# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# @generated from third_party/rust/chromium_crates_io/removed_Cargo.toml
# by tools/crates/gnrt. Do not edit!
# This is an empty crate that has replaced the '{{this.name}}' crate, since
# it was listed in `resolve.remove_crates` in gnrt_config.toml.
name = "{{this.name}}"
version = "{{this.version}}"
{{#each this.features}}
"{{this}}" = []
{{#each this.dependencies}}
version = "{{this.version}}"
default_features = {{this.default_features}}
features = [{{#each this.featuress}}{{#if @first}}{{this}}{{else}},{{this}}{{/if}}{{/each}}]