// Usage: in the top-level Window, include:
// <script src="resources/context-helper.js"></script>
// <script>
// window.scriptToRun = '...';
// </script>
// <iframe id="entry" src="entry/entry.html"></iframe>
// Then `scriptToRun` is evaluated, with:
// - The entry Realm is that of entry/entry.html
// - The incumbent Realm is that of incumbent/empty.html
// - The relevant Realm of `relevantWindow`, `relevantWindow.location` etc. is
// that of relevant/empty.html
window.scriptToRun = '';
const entryUrl = new URL('entry/entry.html', location).href;
const incumbentUrl = new URL('incumbent/empty.html', location).href;
const relevantUrl = new URL('relevant/empty.html', location).href;
function go() {
const entry = document.querySelector('#entry');
const incumbent = entry.contentDocument.querySelector('#incumbent');
const incumbentScript = incumbent.contentDocument.createElement('script');
incumbentScript.textContent = `
function go() {
const relevantWindow =