
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <atomic>
#include <memory>

#include "src/base/platform/condition-variable.h"
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
#include "src/base/platform/time.h"
#include "src/profiler/circular-queue.h"
#include "src/profiler/profiler-listener.h"
#include "src/profiler/tick-sample.h"
#include "src/utils/locked-queue.h"

#if V8_OS_WIN
#include "src/base/platform/platform-win32.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace sampler {
class Sampler;
}  // namespace sampler
namespace internal {

// Forward declarations.
class CodeEntry;
class InstructionStreamMap;
class CpuProfilesCollection;
class Isolate;
class Symbolizer;



class CodeEventRecord {};

class CodeCreateEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {};

class CodeMoveEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {};

class CodeDisableOptEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {};

class CodeDeoptEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {};

class ReportBuiltinEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {};

// Signals that a native context's address has changed.
class NativeContextMoveEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {};

// A record type for sending samples from the main thread/signal handler to the
// profiling thread.
class TickSampleEventRecord {};

class CodeDeleteEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {};

// A record type for sending code events (e.g. create, move, delete) to the
// profiling thread.
class CodeEventsContainer {};

// Maintains the number of active CPU profilers in an isolate, and routes
// logging to a given ProfilerListener.
class V8_NODISCARD ProfilingScope {};

class ProfilerCodeObserver;

// This class implements both the profile events processor thread and
// methods called by event producers: VM and stack sampler threads.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE ProfilerEventsProcessor : public base::Thread,
                                                  public CodeEventObserver {};

class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE SamplingEventsProcessor
    : public ProfilerEventsProcessor {};

// Builds and maintains an InstructionStreamMap tracking code objects on the VM
// heap. While alive, logs generated code, callbacks, and builtins from the
// isolate. Redirects events to the profiler events processor when present.
// CodeEntry lifetime is associated with the given CodeEntryStorage.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE ProfilerCodeObserver : public CodeEventObserver {};

// The CpuProfiler is a sampling CPU profiler for JS frames. It corresponds to
// v8::CpuProfiler at the API level. It spawns an additional thread which is
// responsible for triggering samples and then symbolizing the samples with
// function names. To symbolize on a background thread, the profiler copies
// metadata about generated code off-heap.
// Sampling is done using posix signals (except on Windows). The profiling
// thread sends a signal to the main thread, based on a timer. The signal
// handler can interrupt the main thread between any abitrary instructions.
// This means we are very careful about reading stack values during the signal
// handler as we could be in the middle of an operation that is modifying the
// stack.
// The story on Windows is similar except we use thread suspend and resume.
// Samples are passed to the profiling thread via a circular buffer. The
// profiling thread symbolizes the samples by looking up the code pointers
// against its own list of code objects. The profiling thread also listens for
// code creation/move/deletion events (from the GC), to maintain its list of
// code objects accurately.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CpuProfiler {};

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8