* @license
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import '../../focus/md-focus-ring.js';
import '../../ripple/ripple.js';
import { LitElement } from 'lit';
import { FormSubmitter, type FormSubmitterType } from '../../internal/controller/form-submitter.js';
declare const buttonBaseClass: import("../../labs/behaviors/mixin.js").MixinReturn<import("../../labs/behaviors/mixin.js").MixinReturn<typeof LitElement, import("../../labs/behaviors/element-internals.js").WithElementInternals>>;
* A button component.
export declare abstract class Button extends buttonBaseClass implements FormSubmitter {
/** @nocollapse */
static readonly formAssociated = true;
/** @nocollapse */
static shadowRootOptions: ShadowRootInit;
* Whether or not the button is disabled.
disabled: boolean;
* Whether or not the button is "soft-disabled" (disabled but still
* focusable).
* Use this when a button needs increased visibility when disabled. See
* https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/practices/keyboard-interface/#kbd_disabled_controls
* for more guidance on when this is needed.
softDisabled: boolean;
* The URL that the link button points to.
href: string;
* Where to display the linked `href` URL for a link button. Common options
* include `_blank` to open in a new tab.
target: '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top' | '';
* Whether to render the icon at the inline end of the label rather than the
* inline start.
* _Note:_ Link buttons cannot have trailing icons.
trailingIcon: boolean;
* Whether to display the icon or not.
hasIcon: boolean;
* The default behavior of the button. May be "button", "reset", or "submit"
* (default).
type: FormSubmitterType;
* The value added to a form with the button's name when the button submits a
* form.
value: string;
get name(): string;
set name(name: string);
* The associated form element with which this element's value will submit.
get form(): HTMLFormElement;
private readonly buttonElement;
private readonly assignedIcons;
focus(): void;
blur(): void;
protected render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>;
protected renderElevationOrOutline?(): unknown;
private renderButton;
private renderLink;
private renderContent;
private handleClick;
private handleSlotChange;
export {};