# Strum

Strum is a set of macros and traits for working with enums and strings easier in Rust.
# Compatibility
Strum is currently compatible with versions of rustc >= 1.56.1. Pull Requests that improve compatibility with older
versions are welcome. The project goal is to support a rust version for at least 2 years after release
and even longer is preferred since this project changes slowly.
# Including Strum in Your Project
Import strum and strum_macros into your project by adding the following lines to your
Cargo.toml. Strum_macros contains the macros needed to derive all the traits in Strum.
strum = "0.25"
strum_macros = "0.25"
# You can also use the "derive" feature, and import the macros directly from "strum"
# strum = { version = "0.25", features = ["derive"] }
# Strum Macros
Strum has implemented the following macros:
| Macro | Description |
| --- | ----------- |
| [EnumString] | Converts strings to enum variants based on their name. |
| [Display] | Converts enum variants to strings |
| [FromRepr] | Convert from an integer to an enum. |
| [AsRefStr] | Implement `AsRef<str>` for `MyEnum` |
| [IntoStaticStr] | Implements `From<MyEnum> for &'static str` on an enum |
| [EnumVariantNames] | Adds an associated `VARIANTS` constant which is an array of discriminant names |
| [EnumIter] | Creates a new type that iterates of the variants of an enum. |
| [EnumProperty] | Add custom properties to enum variants. |
| [EnumMessage] | Add a verbose message to an enum variant. |
| [EnumDiscriminants] | Generate a new type with only the discriminant names. |
| [EnumCount] | Add a constant `usize` equal to the number of variants. |
# Contributing
Thanks for your interest in contributing. The project is divided into 3 parts, the traits are in the
`/strum` folder. The procedural macros are in the `/strum_macros` folder, and the integration tests are
in `/strum_tests`. If you are adding additional features to `strum` or `strum_macros`, you should make sure
to run the tests and add new integration tests to make sure the features work as expected.
# Debugging
To see the generated code, set the STRUM_DEBUG environment variable before compiling your code.
`STRUM_DEBUG=1` will dump all of the generated code for every type. `STRUM_DEBUG=YourType` will
only dump the code generated on a type named `YourType`.
# Name
Strum is short for STRing enUM because it's a library for augmenting enums with additional
information through strings.
Strumming is also a very whimsical motion, much like writing Rust code.
[Macro-Renames]: https://github.com/Peternator7/strum/wiki/Macro-Renames
[EnumString]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.EnumString.html
[Display]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.Display.html
[AsRefStr]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.AsRefStr.html
[IntoStaticStr]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.IntoStaticStr.html
[EnumVariantNames]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.EnumVariantNames.html
[EnumIter]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.EnumIter.html
[EnumIs]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.EnumIs.html
[EnumProperty]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.EnumProperty.html
[EnumMessage]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.EnumMessage.html
[EnumDiscriminants]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.EnumDiscriminants.html
[EnumCount]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.EnumCount.html
[FromRepr]: https://docs.rs/strum_macros/0.25/strum_macros/derive.FromRepr.html