// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {AsyncUtil} from '/common/async_util.js';
import {EventGenerator} from '/common/event_generator.js';
import {EventHandler} from '/common/event_handler.js';
import {NodeUtils} from '/common/node_utils.js';
import {RectUtil} from '/common/rect_util.js';
import {TestImportManager} from '/common/testing/test_import_manager.js';
import type {FaceLandmarkerResult} from '/third_party/mediapipe/vision.js';
import {ScrollModeController} from './scroll_mode_controller.js';
import AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
import RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
import ScreenRect = chrome.accessibilityPrivate.ScreenRect;
import ScreenPoint = chrome.accessibilityPrivate.ScreenPoint;
type PrefObject = chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject;
// A ScreenPoint represents an integer screen coordinate, whereas
// a FloatingPoint2D represents a (x, y) floating point number
// (which may be used for screen position or velocity).
interface FloatingPoint2D {
x: number;
y: number;
/** Handles all interaction with the mouse. */
export class MouseController {
/** Last seen mouse location (cached from event in onMouseMovedOrDragged_). */
private mouseLocation_: ScreenPoint|undefined;
private onMouseMovedHandler_: EventHandler;
private onMouseDraggedHandler_: EventHandler;
private screenBounds_: ScreenRect|undefined;
private prefsListener_: ((prefs: PrefObject[]) => void);
// These values will be updated when prefs are received in init_().
private targetBufferSize_ = MouseController.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
private useMouseAcceleration_ =
private spdRight_ = MouseController.DEFAULT_MOUSE_SPEED;
private spdLeft_ = MouseController.DEFAULT_MOUSE_SPEED;
private spdUp_ = MouseController.DEFAULT_MOUSE_SPEED;
private spdDown_ = MouseController.DEFAULT_MOUSE_SPEED;
/** The most recent raw face landmark mouse locations. */
private buffer_: ScreenPoint[] = [];
/** Used for smoothing the recent points in the buffer. */
private smoothKernel_: number[] = [];
/** The most recent smoothed mouse location. */
private previousSmoothedLocation_: FloatingPoint2D|undefined;
/** The last location in screen coordinates of the tracked landmark. */
private lastLandmarkLocation_: FloatingPoint2D|undefined;
private mouseInterval_: number = -1;
private lastMouseMovedTime_: number = 0;
private landmarkWeights_: Map<string, number>;
private paused_ = false;
private useGravity_ = false;
// Vector fields to track how the cursor should be adjusted toward controls.
private gravityField_: FloatingPoint2D[] = [];
// Timer to refresh the gravity field.
private refreshGravityInterval_: number = -1;
// Set of gravity nodes currently affecting the cursor mapping.
private gravityNodes_: Map<string, ScreenRect> = new Map();
// Reference to the accessibility tree.
private desktop_: AutomationNode|undefined;
private scrollModeController_: ScrollModeController;
constructor() {
this.onMouseMovedHandler_ = new EventHandler(
[], chrome.automation.EventType.MOUSE_MOVED,
event => this.onMouseMovedOrDragged_(event));
this.onMouseDraggedHandler_ = new EventHandler(
[], chrome.automation.EventType.MOUSE_DRAGGED,
event => this.onMouseMovedOrDragged_(event));
this.scrollModeController_ = new ScrollModeController();
this.landmarkWeights_ = new Map();
// TODO(b:309121742): This should be a fixed list of weights depending on
// what works best from experimentation.
this.landmarkWeights_.set('forehead', 1);
this.prefsListener_ = prefs => this.updateFromPrefs_(prefs);
async init(): Promise<void> {
const desktop = await AsyncUtil.getDesktop();
this.desktop_ = desktop;
async start(): Promise<void> {
this.paused_ = false;
chrome.settingsPrivate.getAllPrefs(prefs => this.updateFromPrefs_(prefs));
// TODO(b/309121742): Handle display bounds changed.
const screens = await new Promise<ScreenRect[]>((resolve) => {
chrome.accessibilityPrivate.getDisplayBounds((screens: ScreenRect[]) => {
if (!screens.length) {
// TODO(b/309121742): Error handling for no detected screens.
this.screenBounds_ = screens[0];
// Ensure the mouse location is set.
