// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace enterprise_management {
class ChromeDeviceSettingsProto;
class PolicyFetchResponse;
} // namespace enterprise_management
namespace policy {
// Interprets |policy_fetch_response| as a device policy fetch response.
// Returns true if the 'DeviceBlockDevmode' policy is set to true in the parsed
// device policy.
// Returns false if any embedded layer (PolicyData / ChromeDeviceSettingsProto)
// could not be parsed.
bool GetDeviceBlockDevModePolicyValue(
const enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse& policy_fetch_response);
// Returns true if the 'DeviceBlockDevmode' policy is set to true in the passed
// device policy.
bool GetDeviceBlockDevModePolicyValue(
const enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto& device_policy);
// If this returns true, blocking developer mode by enterprise device policy
// should be disallowed.
// - Fail enterprise enrollment if enrolling would block dev mode.
// - Don't apply new device policy if it would block dev mode.
// Can only return false on Chrome OS test images.
bool IsDeviceBlockDevModePolicyAllowed();
} // namespace policy