
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import {LocalStorage} from '/common/local_storage.js';
import {StringUtil} from '/common/string_util.js';
import {TestImportManager} from '/common/testing/test_import_manager.js';

import {NavBraille} from '../../common/braille/nav_braille.js';
import {Msgs} from '../../common/msgs.js';
import {Spannable} from '../../common/spannable.js';
import {Personality, TtsSpeechProperties} from '../../common/tts_types.js';
import {ValueSelectionSpan, ValueSpan} from '../braille/spans.js';
import {ChromeVox} from '../chromevox.js';
import {OutputNodeSpan} from '../output/output_types.js';

import {ChromeVoxEditableTextBase, TextChangeEvent} from './editable_text_base.js';
import {TypingEchoState} from './typing_echo.js';

type AutomationIntent = chrome.automation.AutomationIntent;
type AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
const StateType = chrome.automation.StateType;

 * A |ChromeVoxEditableTextBase| that implements text editing feedback
 * for automation tree text fields.
export class AutomationEditableText extends ChromeVoxEditableTextBase {
  private lineBreaks_: number[];
  protected node_: AutomationNode;

  constructor(node: AutomationNode) {
    // TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
    if (!node.state![StateType.EDITABLE]) {
      throw Error('Node must have editable state set to true.');
    const value = AutomationEditableText.getProcessedValue_(node) ?? '';
    const lineBreaks = AutomationEditableText.getLineBreaks_(value);
    const start = node.textSelStart!;
    const end = node.textSelEnd!;

        value, Math.min(start, end, value.length),
        Math.min(Math.max(start, end), value.length),
        node.state![StateType.PROTECTED] /**password*/, ChromeVox.tts);
    this.lineBreaks_ = lineBreaks;
    this.multiline = node.state![StateType.MULTILINE] || false;
    this.node_ = node;

   * Update the state of the text and selection and describe any changes as
   * appropriate.
  changed(evt: TextChangeEvent): void {
    // Temporarily call via prototype during the migration.
    // Because the tests still use EditableTextBase, they invoke this method via
    // The |this| object in that case does not
    // have a |shouldDescribeChange| method, so we have to reference it explicitly during the
    // migration.
    if (!
            this, evt)) {
      this.lastChangeDescribed = false;

    if (evt.value === this.value) {, evt);
    } else {
          this, new TextChangeEvent(this.value, this.start, this.end, true),
    this.lastChangeDescribed = true;

    this.value = evt.value;
    this.start = evt.start;
    this.end = evt.end;

   * Describe a change in the selection or cursor position when the text
   * stays the same.
   * @param evt The text change event.
  describeSelectionChanged(evt: TextChangeEvent): void {
    // TODO(deboer): Factor this into two function:
    //   - one to determine the selection event
    //   - one to speak

    if (this.isPassword) {
      this.speak(Msgs.getMsg('password_char'), evt.triggeredByUser);
    if (evt.start === evt.end) {
      // It's currently a cursor.
      if (this.start !== this.end) {
        // It was previously a selection.
            this.value.substring(this.start, this.end), evt.triggeredByUser);
      } else if (
          this.getLineIndex(this.start) !== this.getLineIndex(evt.start)) {
        // Moved to a different line; read it.
        let lineValue = this.getLine(this.getLineIndex(evt.start));
        if (lineValue === '') {
          lineValue = Msgs.getMsg('text_box_blank');
        } else if (lineValue === '\n') {
          // Pass through the literal line value so character outputs 'new
          // line'.
        } else if (/^\s+$/.test(lineValue)) {
          lineValue = Msgs.getMsg('text_box_whitespace');
        this.speak(lineValue, evt.triggeredByUser);
      } else if (
          this.start === evt.start + 1 || this.start === evt.start - 1) {
        // Moved by one character; read it.
        if (evt.start === this.value.length) {
          this.speak(Msgs.getMsg('end_of_text_verbose'), evt.triggeredByUser);
        } else {
              this.value.substr(evt.start, 1), evt.triggeredByUser,
              new TtsSpeechProperties(
                  {'phoneticCharacters': evt.triggeredByUser}));
      } else {
        // Moved by more than one character. Read all characters crossed.
                Math.min(this.start, evt.start),
                Math.abs(this.start - evt.start)),
    } else {
      // It's currently a selection.
      if (this.start + 1 === evt.start && this.end === this.value.length &&
          evt.end === this.value.length) {
        // Autocomplete: the user typed one character of autocompleted text.
        if (LocalStorage.get('typingEcho') === TypingEchoState.CHARACTER ||
            LocalStorage.get('typingEcho') ===
                TypingEchoState.CHARACTER_AND_WORD) {
          this.speak(this.value.substr(this.start, 1), evt.triggeredByUser);
      } else if (this.start === this.end) {
        // It was previously a cursor.
            this.value.substr(evt.start, evt.end - evt.start),
      } else if (this.start === evt.start && this.end < evt.end) {
            this.value.substr(this.end, evt.end - this.end),
      } else if (this.start === evt.start && this.end > evt.end) {
            this.value.substr(evt.end, this.end - evt.end),
      } else if (this.end === evt.end && this.start > evt.start) {
            this.value.substr(evt.start, this.start - evt.start),
      } else if (this.end === evt.end && this.start < evt.start) {
            this.value.substr(this.start, evt.start - this.start),
      } else {
        // The selection changed but it wasn't an obvious extension of
        // a previous selection. Just read the new selection.
            this.value.substr(evt.start, evt.end - evt.start),