// The user might not be touching the mouse because they only
// have FaceGaze input, in which case we need to make the
// mouse move to a known location in order to proceed.
if (!this.mouseLocation_) {
enabled => {
this.useGravity_ = enabled;
if (this.useGravity_) {
this.refreshGravityInterval_ = setInterval(
() => this.refreshGravity_(),
// Start the logic to move the mouse.
this.mouseInterval_ = setInterval(
() => this.updateMouseLocation_(), MouseController.MOUSE_INTERVAL_MS);
updateLandmarkWeights(weights: Map<string, number>): void {
this.landmarkWeights_ = weights;
* Update the current location of the tracked face landmark.
onFaceLandmarkerResult(result: FaceLandmarkerResult): void {
if (this.paused_ || !this.screenBounds_ || !result.faceLandmarks ||
!result.faceLandmarks[0]) {
// These scale from 0 to 1.
const avgLandmarkLocation = {x: 0, y: 0};
let hasLandmarks = false;
for (const landmark of MouseController.LANDMARK_INDICES) {
let landmarkLocation;
if (landmark.name === 'rotation' && result.facialTransformationMatrixes &&
result.facialTransformationMatrixes.length) {
landmarkLocation =
} else if (result.faceLandmarks[0][landmark.index] !== undefined) {
landmarkLocation = result.faceLandmarks[0][landmark.index];
if (!landmarkLocation) {
const x = landmarkLocation.x;
const y = landmarkLocation.y;
let weight = this.landmarkWeights_.get(landmark.name);
if (!weight) {
weight = 0;
avgLandmarkLocation.x += (x * weight);
avgLandmarkLocation.y += (y * weight);
hasLandmarks = true;
if (!hasLandmarks) {
// Calculate the absolute position on the screen, where the top left
// corner represents (0,0) and the bottom right corner represents
// (this.screenBounds_.width, this.screenBounds_.height).
// TODO(b/309121742): Handle multiple displays.
const absoluteY = Math.round(
avgLandmarkLocation.y * this.screenBounds_.height +
// Reflect the x coordinate since the webcam doesn't mirror in the
// horizontal direction.
const scaledX =
Math.round(avgLandmarkLocation.x * this.screenBounds_.width);
const absoluteX =
this.screenBounds_.width - scaledX + this.screenBounds_.left;
this.lastLandmarkLocation_ = {x: absoluteX, y: absoluteY};
* Called every MOUSE_INTERVAL_MS, this function uses the most recent
* landmark location to update the current mouse position within the
* screen, applying appropriate scaling and smoothing.
* This function doesn't simply set the absolute position of the tracked
* landmark. Instead, it calculates deltas to be applied to the
* current mouse location based on the landmark's location relative
* to its previous location.
private updateMouseLocation_(): void {
if (this.paused_ || !this.lastLandmarkLocation_ || !this.mouseLocation_ ||
!this.screenBounds_) {
// Add the most recent landmark point to the buffer.
// Smooth the buffer to get the latest target point.
const smoothed = this.applySmoothing_();
// Compute the velocity: how position has changed compared to the previous
// point. Note that we are assuming points come in at a regular interval,
// but we could also run this regularly in a timeout to reduce the rate at
// which points must be seen.
if (!this.previousSmoothedLocation_) {
// Initialize previous location to the current to avoid a jump at
// start-up.
this.previousSmoothedLocation_ = smoothed;
const velocityX = smoothed.x - this.previousSmoothedLocation_.x;
const velocityY = smoothed.y - this.previousSmoothedLocation_.y;
const scaledVel = this.asymmetryScale_({x: velocityX, y: velocityY});
this.previousSmoothedLocation_ = smoothed;
if (this.useMouseAcceleration_) {
scaledVel.x *= this.applySigmoidAcceleration_(scaledVel.x);
scaledVel.y *= this.applySigmoidAcceleration_(scaledVel.y);
// The mouse location is the previous location plus the velocity.
const newX = this.mouseLocation_.x + scaledVel.x;
const newY = this.mouseLocation_.y + scaledVel.y;
// Update mouse location: onMouseMovedOrChanged_ is async and may not
// be called again until after another point is received from the
// face tracking, so better to keep a fresh copy.
// Clamp to screen bounds.
