// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {TestRunner} from 'test_runner';
import {BindingsTestRunner} from 'bindings_test_runner';
import {SourcesTestRunner} from 'sources_test_runner';
import * as Workspace from 'devtools/models/workspace/workspace.js';
(async function() {
TestRunner.addResult(`Verify that sourcemap sources are mapped with non-exact match.\n`);
await TestRunner.showPanel('sources');
await TestRunner.addStylesheetTag('./resources/s.css');
{'': null});
Promise.all([getResourceContent('s.css'), getResourceContent('s.scss')]).then(onResourceContents);
function onResourceContents(contents) {
var fs = new BindingsTestRunner.TestFileSystem('/var/www');
BindingsTestRunner.addFiles(fs, {
'dist/s.css': {content: contents[0], time: new Date('December 1, 1989')},
'src/s.scss': {content: contents[1], time: new Date('December 1, 1989')}
function onFileSystemCreated() {
var automappingTest = new BindingsTestRunner.AutomappingTest(Workspace.Workspace.WorkspaceImpl.instance());
function getResourceContent(name) {
var fulfill;
var promise = new Promise(x => fulfill = x);
SourcesTestRunner.waitForScriptSource(name, onSource);
return promise;
function onSource(uiSourceCode) {
uiSourceCode.requestContent().then(({ content, error, isEncoded }) => fulfill(content));