  /** Describe a change where the text changes. */
  describeTextChanged(prev: TextChangeEvent, evt: TextChangeEvent): void {
    let personality = new TtsSpeechProperties();
    if (evt.value.length < (prev.value.length - 1)) {
      personality = Personality.DELETED;
    if (this.isPassword) {
          Msgs.getMsg('password_char'), evt.triggeredByUser, personality);

    // First, see if there's a selection at the end that might have been
    // added by autocomplete. If so, replace the event information with it.
    const origEvt = evt;
    let autocompleteSuffix = '';
    if (evt.start < evt.end && evt.end === evt.value.length) {
      autocompleteSuffix = evt.value.slice(evt.start);
      evt = new TextChangeEvent(
          evt.value.slice(0, evt.start), evt.start, evt.start,

    // Precompute the length of prefix and suffix of values.
    const commonPrefixLen =
        StringUtil.longestCommonPrefixLength(evt.value, prev.value);
    const commonSuffixLen =
        StringUtil.longestCommonSuffixLength(evt.value, prev.value);

    // Now see if the previous selection (if any) was deleted
    // and any new text was inserted at that character position.
    // This would handle pasting and entering text by typing, both from
    // a cursor and from a selection.
    let prefixLen = prev.start;
    let suffixLen = prev.value.length - prev.end;
    if (evt.value.length >= prefixLen + suffixLen + (evt.end - evt.start) &&
        commonPrefixLen >= prefixLen && commonSuffixLen >= suffixLen) {
          prev, origEvt, prefixLen, suffixLen, autocompleteSuffix, personality);

    // Next, see if one or more characters were deleted from the previous
    // cursor position and the new cursor is in the expected place. This
    // handles backspace, forward-delete, and similar shortcuts that delete
    // a word or line.
    prefixLen = evt.start;
    suffixLen = evt.value.length - evt.end;
    if (prev.start === prev.end && evt.start === evt.end &&
        commonPrefixLen >= prefixLen && commonSuffixLen >= suffixLen) {
      // Forward deletions causes reading of the character immediately to the
      // right of the caret.
      if (prev.start === evt.start && prev.end === evt.end) {
        this.speak(evt.value[evt.start]!, evt.triggeredByUser);
      } else {
            prev, origEvt, prefixLen, suffixLen, autocompleteSuffix,

    // See if the change is related to IME's complex operation.
    if (this.describeTextChangedByIME(
            prev, evt, commonPrefixLen, commonSuffixLen)) {

    // If all above fails, we assume the change was not the result of a normal
    // user editing operation, so we'll have to speak feedback based only
    // on the changes to the text, not the cursor position / selection.
    // First, restore the event.
    evt = origEvt;

    // Try to do a diff between the new and the old text. If it is a one
    // character insertion/deletion at the start or at the end, just speak that
    // character.
    if ((evt.value.length === (prev.value.length + 1)) ||
        ((evt.value.length + 1) === prev.value.length)) {
      // The user added text either to the beginning or the end.
      if (evt.value.length > prev.value.length) {
        if (commonPrefixLen === prev.value.length) {
              evt.value[evt.value.length - 1]!, evt.triggeredByUser,
        } else if (commonSuffixLen === prev.value.length) {
          this.speak(evt.value[0]!, evt.triggeredByUser, personality);
      // The user deleted text either from the beginning or the end.
      if (evt.value.length < prev.value.length) {
        if (commonPrefixLen === evt.value.length) {
              prev.value[prev.value.length - 1]!, evt.triggeredByUser,
        } else if (commonSuffixLen === evt.value.length) {
          this.speak(prev.value[0]!, evt.triggeredByUser, personality);

    if (this.multiline) {
      // The below is a somewhat loose way to deal with non-standard
      // insertions/deletions. Intentionally skip for multiline since deletion
      // announcements are covered above and insertions are non-standard
      // (possibly due to auto complete). Since content editable's often refresh
      // content by removing and inserting entire chunks of text, this type of
      // logic often results in unintended consequences such as reading all text
      // when only one character has been entered.