// TODO(b/309121742): Handle multiple displays.
this.mouseLocation_ = {
x: Math.max(
Math.min(this.screenBounds_.width, Math.round(newX)),
y: Math.max(
Math.min(this.screenBounds_.height, Math.round(newY)),
if (this.scrollModeController_.active()) {
// Only update if it's been long enough since the last time the user
// touched their physical mouse or trackpad.
if (new Date().getTime() - this.lastMouseMovedTime_ >
let mappedLocation = this.mouseLocation_;
if (this.useGravity_) {
// If gravity is enabled, adjust the cursor position.
mappedLocation = this.mapPoint_(mappedLocation);
EventGenerator.sendMouseMove(mappedLocation.x, mappedLocation.y);
* Maps a point from screen space to screen space, adjusting the position to
* pull the cursor toward buttons.
private mapPoint_(point: FloatingPoint2D): FloatingPoint2D {
if (!this.screenBounds_) {
// Early return if things aren't initialized.
return point;
// TODO(b/309121742): Remove this test when the fencepost bug in the
// position is fixed.
if (point.x < 0 || point.y < 0 || point.x >= this.screenBounds_.width ||
point.y >= this.screenBounds_.height) {
// Ignore points off the screen.
return point;
// Get the position delta from the gravity field and adjust the point.
const offset = this.gravityField_[this.gravityOffset_(point.x, point.y)];
return {
x: Math.floor(point.x + offset.x),
y: Math.floor(point.y + offset.y),
* Reset the Gravity field to zero vectors and remove cached nodes.
private resetGravity_(): void {
if (!this.useGravity_ || !this.screenBounds_) {
this.gravityField_ =
new Array(this.screenBounds_.width * this.screenBounds_.height);
this.gravityField_.fill({x: 0, y: 0});
* Update the gravity field to the current state of the screen. This is
* called every GRAVITY_INTERVAL_MS.
private refreshGravity_(): void {
if (!this.desktop_) {
const added: Map<string, ScreenRect> = new Map();
// Add all buttons to the current set.
const buttons = this.desktop_.findAll({role: RoleType.BUTTON});
buttons.forEach(button => {
if (!NodeUtils.isNodeInvisible(button, /*includeOffscreen*/ false)) {
// ScreenRects don't work with Set(), so use the string representation
// as the key.
const id = RectUtil.toString(button.location);
added.set(id, button.location);
// Check the cached nodes for deleted nodes.
this.gravityNodes_.forEach((bounds, id) => {
if (!added.has(id)) {
this.adjustGravityWell_(id, bounds, /*add*/ false);
// Update the gravity field with the existing nodes.
added.forEach((bounds, id) => {
this.adjustGravityWell_(id, bounds, /*add*/ true);
* Returns the offset in the gravity field for a given coordinate.
private gravityOffset_(x: number, y: number): number {
if (!this.screenBounds_) {
throw 'screenBounds_ is not set';
return Math.floor(x) + this.screenBounds_.width * Math.floor(y);
private adjustGravityWell_(id: string, bounds: ScreenRect, add: boolean):
void {
if (!this.screenBounds_) {
// Check if we're adding or removing.
if (this.gravityNodes_.has(id)) {
if (add) {
// Adding the node, return if the node already exists.
} else {
// Removing the node.
} else {
if (!add) {
// Removing the node, return if the node doesn't exist.
} else {
// Adding the node.
this.gravityNodes_.set(id, bounds);
// Bounds of the region that will be affected.
const startX = Math.floor(Math.max(
0, bounds.left - bounds.width * MouseController.GRAVITY_SCALE));
const startY = Math.floor(Math.max(
0, bounds.top - bounds.height * MouseController.GRAVITY_SCALE));
const endX = Math.floor(Math.min(
RectUtil.right(bounds) + bounds.width * MouseController.GRAVITY_SCALE));
const endY = Math.floor(Math.min(
RectUtil.bottom(bounds) +
bounds.height * MouseController.GRAVITY_SCALE));
const center = RectUtil.center(bounds);
const xRange = bounds.width * MouseController.GRAVITY_SCALE;
const yRange = bounds.height * MouseController.GRAVITY_SCALE;
for (let y = startY; y < endY; y++) {
for (let x = startX; x < endX; x++) {
// Gravity is applied as a factor of the square of the size of the
// control, increasing with proximity.
let deltaX = center.x - x;
let deltaY = center.y - y;
const scaleX = 1 - Math.abs(deltaX / xRange);
const scaleY = 1 - Math.abs(deltaY / yRange);
deltaX = deltaX * scaleX * scaleX;
deltaY = deltaY * scaleY * scaleY;
if (!add) {
// If the node is being removed, subtract the vector.
deltaX = -deltaX;
deltaY = -deltaY;
// Read the current value from the field and adjust it.
