Test that evaluation on call frame works across all inspected windows in the call stack.
Set timer for test function.
Call stack:
0) pauseInsideIframe (:6)
1) testFunction (debugger-eval-on-call-frame-inside-iframe.js:39)
=== Evaluating on iframe ===
dir() = 'overridden dir() in iframe'
dirxml() = undefined
table = 'local in iframe'
clear =
x: = VM:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
at Object.pauseInsideIframe (<anonymous>:6:5)
at testFunction (debugger-eval-on-cal…ide-iframe.js:39:50)
pauseInsideIframe @ VM:6
testFunction @ debugger-eval-on-cal…inside-iframe.js:39
scheduleTestFunction @ VM:3
(anonymous) @ VM:1
=== Evaluating on top frame ===
dir() = undefined
dirxml() = 'overridden dirxml() in top frame'
table =
clear = 'local in top frame'
x: = VM:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
at Object.pauseInsideIframe (<anonymous>:6:5)
at testFunction (debugger-eval-on-cal…ide-iframe.js:39:50)
pauseInsideIframe @ VM:6
testFunction @ debugger-eval-on-cal…inside-iframe.js:39
scheduleTestFunction @ VM:3
(anonymous) @ VM:1