// The main type definitions. Packages that do not want to pollute the global
// scope with Trusted Types (e.g. libraries whose users may not be using Trusted
// Types) can import the types directly from 'trusted-types/lib'.
export type FnNames = keyof TrustedTypePolicyOptions;
export type Args<Options extends TrustedTypePolicyOptions, K extends FnNames> = Parameters<NonNullable<Options[K]>>;
export class TrustedHTML {
private constructor(); // To prevent instantiting with 'new'.
private brand: true; // To prevent structural typing.
export class TrustedScript {
private constructor(); // To prevent instantiting with 'new'.
private brand: true; // To prevent structural typing.
export class TrustedScriptURL {
private constructor(); // To prevent instantiting with 'new'.
private brand: true; // To prevent structural typing.
export abstract class TrustedTypePolicyFactory {
createPolicy<Options extends TrustedTypePolicyOptions>(
policyName: string,
policyOptions?: Options,
): Pick<TrustedTypePolicy<Options>, "name" | Extract<keyof Options, FnNames>>;
isHTML(value: unknown): value is TrustedHTML;
isScript(value: unknown): value is TrustedScript;
isScriptURL(value: unknown): value is TrustedScriptURL;
readonly emptyHTML: TrustedHTML;
readonly emptyScript: TrustedScript;
getAttributeType(tagName: string, attribute: string, elementNs?: string, attrNs?: string): string | null;
getPropertyType(tagName: string, property: string, elementNs?: string): string | null;
readonly defaultPolicy: TrustedTypePolicy | null;
export abstract class TrustedTypePolicy<Options extends TrustedTypePolicyOptions = TrustedTypePolicyOptions> {
readonly name: string;
createHTML(...args: Args<Options, "createHTML">): TrustedHTML;
createScript(...args: Args<Options, "createScript">): TrustedScript;
createScriptURL(...args: Args<Options, "createScriptURL">): TrustedScriptURL;
export interface TrustedTypePolicyOptions {
createHTML?: ((input: string, ...arguments: any[]) => string) | undefined;
createScript?: ((input: string, ...arguments: any[]) => string) | undefined;
createScriptURL?: ((input: string, ...arguments: any[]) => string) | undefined;
// The Window object is augmented with the following properties in browsers that
// support Trusted Types. Users of the 'trusted-types/lib' entrypoint can cast
// window as TrustedTypesWindow to access these properties.
export interface TrustedTypesWindow {
// `trustedTypes` is left intentionally optional to make sure that
// people handle the case when their code is running in a browser not
// supporting trustedTypes.
trustedTypes?: TrustedTypePolicyFactory | undefined;
TrustedHTML: typeof TrustedHTML;
TrustedScript: typeof TrustedScript;
TrustedScriptURL: typeof TrustedScriptURL;
TrustedTypePolicyFactory: typeof TrustedTypePolicyFactory;
TrustedTypePolicy: typeof TrustedTypePolicy;