const delta = this.gravityField_[this.gravityOffset_(x, y)];
this.gravityField_[this.gravityOffset_(x, y)] = {
x: delta.x + deltaX,
y: delta.y + deltaY,
private addPointToBuffer_(point: FloatingPoint2D): void {
// Add this latest point to the buffer.
if (this.buffer_.length === this.targetBufferSize_) {
// Fill the buffer with this point until we reach buffer size.
while (this.buffer_.length < this.targetBufferSize_) {
mouseLocation(): ScreenPoint|undefined {
return this.mouseLocation_;
resetLocation(): void {
if (this.paused_ || !this.screenBounds_ ||
this.scrollModeController_.active()) {
const x =
Math.round(this.screenBounds_.width / 2) + this.screenBounds_.left;
const y =
Math.round(this.screenBounds_.height / 2) + this.screenBounds_.top;
this.mouseLocation_ = {x, y};
chrome.accessibilityPrivate.setCursorPosition({x, y});
reset(): void {
stop(): void {
if (this.mouseInterval_ !== -1) {
this.mouseInterval_ = -1;
if (this.refreshGravityInterval_ !== -1) {
this.refreshGravityInterval_ = -1;
this.desktop_ = undefined;
this.gravityField_ = [];
this.lastLandmarkLocation_ = undefined;
this.previousSmoothedLocation_ = undefined;
this.lastMouseMovedTime_ = 0;
this.buffer_ = [];
this.paused_ = false;
togglePaused(): void {
const newPaused = !this.paused_;
// Run start/stop before assigning the new pause value, since start/stop
// will modify the pause value.
newPaused ? this.stop() : this.start();
this.paused_ = newPaused;
toggleScrollMode(): void {
this.scrollModeController_.toggle(this.mouseLocation_, this.screenBounds_);
/** Listener for when the mouse position changes. */
private onMouseMovedOrDragged_(event: chrome.automation.AutomationEvent):
void {
if (event.eventFrom === 'user') {
// Mouse changes that aren't synthesized should actually move the mouse.
// Assume all synthesized mouse movements come from within FaceGaze.
this.mouseLocation_ = {x: event.mouseX, y: event.mouseY};
this.lastMouseMovedTime_ = new Date().getTime();
* Construct a kernel for smoothing the recent facegaze points.
* Specifically, this is a Hamming curve with M = targetBufferSize_ * 2,
* matching the project-gameface Python implementation.
* Note: Whenever the buffer size is updated, we must reconstruct
* the smoothing kernel so that it is the right length.
private calcSmoothKernel_(): void {
this.smoothKernel_ = [];
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.targetBufferSize_; i++) {
const value = .54 -
.46 * Math.cos((2 * Math.PI * i) / (this.targetBufferSize_ * 2 - 1));
sum += value;
for (let i = 0; i < this.targetBufferSize_; i++) {
this.smoothKernel_[i] /= sum;
* Applies the `smoothKernel_` to the `buffer_` of recent points to generate
* a single point.
private applySmoothing_(): FloatingPoint2D {
const result = {x: 0, y: 0};
for (let i = 0; i < this.targetBufferSize_; i++) {
const kernelPart = this.smoothKernel_[i];
result.x += this.buffer_[i].x * kernelPart;
result.y += this.buffer_[i].y * kernelPart;
return result;
* Magnifies velocities. This means the user has to move their head less far
* to get to the edges of the screens.
private asymmetryScale_(vel: FloatingPoint2D): FloatingPoint2D {
if (vel.x > 0) {
vel.x *= this.spdRight_;
} else {
vel.x *= this.spdLeft_;
if (vel.y > 0) {
vel.y *= this.spdDown_;
} else {
vel.y *= this.spdUp_;
return vel;
* Calculate a sigmoid function that creates an S curve with
* a y intercept around ~.2 for velocity === 0 and
* approaches 1.2 around velocity of 22. Change is near-linear
* around velocities 0 to 9, centered at velocity of five.
