'use strict';
// This script depends on the following script:
// /fs/resources/test-helpers.js
// /service-workers/service-worker/resources/test-helpers.sub.js
// Define the URL constants used for each type of message target, including
// iframes and workers.
const kDocumentMessageTarget = 'resources/message-target.html';
const kSharedWorkerMessageTarget = 'resources/message-target-shared-worker.js';
const kServiceWorkerMessageTarget =
const kDedicatedWorkerMessageTarget =
function create_dedicated_worker(test, url) {
const dedicated_worker = new Worker(url);
test.add_cleanup(() => {
return dedicated_worker;
async function create_service_worker(test, script_url, scope) {
const registration = await service_worker_unregister_and_register(
test, script_url, scope);
test.add_cleanup(() => {
return registration.unregister();
return registration;
// Creates an iframe and waits to receive a message from the iframe.
// Valid |options| include src, srcdoc and sandbox, which mirror the
// corresponding iframe element properties.
async function add_iframe(test, options) {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
if (options.sandbox !== undefined) {
iframe.sandbox = options.sandbox;
if (options.src !== undefined) {
iframe.src = options.src;
if (options.srcdoc !== undefined) {
iframe.srcdoc = options.srcdoc;
test.add_cleanup(() => {
await wait_for_loaded_message(self);
return iframe;
// Creates a child window using window.open() and waits to receive a message
// from the child window.
async function open_window(test, url) {
const child_window = window.open(url);
test.add_cleanup(() => {
await wait_for_loaded_message(self);
return child_window;
// Wait until |receiver| gets a message event with the data set to 'LOADED'.
// The postMessage() tests use messaging instead of the loaded event because
// cross-origin child windows from window.open() do not dispatch the loaded
// event to the parent window.
async function wait_for_loaded_message(receiver) {
const message_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
receiver.addEventListener('message', message_event => {
if (message_event.data === 'LOADED') {
} else {
reject('The message target must receive a "LOADED" message response.');
await message_promise;
// Sets up a new message channel. Sends one port to |target| and then returns
// the other port.
function create_message_channel(target, target_origin) {
const message_channel = new MessageChannel();
const message_data =
{ type: 'receive-message-port', message_port: message_channel.port2 };
transfer: [message_channel.port2],
targetOrigin: target_origin
return message_channel.port1;
// Creates a variety of different FileSystemFileHandles for testing.
async function create_file_system_handles(test, root) {
// Create some files to use with postMessage().
const empty_file = await createEmptyFile(test, 'empty-file', root);
const first_file = await createFileWithContents(
test, 'first-file-with-contents', 'first-text-content', root);
const second_file = await createFileWithContents(
test, 'second-file-with-contents', 'second-text-content', root);
// Create an empty directory to use with postMessage().
const empty_directory = await createDirectory(test, 'empty-directory', root);
// Create a directory containing both files and subdirectories to use
// with postMessage().
const directory_with_files =
await createDirectory(test, 'directory-with-files', root);
await createFileWithContents(test, 'first-file-in-directory',
'first-directory-text-content', directory_with_files);
await createFileWithContents(test, 'second-file-in-directory',
'second-directory-text-content', directory_with_files);
const subdirectory =
await createDirectory(test, 'subdirectory', directory_with_files);
await createFileWithContents(test, 'first-file-in-subdirectory',
'first-subdirectory-text-content', subdirectory);
return [
// Include the same FileSystemFileHandle twice.
// Include the Same FileSystemDirectoryHandle object twice.
// Tests sending an array of FileSystemHandles to |target| with postMessage().
// The array includes both FileSystemFileHandles and FileSystemDirectoryHandles.
// After receiving the message, |target| accesses all cloned handles by
// serializing the properties of each handle to a JavaScript object.
// |target| then responds with the resulting array of serialized handles. The
// response also includes the array of cloned handles, which creates more
// clones. After receiving the response, this test runner verifies that both
// the serialized handles and the cloned handles contain the expected properties.
async function do_post_message_test(
test, root_dir, receiver, target, target_origin) {
// Create and send the handles to |target|.
const handles =
await create_file_system_handles(test, root_dir, target, target_origin);
{ type: 'receive-file-system-handles', cloned_handles: handles },
{ targetOrigin: target_origin });
// Wait for |target| to respond with results.
const event_watcher = new EventWatcher(test, receiver, 'message');
const message_event = await event_watcher.wait_for('message');
const response = message_event.data;
assert_equals(response.type, 'receive-serialized-file-system-handles',
'The test runner must receive a "serialized-file-system-handles" ' +
`message response. Actual response: ${response}`);
// Verify the results.
const expected_serialized_handles = await serialize_handles(handles);
response.serialized_handles, expected_serialized_handles);
await assert_equals_cloned_handles(response.cloned_handles, handles);
// Runs the same test as do_post_message_test(), but uses a MessagePort.
// This test starts by establishing a message channel between the test runner
// and |target|. Afterwards, the test sends FileSystemHandles through the
// message port channel.
async function do_message_port_test(test, root_dir, target, target_origin) {
const message_port = create_message_channel(target, target_origin);
await do_post_message_test(
test, root_dir, /*receiver=*/ message_port, /*target=*/ message_port);