// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.feed;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.base.task.TaskTraits;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.xsurface.ListLayoutHelper;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
* Tracks position of slice views. When a slice's view is first 2/3rds visible in the viewport,
* the observer is notified.
public class FeedSliceViewTracker implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
private static final float DEFAULT_VIEW_LOG_THRESHOLD = .66f;
private static final float GOOD_VISITS_EXPOSURE_THRESHOLD = 0.5f;
private static final float GOOD_VISITS_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD = 0.25f;
private static final float VISIBLE_CHANGE_LOG_THRESHOLD = 0.05f;
private class VisibilityObserver {
final float mVisibilityThreshold;
final Runnable mCallback;
VisibilityObserver(float visibilityThreshold, Runnable callback) {
mVisibilityThreshold = visibilityThreshold;
mCallback = callback;
private final Activity mActivity;
// Whether to watch a slice view to get notified for user-interaction reliability related
// UI changes.
private final boolean mWatchForUserInteractionReliabilityReport;
@Nullable private RecyclerView mRootView;
@Nullable private FeedListContentManager mContentManager;
private ListLayoutHelper mLayoutHelper;
// The set of content keys already reported as mostly visible (66% threshold), which is used to
// determine if a slice has been viewed by the user.
private HashSet<String> mContentKeysMostlyVisible = new HashSet<String>();
// The set of content keys already reported as barely visible (5% threshold), which is used to
// determine if a slice has entered the view port.
private HashSet<String> mContentKeysBarelyVisible = new HashSet<>();
// The set of content keys for load-more indicators already reported as visible (5% threshold).
private HashSet<String> mLoadMoreIndicatorContentKeys = new HashSet<>();
// The set of content keys for load-more indicators already reported as that the user scrolled
// away from the indicator.
private HashSet<String> mLoadMoreAwayFromIndicatorContentKeys = new HashSet<>();
private boolean mFeedContentVisible;
@Nullable private Observer mObserver;
// Map from content key to a list of watchers that will get notified for the first-time visible
// changes. Each item in the waicther list consists of the view threshold percentage and the
// callback.
private HashMap<String, ArrayList<VisibilityObserver>> mWatchedSliceMap = new HashMap<>();
// Timestamp for keeping track of time spent in feed for good visits.
private long mLastGoodVisibleTime;
/** Notified the first time slices are visible */
public interface Observer {
// Invoked the first time a slice is 66% visible.
void sliceVisible(String sliceId);
// Invoked any time at least one slice is X% exposed and all visible content slices cover Y%
// of the viewport (see Good Visits threshold params).
void reportContentSliceVisibleTime(long elapsedMs);
// Invoked when feed content is first visible. This can happens as soon as an xsurface view
// is partially visible.
void feedContentVisible();
// For reporting to feed user interaction reliability log.
// Called the first time a slice view is 5% visible.
void reportViewFirstBarelyVisible(View view);
// Called the first time a slice view is rendered.
void reportViewFirstRendered(View view);
// Called the first time a loading indicator for load-more is 5% visible.
void reportLoadMoreIndicatorVisible();
// Called the first time the user scrolled away from the loading indicator for load-more.
void reportLoadMoreUserScrolledAwayFromIndicator();
public FeedSliceViewTracker(
@NonNull RecyclerView rootView,
@NonNull Activity activity,
@NonNull FeedListContentManager contentManager,
@Nullable ListLayoutHelper layoutHelper,
boolean watchForUserInteractionReliabilityReport,
@NonNull Observer observer) {
mActivity = activity;
mRootView = rootView;
mContentManager = contentManager;
mLayoutHelper = layoutHelper;
mWatchForUserInteractionReliabilityReport = watchForUserInteractionReliabilityReport;
mObserver = observer;
/** Attaches the tracker to the root view. */
public void bind() {
mLastGoodVisibleTime = 0L;
/** Detaches the tracker from the view. */
public void unbind() {
if (mRootView != null && mRootView.getViewTreeObserver().isAlive()) {
/** Stop observing rootView. Prevents further calls to observer. */
public void destroy() {
mRootView = null;
mObserver = null;
mContentManager = null;
mWatchedSliceMap = null;
mLayoutHelper = null;
/** Clear tracking so that slices already seen can be reported as viewed again. */
public void clear() {
mFeedContentVisible = false;
if (mWatchedSliceMap != null) {
* Watches a slice view to get notified when the first time it has the visible area on screen
* not less than the given threshold.
* @param contentKey The content key of the view to watch for.
* @param viewedThreshold The threshold of the percentage of the visible area on screen.