private applySigmoidAcceleration_(velocity: number): number {
const shift = 5;
const slope = 0.3;
const multiply = 1.2;
velocity = Math.abs(velocity);
const sig = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-slope * (velocity - shift)));
return multiply * sig;
private updateFromPrefs_(prefs: PrefObject[]): void {
prefs.forEach(pref => {
switch (pref.key) {
case MouseController.PREF_SPD_UP:
if (pref.value) {
this.spdUp_ = pref.value;
case MouseController.PREF_SPD_DOWN:
if (pref.value) {
this.spdDown_ = pref.value;
case MouseController.PREF_SPD_LEFT:
if (pref.value) {
this.spdLeft_ = pref.value;
case MouseController.PREF_SPD_RIGHT:
if (pref.value) {
this.spdRight_ = pref.value;
case MouseController.PREF_CURSOR_SMOOTHING:
if (pref.value) {
this.targetBufferSize_ = pref.value;
while (this.buffer_.length > this.targetBufferSize_) {
if (pref.value !== undefined) {
this.useMouseAcceleration_ = pref.value;
export namespace MouseController {
* The indices of the tracked landmarks in a FaceLandmarkerResult.
* See all landmarks at
* https://storage.googleapis.com/mediapipe-assets/documentation/mediapipe_face_landmark_fullsize.png.
export const LANDMARK_INDICES = [
{name: 'forehead', index: 8},
{name: 'foreheadTop', index: 10},
{name: 'noseTip', index: 4},
{name: 'rightTemple', index: 127},
{name: 'leftTemple', index: 356},
// Rotation does not have a landmark index, but is included in this list
// because it can be used as a landmark.
{name: 'rotation', index: -1},
/** How frequently to run the mouse movement logic. */
export const MOUSE_INTERVAL_MS = 16;
* How long to wait after the user moves the mouse with a physical device
* before moving the mouse with facegaze.
// Pref names. Should be in sync with with values at ash_pref_names.h.
export const PREF_SPD_UP = 'settings.a11y.face_gaze.cursor_speed_up';
export const PREF_SPD_DOWN = 'settings.a11y.face_gaze.cursor_speed_down';
export const PREF_SPD_LEFT = 'settings.a11y.face_gaze.cursor_speed_left';
export const PREF_SPD_RIGHT = 'settings.a11y.face_gaze.cursor_speed_right';
// Default values. Will be overwritten by prefs.
export const DEFAULT_MOUSE_SPEED = 20;
export const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 6;
export const GRAVITY_INTERVAL_MS = 500;
// How far the gravity reaches, relative to the size of the control.
export const GRAVITY_SCALE = 4;
export function calculateRotationFromFacialTransformationMatrix(
facialTransformationMatrix: Matrix): {x: number, y: number}|undefined {
const mat = facialTransformationMatrix.data;
const m11 = mat[0];
const m12 = mat[1];
const m13 = mat[2];
const m21 = mat[4];
const m22 = mat[5];
const m23 = mat[6];
const m31 = mat[8];
const m32 = mat[9];
const m33 = mat[10];
if (m31 === 1) {
// cos(theta) is 0, so theta is pi/2 or -pi/2.
// This seems like the head would have to be pretty rotated so we can
// probably safely ignore it for now.
console.log('cannot process matrix with m[3][1] == 1 yet.');
// First compute scaling and rotation from the facial transformation matrix.
// Taken from glmatrix, https://glmatrix.net/docs/mat4.js.html.
const scaling = [
Math.hypot(m11, m12, m13),
Math.hypot(m21, m22, m23),
Math.hypot(m31, m32, m33),
// Translation is unused but could be used in the future. Leaving it here
// so we don't have to re-compute the math later.
// const translation = [mat[12], mat[13], mat[14]];
// Scale the m values to create sm values; used for x and y axis rotation
// computation. On Brya, scaling is basically all 1s, so we could ignore it.
// TODO(b:309121742): Determine if we can remove scaling from computation,
// and use the matrix values directly.
const sm31 = m31 / scaling[0];
const sm32 = m32 / scaling[1];
const sm33 = m33 / scaling[2];
// Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles. Refer to math in
// https://eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~gslabaugh/publications/euler.pdf.
// This has units in radians.
const xRotation = -1 * Math.asin(sm31);
const yRotation =
Math.atan2(sm32 / Math.cos(xRotation), sm33 / Math.cos(xRotation));
// z-axis rotation is head tilt, and not used at the moment. Later, it could
// be used during calibration. Leaving it here so we don't need to
// re-compute the math later. const sm11 = m11 * is1; const sm21 = m21 *
// is1; const zRotation =
// Math.atan2(sm21 / Math.cos(xRotation), sm11 / Math.cos(xRotation));
const x = 0.5 - xRotation / (Math.PI * 2);
const y = 0.5 - yRotation / (Math.PI * 2);
return {x, y};