* @license
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { MenuItem } from './menuItemController.js';
* The options that are passed to the typeahead controller.
export interface TypeaheadControllerProperties {
* A function that returns an array of menu items to be searched.
* @return An array of menu items to be searched by typing.
getItems: () => MenuItem[];
* The maximum time between each keystroke to keep the current type buffer
* alive.
typeaheadBufferTime: number;
* Whether or not the typeahead should listen for keystrokes or not.
active: boolean;
* Data structure tuple that helps with indexing.
* [index, item, normalized header text]
type TypeaheadRecord = [number, MenuItem, string];
* Indicies to access the TypeaheadRecord tuple type.
export declare const TYPEAHEAD_RECORD: {
readonly INDEX: 0;
readonly ITEM: 1;
readonly TEXT: 2;
* This controller listens to `keydown` events and searches the header text of
* an array of `MenuItem`s with the corresponding entered keys within the buffer
* time and activates the item.
* @example
* ```ts
* const typeaheadController = new TypeaheadController(() => ({
* typeaheadBufferTime: 50,
* getItems: () => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('md-menu-item'))
* }));
* html`
* <div
* @keydown=${typeaheadController.onKeydown}
* tabindex="0"
* class="activeItemText">
* <!-- focusable element that will receive keydown events -->
* Apple
* </div>
* <div>
* <md-menu-item active header="Apple"></md-menu-item>
* <md-menu-item header="Apricot"></md-menu-item>
* <md-menu-item header="Banana"></md-menu-item>
* <md-menu-item header="Olive"></md-menu-item>
* <md-menu-item header="Orange"></md-menu-item>
* </div>
* `;
* ```
export declare class TypeaheadController {
private readonly getProperties;
* Array of tuples that helps with indexing.
private typeaheadRecords;
* Currently-typed text since last buffer timeout
private typaheadBuffer;
* The timeout id from the current buffer's setTimeout
private cancelTypeaheadTimeout;
* If we are currently "typing"
isTypingAhead: boolean;
* The record of the last active item.
lastActiveRecord: TypeaheadRecord | null;
* @param getProperties A function that returns the options of the typeahead
* controller:
* {
* getItems: A function that returns an array of menu items to be searched.
* typeaheadBufferTime: The maximum time between each keystroke to keep the
* current type buffer alive.
* }
constructor(getProperties: () => TypeaheadControllerProperties);
private get items();
private get active();
* Apply this listener to the element that will receive `keydown` events that
* should trigger this controller.
* @param event The native browser `KeyboardEvent` from the `keydown` event.
readonly onKeydown: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void;
* Sets up typingahead
private beginTypeahead;
* Performs the typeahead. Based on the normalized items and the current text
* buffer, finds the _next_ item with matching text and activates it.
* @example
* items: Apple, Banana, Olive, Orange, Cucumber
* buffer: ''
* user types: o
* activates Olive
* @example
* items: Apple, Banana, Olive (active), Orange, Cucumber
* buffer: 'o'
* user types: l
* activates Olive
* @example
* items: Apple, Banana, Olive (active), Orange, Cucumber
* buffer: ''
* user types: o
* activates Orange
* @example
* items: Apple, Banana, Olive, Orange (active), Cucumber
* buffer: ''
* user types: o
* activates Olive
private typeahead;
* Ends the current typeahead and clears the buffer.
private readonly endTypeahead;
export {};