// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.feed;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.bottomsheet.BottomSheetController;
import org.chromium.components.signin.metrics.SigninAccessPoint;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
/** Interface for Feed actions implemented by the Browser.*/
public interface FeedActionDelegate {
/** Information about a page visit. */
public class VisitResult {
// Total page visit time.
public long visitTimeMs;
/** Observing page load events. */
public interface PageLoadObserver {
* Called when the page starts loading.
* @param pageId The unique ID for the page being opened.
void onPageLoadStarted(int pageId);
* Called when the page finishes loading successfully.
* @param pageId The unique ID for the page being opened.
void onPageLoadFinished(int pageId, boolean inNewTab);
* Called when the page fails to load.
* @param pageId The unique ID for the page being opened.
* @param errorCode The error code that causes the page to fail loading.
void onPageLoadFailed(int pageId, int errorCode);
* Called when the page finishes first paint after non-empty layout.
* @param pageId The unique ID for the page being opened.
void onPageFirstContentfulPaint(int pageId);
* Opens a url that was presented to the user as suggested content.
* @param disposition A `org.chromium.ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition` value.
* @param params What to load.
* @param inGroup Whether to open the url in a tab in group.
* @param pageId An unique ID identifying the page to load.
* @param pageLoadObserver Observer to get called with page load events.
* @param onVisitComplete Called when the user closes or navigates away from the page.
void openSuggestionUrl(
int disposition,
LoadUrlParams params,
boolean inGroup,
int pageId,
PageLoadObserver pageLoadObserver,
Callback<VisitResult> onVisitComplete);
* Opens a page.
* @param disposition A `org.chromium.ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition` value.
* @param params What to load.
default void openUrl(int disposition, LoadUrlParams params) {}
* Downloads a web page.
* @param url url of the page to download.
default void downloadPage(String url) {}
/** Opens the NTP help page. */
default void openHelpPage() {}
/** Add an item to the reading list. */
default void addToReadingList(String title, String url) {}
* Opens a specific WebFeed by name.
* @param webFeedName the relevant web feed name.
default void openWebFeed(String webFeedName, @SingleWebFeedEntryPoint int entryPoint) {}
// Optional methods for handing events.
/** Informs that content on the Feed has changed. */
default void onContentsChanged() {}
/** Informs that the stream was created. */
default void onStreamCreated() {}
* Shows a sign in activity as a result of a feed user action.
* @param signinAccessPoint the entry point for the signin.
default void showSyncConsentActivity(@SigninAccessPoint int signinAccessPoint) {}
* Starts sign in flow as a result of a feed user action.
* @param signinAccessPoint the entry point for the signin.
default void startSigninFlow(@SigninAccessPoint int signinAccessPoint) {}
* Shows a sign in interstitial as a result of a feed user action.
* @param signinAccessPoint the entry point for the signin.
* @param mBottomSheetController bottomsheet controller attached to the activity.
* @param mWindowAndroid window used by the feed.
default void showSignInInterstitial(
@SigninAccessPoint int signinAccessPoint,
BottomSheetController mBottomSheetController,
WindowAndroid mWindowAndroid) {}