<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
description("Test that passing bad strings to FormData.append() throws and aborts properly.");
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', '', false);
var badString = { toString: function() { throw "Exception in toString()"; } };
var formData = new FormData();
shouldThrow("formData.append(badString, 'test')", "'Exception in toString()'");
shouldThrow("formData.append('textarea', badString)", "'Exception in toString()'");
shouldThrow("formData.append('blob', new Blob(['']), badString)", "'Exception in toString()'");
if (xhr.readyState !== 4 || xhr.status !== 200) {
testFailed('xhr.readyState = ' + xhr.readyState + ', xhr.status = ' + xhr.status);
} else {
shouldBe("xhr.response.indexOf('test')", "-1");
shouldBe("xhr.response.indexOf('textarea')", "-1");
shouldBe("xhr.response.indexOf('blob')", "-1");