped value.
    // touch_mapped_value is allowed to have it's parameter type to be non const reference.
    // If it returns true, regular erase will occur.
    // Else, range is kept.
    template <typename TouchOp>
    iterator erase_range_or_touch(const key_type &bounds, const TouchOp &touch_mapped_value) {}

    iterator erase_range(const key_type &bounds) {}

    void clear() {}

    iterator find(const key_type &key) {}

    const_iterator find(const key_type &key) const {}

    iterator find(const index_type &index) {}

    const_iterator find(const index_type &index) const {}

    iterator lower_bound(const key_type &key) {}

    const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type &key) const {}

    iterator upper_bound(const key_type &key) {}

    const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type &key) const {}

    range<iterator> bounds(const key_type &key) {}
    range<const_iterator> cbounds(const key_type &key) const {}
    range<const_iterator> bounds(const key_type &key) const {}

    using insert_pair = std::pair<iterator, bool>;

    // This is traditional no replacement insert.
    insert_pair insert(const value_type &value) {}

    iterator insert(const_iterator hint, const value_type &value) {}

    // Try to insert value. If insertion failed, recursively split union of retrieved stored range with inserted range.
    // Split at intersection of stored range and inserted range.
    // Range intersection is merged using merge_op.
    // Ranges before and after this intersection are recursively inserted.
    // merge_pos should have this signature: (mapped_type& current_value, const mapped_type& new_value) -> void
    template <typename MergeOp>
    iterator split_and_merge_insert(const value_type &value, const MergeOp &merge_op) {}

    template <typename SplitOp>
    iterator split(const iterator whole_it, const index_type &index, const SplitOp &split_op) {}

    // The overwrite hint here is lower.... and if it's not right... this fails
    template <typename Value>
    iterator overwrite_range(const iterator &lower, Value &&value) {}

    template <typename Value>
    iterator overwrite_range(Value &&value) {}

    bool empty() const {}
    size_type size() const {}

    // For configuration/debug use // Use with caution...
    ImplMap &get_implementation_map() {}
    const ImplMap &get_implementation_map() const {}


// The an array based small ordered map for range keys for use as the range map "ImplMap" as an alternate to std::map
// Assumes RangeKey::index_type is unsigned (TBD is it useful to generalize to unsigned?)
// Assumes RangeKey implements begin, end, < and (TBD) from template range above
template <typename Key, typename T, typename RangeKey = range<Key>, size_t N = 64, typename SmallIndex = uint8_t>
class small_range_map {};

// Forward index iterator, tracking an index value and the appropos lower bound
// returns an index_type, lower_bound pair.  Supports ++,  offset, and seek affecting the index,
// lower bound updates as needed. As the index may specify a range for which no entry exist, dereferenced
// iterator includes an "valid" field, true IFF the lower_bound is not end() and contains [index, index +1)
// Must be explicitly invalidated when the underlying map is changed.
template <typename Map>
class cached_lower_bound_impl {};

template <typename CachedLowerBound, typename MappedType = typename CachedLowerBound::mapped_type>
const MappedType &evaluate(const CachedLowerBound &clb, const MappedType &default_value) {}

// Split a range into pieces bound by the intersection of the iterator's range and the supplied range
template <typename Iterator, typename Map, typename Range>
Iterator split(Iterator in, Map &map, const Range &range) {}

// Apply an operation over a range map, infilling where content is absent, updating where content is present.
// The passed pos must *either* be strictly less than range or *is* lower_bound (which may be end)
// Trims to range boundaries.
// infill op doesn't have to alter map, but mustn't invalidate iterators passed to it. (i.e. no erasure)
// infill data (default mapped value or other initial value) is contained with ops.
// update allows existing ranges to be updated (merged, whatever) based on data contained in ops.  All iterators
// passed to update are already trimmed to fit within range.
template <typename RangeMap, typename InfillUpdateOps, typename Iterator = typename RangeMap::iterator>
Iterator infill_update_range(RangeMap &map, Iterator pos, const typename RangeMap::key_type &range, const InfillUpdateOps &ops) {}

template <typename RangeMap, typename InfillUpdateOps>
void infill_update_range(RangeMap &map, const typename RangeMap::key_type &range, const InfillUpdateOps &ops) {}

template <typename RangeMap, typename RangeGen, typename InfillUpdateOps>
void infill_update_rangegen(RangeMap &map, RangeGen &range_gen, const InfillUpdateOps &ops) {}

// Parallel iterator
// Traverse to range maps over the the same range, but without assumptions of aligned ranges.
// ++ increments to the next point where on of the two maps changes range, giving a range over which the two
// maps do not transition ranges
template <typename MapA, typename MapB = MapA, typename KeyType = typename MapA::key_type>
class parallel_iterator {};

template <typename DstRangeMap, typename SrcRangeMap, typename Updater,
          typename SourceIterator = typename SrcRangeMap::const_iterator>
bool splice(DstRangeMap &to, const SrcRangeMap &from, SourceIterator begin, SourceIterator end, const Updater &updater) {}
// And short hand for "from begin to end"
template <typename DstRangeMap, typename SrcRangeMap, typename Updater>
bool splice(DstRangeMap &to, const SrcRangeMap &from, const Updater &updater) {}

template <typename T>
struct update_prefer_source {};

template <typename T>
struct update_prefer_dest {};

template <typename RangeMap, typename SourceIterator = typename RangeMap::const_iterator>
bool splice(RangeMap &to, const RangeMap &from, value_precedence arbiter, [[maybe_unused]] SourceIterator begin,
            [[maybe_unused]] SourceIterator end) {}

// And short hand for "from begin to end"
template <typename RangeMap>
bool splice(RangeMap &to, const RangeMap &from, value_precedence arbiter) {}

template <typename Map, typename Range = typename Map::key_type, typename MapValue = typename Map::mapped_type>
bool update_range_value(Map &map, const Range &range, MapValue &&value, value_precedence precedence) {}

//  combines directly adjacent ranges with equal RangeMap::mapped_type .
template <typename RangeMap>
void consolidate(RangeMap &map) {}

// Returns the intersection of the ranges [x, x + x_size) and [y, y + y_size)
static inline range<int64_t> GetRangeIntersection(int64_t x, uint64_t x_size, int64_t y, uint64_t y_size) {}

}  // namespace sparse
}  // namespace vku