// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview An interface for querying and modifying the global
* ChromeVox state, to avoid direct dependencies on the Background
* object and to facilitate mocking for tests.
import {constants} from '/common/constants.js';
import {TestImportManager} from '/common/testing/test_import_manager.js';
// Temporarily re-define BrailleKeyEvent below, during the TypeScript migration.
import {BrailleKeyCommand} from '../common/braille/braille_key_types.js';
import {NavBraille} from '../common/braille/nav_braille.js';
type Point = constants.Point;
interface BrailleKeyEvent {
command: BrailleKeyCommand;
displayPosition?: number;
brailleDots?: number;
standardKeyCode?: string;
standardKeyChar?: string;
altKey?: boolean;
ctrlKey?: boolean;
shiftKey?: boolean;
export abstract class ChromeVoxState {
static instance?: ChromeVoxState;
static position: Record<string, Point> = {};
protected static resolveReadyPromise_: VoidFunction;
private static readyPromise_: Promise<void> =
new Promise(resolve => ChromeVoxState.resolveReadyPromise_ = resolve);
static ready(): Promise<void> {
return ChromeVoxState.readyPromise_;
abstract get isReadingContinuously(): boolean;
abstract set isReadingContinuously(newValue: boolean);
abstract get talkBackEnabled(): boolean;
* Handles a braille command.
* @return True if evt was processed.
abstract onBrailleKeyEvent(evt: BrailleKeyEvent, content: NavBraille):
abstract onIntroduceChromeVox(): void;