    // If the text is short, just speak the whole thing.
    if (evt.value.length <= ChromeVoxEditableTextBase.maxShortPhraseLen) {
      this.describeTextChangedHelper(prev, evt, 0, 0, '', personality);

    // Otherwise, look for the common prefix and suffix, but back up so
    // that we can speak complete words, to be minimally confusing.
    prefixLen = commonPrefixLen;
    while (prefixLen < prev.value.length && prefixLen < evt.value.length &&
           prev.value[prefixLen] === evt.value[prefixLen]) {
    while (prefixLen > 0 &&
           !StringUtil.isWordBreakChar(prev.value[prefixLen - 1]!)) {

    // For suffix, commonSuffixLen is not used because suffix here won't overlap
    // with prefix, and also we need to consider |autocompleteSuffix|.
    suffixLen = 0;
    while (suffixLen < (prev.value.length - prefixLen) &&
           suffixLen < (evt.value.length - prefixLen) &&
           prev.value[prev.value.length - suffixLen - 1] ===
               evt.value[evt.value.length - suffixLen - 1]) {
    while (suffixLen > 0 &&
               prev.value[prev.value.length - suffixLen]!)) {

        prev, evt, prefixLen, suffixLen, '', personality);

   * @param evt The new text changed event to test.
   * @return True if the event, when compared to the previous text, should
   *     trigger description.
  shouldDescribeChange(evt: TextChangeEvent): boolean {
    if (evt.value === this.value && evt.start === this.start &&
        evt.end === this.end) {
      return false;
    return true;

  /** Called when the text field has been updated. */
  onUpdate(_intents: AutomationIntent[]): void {
    const oldValue = this.value;
    const oldStart = this.start;
    const oldEnd = this.end;
    const newValue =
        AutomationEditableText.getProcessedValue_(this.node_) ?? '';
    if (oldValue !== newValue) {
      this.lineBreaks_ = AutomationEditableText.getLineBreaks_(newValue);

    const textChangeEvent = new TextChangeEvent(
        newValue, Math.min(this.node_.textSelStart ?? 0, newValue.length),
        Math.min(this.node_.textSelEnd ?? 0, newValue.length),
        true /* triggered by user */);
    this.outputBraille_(oldValue, oldStart, oldEnd);

  /** Returns true if selection starts on the first line. */
  isSelectionOnFirstLine(): boolean {
    return this.getLineIndex(this.start) === 0;

  /** Returns true if selection ends on the last line. */
  isSelectionOnLastLine(): boolean {
    return this.getLineIndex(this.end) >= this.lineBreaks_.length - 1;

  override getLineIndex(charIndex: number): number {
    let lineIndex = 0;
    while (charIndex > this.lineBreaks_[lineIndex]) {
    return lineIndex;

  override getLineStart(lineIndex: number): number {
    if (lineIndex === 0) {
      return 0;

    // The start of this line is defined as the line break of the previous line
    // + 1 (the hard line break).
    return this.lineBreaks_[lineIndex - 1] + 1;

  override getLineEnd(lineIndex: number): number {
    return this.lineBreaks_[lineIndex];

  private getLineIndexForBrailleOutput_(oldStart: number): number {
    let lineIndex = this.getLineIndex(this.start);
    // Output braille at the end of the selection that changed, if start and end
    // differ.
    if (this.start !== this.end && this.start === oldStart) {
      lineIndex = this.getLineIndex(this.end);
    return lineIndex;

  private getTextFromIndexAndStart_(
      lineIndex: number, lineStart: number): string {
    const lineEnd = this.getLineEnd(lineIndex);
    let lineText = this.value.substr(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart);

    if (lineIndex === 0) {
      const textFieldTypeMsg =
          Msgs.getMsg(this.multiline ? 'tag_textarea_brl' : 'role_textbox_brl');
      lineText += ' ' + textFieldTypeMsg;

    return lineText;

  private outputBraille_(
      _oldValue: string, oldStart: number, _oldEnd: number): void {
    const lineIndex = this.getLineIndexForBrailleOutput_(oldStart);
    const lineStart = this.getLineStart(lineIndex);
    let lineText = this.getTextFromIndexAndStart_(lineIndex, lineStart);

    const startIndex = this.start - lineStart;
    const endIndex = this.end - lineStart;

    // If the line is not the last line, and is empty, insert an explicit line
    // break so that braille output is correctly cleared and has a position for
    // a caret to be shown.
    if (lineText === '' && lineIndex < this.lineBreaks_.length - 1) {
      lineText = '\n';

    const value = new Spannable(lineText, new OutputNodeSpan(this.node_));
    value.setSpan(new ValueSpan(0), 0, lineText.length);
    value.setSpan(new ValueSelectionSpan(), startIndex, endIndex);
        new NavBraille({text: value, startIndex, endIndex}));

  private static getProcessedValue_(node: AutomationNode): string|undefined {
    let value = node.value;
    if (node.inputType === 'tel') {
      value = value?.trimEnd();
    return value;

  private static getLineBreaks_(value: string): number[] {
    const lineBreaks: number[] = [];
    const lines = value.split('\n');
    let total = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
      total += lines[i].length;
      lineBreaks[i] = total;

      // Account for the line break itself.
    return lineBreaks;
