// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
class PrefService;
namespace policy {
// Base class for storing activity time periods, needed for status reporting.
// Derived classes like ChildActivityStorage and EnterpriseActivityStorage
// handle specific use cases.
class ActivityStorage {
using Activities = std::vector<enterprise_management::TimePeriod>;
// Creates activity storage. Activity data will be stored in the given
// |pref_service| under |pref_name| preference. Activity data are aggregated
// by day. |day_start_offset| adds this offset to |GetBeginningOfDay|.
ActivityStorage(PrefService* pref_service,
const std::string& pref_name,
base::TimeDelta day_start_offset);
ActivityStorage(const ActivityStorage&) = delete;
ActivityStorage& operator=(const ActivityStorage&) = delete;
virtual ~ActivityStorage();
// Returns when the day starts. An offset for this value can be provided
// through the constructor.
base::Time GetBeginningOfDay(base::Time timestamp) const;
// Clears stored activity periods outside of storage range defined by
// |max_past_activity_interval| and |max_future_activity_interval| from
// |base_time|. If |max_past_activity_interval| and
// |max_future_activity_interval| are not passed, all past data will be
// removed.
void PruneActivityPeriods(
base::Time base_time,
base::TimeDelta max_past_activity_interval = base::Days(0),
base::TimeDelta max_future_activity_interval = base::TimeDelta::Max());
// Trims the stored activity periods to only retain data within the
// [|min_day_key|, |max_day_key|).
void TrimActivityPeriods(int64_t min_day_key, int64_t max_day_key);
// Trims the stored activity periods to ensure all intervals do not overlap.
void RemoveOverlappingActivityPeriods();
// Retrieves all activity periods that occurred up to |end_time| that are in
// the pref keys that can be parsed by |ParseActivityPeriodPrefKey|. The map
// is keyed by activity IDs.
const std::map<std::string, Activities> GetActivityPeriods(
base::Time end_time = base::Time::Max()) const;
// Retrieves all activity periods that occurred up to |end_time| that are in
// the pref keys that can be parsed by |ParseActivityPeriodPrefKey| where
// there is no ID.
const Activities GetActivityPeriodsWithNoId(
base::Time end_time = base::Time::Max()) const;
// Adds an activity period. Accepts empty |activity_id| if it should not
// be stored.
void AddActivityPeriod(base::Time start,
base::Time end,
const std::string& activity_id = "");
// Determine the day key (milliseconds since epoch for corresponding
// |GetBeginningOfDay()| in UTC) for a given |timestamp|.
int64_t LocalTimeToUtcDayStart(base::Time timestamp) const;
// Creates the key that will be used to store an ActivityPeriod in the prefs.
// If |activity_id| is empty, the key will be |start|. Otherwise it will
// contain both values, which can retrieved using the
// |ParseActivityPeriodPrefKey|.
static std::string MakeActivityPeriodPrefKey(int64_t start,
const std::string& activity_id);
// Tries to parse a pref key, returning true if succeeded (see
// base::StringToInt64 and base::Base64Decode for conditions). Also
// retrieves the values that are encoded in the pref key. |activity_id| will
// only be filled if it was provided when making the key (see
// |MakeActivityPeriodPrefKey|).
static bool ParseActivityPeriodPrefKey(const std::string& key,
int64_t* start_timestamp,
std::string* activity_id);
void SetActivityPeriods(
const std::map<std::string, Activities>& new_activity_periods);
// Retrieves all activity periods that are in the pref keys that can be parsed
// by |ParseActivityPeriodPrefKey|.
void ForEachActivityPeriodFromPref(
const base::RepeatingCallback<
void(const int64_t, const int64_t, const std::string&)>& f) const;
const raw_ptr<PrefService> pref_service_ = nullptr;
const std::string pref_name_;
// Distance from midnight. |GetBeginningOfDay| uses this, as some
// implementations might have a different beginning of day from others.
base::TimeDelta day_start_offset_;
} // namespace policy