// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash {
enum class GlanceablesTasksErrorType {
// The tasks view data wasn't successfully fetched so the list can not be
// updated. This is only used when the cached task data is shown.
// The new tasks data can not be loaded. These are used in the cases where
// users have never loaded the tasks or are switching between lists and
// failed.
// The tasks weren't marked as completed because of failing to commit the
// change. This normally shows when the user reopens the glanceables after
// they marked some tasks as complete.
// The tasks can't be marked as complete because the current network is not
// connected. This shows when users try to click on the check button to mark
// tasks as complete when they don't have a network connection.
// The task title couldn't be updated because of failing to commit the
// change.
// The task title couldn't be edited because the current network is not
// connected. This shows when users try to click on the title to edit a task
// when they don't have a network connection.
} // namespace ash