// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/touch_to_fill/password_manager/password_generation/android/touch_to_fill_password_generation_controller.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom-forward.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_generation_util.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace password_manager {
class ContentPasswordManagerDriver;
} // namespace password_manager
// Interface for the controller responsible for overseeing the UI flow for
// password generation.
// As part of this, it communicates with the PasswordAccessoryController and
// it manages the modal dialog used to display the generated password.
// There is a single instance per WebContents that can be accessed by calling:
// PasswordGenerationController::GetOrCreate(web_contents);
// On the first call, an instance is attached to |web_contents|, so it can be
// returned by subsequent calls.
class PasswordGenerationController {
PasswordGenerationController() = default;
PasswordGenerationController(const PasswordGenerationController&) = delete;
PasswordGenerationController& operator=(const PasswordGenerationController&) =
virtual ~PasswordGenerationController() = default;
// Returns a reference to the unique PasswordGenerationController associated
// with |web_contents|. A new instance is created if the first time this
// function is called.
static PasswordGenerationController* GetOrCreate(
content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Returns a reference to the PasswordGenerationController associated with
// the |web_contents| or null if there is no such instance.
static PasswordGenerationController* GetIfExisting(
content::WebContents* web_contents);
// --------------------------------------------------
// Methods called by the ChromePasswordManagerClient:
// --------------------------------------------------
// Returns the driver associated with the frame that is considered active
// for generation.
virtual base::WeakPtr<password_manager::ContentPasswordManagerDriver>
GetActiveFrameDriver() const = 0;
// This signals that the focus has moved. |focused_field_type| tells
// the generation controller whether the focus moved to a fillable password
// field. This event sets/unsets the active frame for generation.
virtual void FocusedInputChanged(
autofill::mojom::FocusedFieldType focused_field_type,
base::WeakPtr<password_manager::ContentPasswordManagerDriver> driver) = 0;
// Notifies the UI that automatic password generation is available.
// A button should be displayed in the accessory bar.
virtual void OnAutomaticGenerationAvailable(
const autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationUIData& ui_data,
bool has_saved_credentials,
gfx::RectF element_bounds_in_screen_space) = 0;
// This is called after the user requested manual generation and the
// corresponding setup was done in the renderer.
virtual void ShowManualGenerationDialog(
const password_manager::ContentPasswordManagerDriver* target_frame_driver,
const autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationUIData&
ui_data) = 0;
// -------------------------
// Methods called by the UI:
// -------------------------
// Called by the UI code to signal that the user requested password
// generation. This should prompt a modal dialog with the generated password.
// |type| - whether the requests originates from a an automatic
// generation flow or from a manual one.
virtual void OnGenerationRequested(
autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationType type) = 0;
// Called from the modal dialog if the user accepted the generated password.
// |driver| is used to communicate the message back to the renderer.
// |type| what type of generation led to the accepted password
// (automatic or manual).
virtual void GeneratedPasswordAccepted(
const std::u16string& password,
base::WeakPtr<password_manager::ContentPasswordManagerDriver> driver,
autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationType type) = 0;
// Called from the modal dialog if the user rejected the generated password.
// |type| what type of generation led to the rejected password
// (automatic or manual).
virtual void GeneratedPasswordRejected(
autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationType type) = 0;
// The bottom sheet is only shown once per page. This method is called on page
// navigation to reset the bottom sheet state and allow it to be shown again
// on the next page.
virtual void HideBottomSheetIfNeeded() = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<TouchToFillPasswordGenerationController>
std::unique_ptr<TouchToFillPasswordGenerationBridge> bridge,
base::WeakPtr<ManualFillingController> manual_filling_controller) = 0;
// -----------------
// Member accessors:
// -----------------
virtual gfx::NativeWindow top_level_native_window() = 0;
virtual content::WebContents* web_contents() = 0;
virtual autofill::FieldSignature get_field_signature_for_testing() = 0;
virtual autofill::FormSignature get_form_signature_for_testing() = 0;