from wptserve.utils import isomorphic_decode
def main(request, response):
token = request.GET.first(b"token", None)
if b"querystate" in request.GET:
from json import JSONEncoder
response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain")
return JSONEncoder().encode(request.server.stash.take(token))
content = request.GET.first(b"content", None)
tag = request.GET.first(b"tag", None)
date = request.GET.first(b"date", None)
expires = request.GET.first(b"expires", None)
vary = request.GET.first(b"vary", None)
cc = request.GET.first(b"cache_control", None)
redirect = request.GET.first(b"redirect", None)
inm = request.headers.get(b"If-None-Match", None)
ims = request.headers.get(b"If-Modified-Since", None)
pragma = request.headers.get(b"Pragma", None)
cache_control = request.headers.get(b"Cache-Control", None)
ignore = b"ignore" in request.GET
if tag:
tag = b'"%s"' % tag
server_state = request.server.stash.take(token)
if not server_state:
server_state = []
state = dict()
if not ignore:
if inm:
state[u"If-None-Match"] = isomorphic_decode(inm)
if ims:
state[u"If-Modified-Since"] = isomorphic_decode(ims)
if pragma:
state[u"Pragma"] = isomorphic_decode(pragma)
if cache_control:
state[u"Cache-Control"] = isomorphic_decode(cache_control)
request.server.stash.put(token, server_state)
if tag:
response.headers.set(b"ETag", b'%s' % tag)
elif date:
response.headers.set(b"Last-Modified", date)
if expires:
response.headers.set(b"Expires", expires)
if vary:
response.headers.set(b"Vary", vary)
if cc:
response.headers.set(b"Cache-Control", cc)
# The only-if-cached redirect tests wants CORS to be okay, the other tests
# are all same-origin anyways and don't care.
response.headers.set(b"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", b"*")
if redirect:
response.headers.set(b"Location", redirect)
response.status = (302, b"Redirect")
return b""
elif ((inm is not None and inm == tag) or
(ims is not None and ims == date)):
response.status = (304, b"Not Modified")
return b""
response.status = (200, b"OK")
response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"text/plain")
return content