
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

  <title>CSS Writing Modes Test: tooltip should display in the writing mode of associated element</title>

  <link rel="author" title="Gérard Talbot" href="">
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  Bug 1183691: Tooltips should display in the writing mode of the associated element

  Issue 703011: Tooltip should be displayed according to the writing mode of associated element


  <meta content="may interact" name="flags">

      float: right;
      writing-mode: vertical-rl;

      float: left;
      writing-mode: vertical-lr;

  <h3 title="Test passes if tooltip is vertical and if tooltip text is rotated 90°" id="vrl">Hover pointing device over this text</h3>

  <h3 title="Test passes if tooltip is vertical and if tooltip text is rotated 90°" id="vlr">Hover pointing device over this text</h3>