* @param callback The callback to get notified.
public void watchForFirstVisible(String contentKey, float viewedThreshold, Runnable callback) {
if (mWatchedSliceMap == null) { // avoid crbug.com/1416344
ArrayList<VisibilityObserver> watchers = mWatchedSliceMap.get(contentKey);
if (watchers == null) {
watchers = new ArrayList<>();
mWatchedSliceMap.put(contentKey, watchers);
watchers.add(new VisibilityObserver(viewedThreshold, callback));
* Stops watching a slice view for first-time visible.
* @param contentKey The content key of the view to stop watching for.
* @param callback The callback to stop from getting the notification.
public void stopWatchingForFirstVisible(String contentKey, Runnable callback) {
if (mWatchedSliceMap == null) { // avoid crbug.com/1416344
ArrayList<VisibilityObserver> watchers = mWatchedSliceMap.get(contentKey);
if (watchers == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < watchers.size(); ++i) {
if (watchers.get(i).mCallback == callback) {
if (watchers.isEmpty()) {
// ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener.
public boolean onPreDraw() {
// Not sure why, but this method can be called just after destroy().
if (mRootView == null || mLayoutHelper == null) return true;
int firstPosition = mLayoutHelper.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
int lastPosition = mLayoutHelper.findLastVisibleItemPosition();
boolean countTimeForGoodVisits = false;
for (int i = firstPosition;
i <= lastPosition && i < mContentManager.getItemCount() && i >= 0;
++i) {
String contentKey = mContentManager.getContent(i).getKey();
View childView = mRootView.getLayoutManager().findViewByPosition(i);
if (childView == null) continue;
// Loading spinner slices come with a fixed prefix and a different ID after it.
if (mWatchForUserInteractionReliabilityReport
&& contentKey.startsWith("load-more-spinner")) {
if (!mLoadMoreIndicatorContentKeys.contains(contentKey)
&& isViewVisible(childView, VISIBLE_CHANGE_LOG_THRESHOLD)) {
if (!mLoadMoreAwayFromIndicatorContentKeys.contains(contentKey)
&& mLoadMoreIndicatorContentKeys.contains(contentKey)
&& !isViewVisible(childView, VISIBLE_CHANGE_LOG_THRESHOLD)) {
// Feed content slices come with a 'c/' prefix. Ignore everything else.
if (!contentKey.startsWith("c/")) continue;
if (!mFeedContentVisible) {
mFeedContentVisible = true;
ArrayList<VisibilityObserver> watchers = mWatchedSliceMap.get(contentKey);
if (watchers != null) {
ArrayList<Integer> indexesToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Runnable> callbacksToInvoke = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < watchers.size(); ++j) {
VisibilityObserver observer = watchers.get(j);
if (isViewVisible(childView, observer.mVisibilityThreshold)) {
// Remove the indexes before invoking the callbacks in case that some callback may
// call stopWatchingForFirstVisible.
for (int j = indexesToRemove.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
// Pass int, instead of Integer, to remove the specified index from the list.
if (watchers.isEmpty()) {
for (Runnable callback : callbacksToInvoke) {
countTimeForGoodVisits =
|| isViewCoveringViewport(childView, GOOD_VISITS_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD);
if (!mContentKeysMostlyVisible.contains(contentKey)
&& isViewVisible(childView, DEFAULT_VIEW_LOG_THRESHOLD)) {
if (mWatchForUserInteractionReliabilityReport
&& !mContentKeysBarelyVisible.contains(contentKey)
&& isViewVisible(childView, VISIBLE_CHANGE_LOG_THRESHOLD)) {
// There is not a system way to measure the render latency. Here we mimic how
// Time To First Draw Done is measured, which is done by posting a runnable after
// onPreDraw.
Runnable renderedRunnable =
() -> {
if (mObserver != null) {
PostTask.postTask(TaskTraits.UI_DEFAULT, renderedRunnable);
if (countTimeForGoodVisits) {
mLastGoodVisibleTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
return true;
private void reportTimeForGoodVisitsIfNeeded() {
// Report elapsed time since we last saw that content was visible enough.
if (mLastGoodVisibleTime != 0L) {
SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastGoodVisibleTime);
mLastGoodVisibleTime = 0L;
boolean isViewVisible(View childView, float threshold) {
int viewArea = getViewArea(childView);
if (viewArea <= 0) return false;
return (float) getVisibleArea(childView) / viewArea >= threshold;
boolean isViewCoveringViewport(View childView, float threshold) {
int viewportArea = getViewportArea();
if (viewportArea <= 0) return false;
return (float) getVisibleArea(childView) / viewportArea >= threshold;
private int getViewArea(View childView) {
return childView.getWidth() * childView.getHeight();
private int getViewportArea() {
Rect viewport = new Rect();
return viewport.width() * viewport.height();
private int getVisibleArea(View childView) {
Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, childView.getWidth(), childView.getHeight());
if (!mRootView.getChildVisibleRect(childView, rect, null)) return 0;
return rect.width() * rect.height();