// This file was generated by //third_party/jni_zero/jni_zero.py
package org.jni_zero;
import org.jni_zero.CheckDiscard;
import org.jni_zero.JniStaticTestMocker;
import org.jni_zero.NativeLibraryLoadedStatus;
import org.jni_zero.module_GEN_JNI;
class SampleModuleJni implements SampleModule.Natives {
private static SampleModule.Natives testInstance;
public static final JniStaticTestMocker<SampleModule.Natives> TEST_HOOKS =
new JniStaticTestMocker<SampleModule.Natives>() {
public void setInstanceForTesting(SampleModule.Natives instance) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Tried to set a JNI mock when mocks aren't enabled!");
testInstance = instance;
public boolean bar(boolean a) {
return (boolean) module_GEN_JNI.org_jni_1zero_SampleModule_bar(a);
public void foo() {
public static SampleModule.Natives get() {
if (testInstance != null) {
return testInstance;
if (module_GEN_JNI.REQUIRE_MOCK) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"No mock found for the native implementation of SampleModule.Natives. "
+ "The current configuration requires implementations be mocked.");
return new SampleModuleJni();