(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startBlank(
'Tests that appropriate Network domain events are dispatched during speculation rules prefetch while following redirects cross-site');
const gatherNetworkEvents = await testRunner.loadScript('resources/gather-prefetch-network.js');
const events = gatherNetworkEvents(testRunner, dp, { requests: 2, log: true });
const redirectDestination = "https://localhost:8443/resources/blank.html";
const redirect = `/resources/redirect.php?url=${encodeURIComponent(redirectDestination)}`;
const prefetchRequestId = (await events).find(event => event.params.type === 'Prefetch')?.params.requestId;
const msg = await dp.Network.getResponseBody({requestId: prefetchRequestId});
if (msg.error) {
testRunner.log(msg.error, 'Unable to get prefetch response body');
} else {
testRunner.log(msg.result, 'Prefetch response body');