// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.jni_zero;
import org.jni_zero.internal.Boolean;
import java.util.Map;
@SomeAnnotation("that contains class Foo ")
class SampleProxyEdgeCases<E extends Enum<E>> {
enum Integer {}
@interface ShouldBeIgnored {}
static class OtherInnerClass {}
public @interface ShouldBeIgnored {}
interface Natives {
void foo__weirdly__escaped_name1();
String[][] arrayTypes1(int[] a, Object[][] b);
int[] arrayTypes2(int[] a, Throwable[][] b);
void fooForTest();
void fooForTests();
void fooForTesting();
Map<OtherInnerClass, OtherInnerClass[]>[] genericsWithNestedClassArray(
Map<OtherInnerClass, OtherInnerClass[]>[] arg);
// Tests passing a nested class from another class in the same package.
int addStructB(SampleForTests caller, SampleForTests.InnerStructB b);
// Tests a java.lang class.
public boolean setStringBuilder(StringBuilder sb);
// Tests name collisions with java.lang classes.
public void setBool(Boolean b, Integer i);
// Test IntDef
public @SomeClass.EnumType int setStringBuilder(@MyThing int sb);
// Non-proxy natives in same file.
native void nativeInstanceMethod(long nativeInstance);
static native void nativeStaticMethod();